A young man in Chengdu was burned to death while playing with his mobile phone? The rumormongers were investigated and dealt with

2024-05-17 10:48 China Internet joint rumor dispelling platform

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Source Title: A young man in Chengdu was burned to death while playing with his mobile phone? The rumormongers were investigated and dealt with

Recently, Sichuan Suining Chuanshan Public Security Network Security Brigade investigated and dealt with an online rumor. On May 6, 2024, the perpetrator He Mou (male, 56 years old, from Pengxi County) released information through the Tiao Yin platform (whose Tiao Yin account has more than 10000 followers): "Major news, what happened in the last two days, family members in a community in Chengdu, charged their mobile phones in bed, slept, and caused a fire, and 32 year old young people were burned to death! The scene was tragic", accompanied by online pictures.

▲ Image source "Ping An Chuanshan" WeChat official account

After verification by the public security organs in Chengdu and Suining, this information is false. After investigation, Mr. He saw a network diagram in the mobile WeChat group. Without intending to know the truth of the content, he published the network diagram with his own fabricated words through his twitter account, which attracted netizens' attention, forwarding and praise. This is an illegal act of spreading rumors. At present, Suining Chuanshan Public Security Bureau has imposed administrative punishment on He according to law.

Police tips

The Internet is not a place outside the law. Please use the Internet in accordance with the law and regulations, and do not spread rumors. For those who fabricate and deliberately spread online rumors, the public security organs will resolutely investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law to maintain a clear and orderly cyberspace.

Editor in charge: Cai Jianya (QZ0020)

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