Is the landmark building "Big Corn" in Zhengzhou distorted by strong wind? Management party: pure rumor

2024-05-17 10:49 China Internet joint rumor dispelling platform

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Source Title: Is the landmark building "Big Corn" in Zhengzhou distorted by strong wind? Management party: pure rumor

Zhengzhou "big corn" building was tilted by yesterday's strong wind? On the evening of May 14, Zhengzhou was hit by strong wind. On May 15, a netizen posted a video on the Internet saying that the "big corn" building in Zhengzhou was tilted by the strong wind. As a landmark building in Zhengzhou, whether the "Big Corn" Building really leans due to the strong wind has aroused widespread concern among citizens and netizens. The reporter interviewed and verified this. As the management responded quickly, he made it clear that the news was a rumor, and the "Big Corn" building did not tilt due to the wind.

With a height of 280 meters, the "Big Corn" Building is the core landmark of the CBD in Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou. Its official name is Qianxi Square. Because its shape is similar to corn, it is commonly known as "big corn".

On May 15, the reporter contacted the property owner of Qianxi Plaza - Shanghai Kerui Property. In response, its staff said that this was a rumor, "So far, we have not received any upstairs owners, including guests of Marriott Hotel, or other visitors to reflect this problem."

"When encountering strong wind weather, some high-rise buildings will appear slight shaking, which is normal." Relevant construction experts explained that when strong wind strikes, people living in buildings with higher floors may feel slight shaking, which is normal. Strong wind will not cause damage to the building structure.

Editor in charge: Cai Jianya (QZ0020)

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