List of scientific rumors in March 2024

2024-04-09 16:49 China Internet joint rumor dispelling platform

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Source Title: List of scientific rumors in March 2024

Does the state grant subsidies for rural revitalization and poverty alleviation in 2024? The Ministry of Agriculture and others released "100 national pilot projects for rural revitalization"?

The number of urban and rural residents participating in medical insurance in China has continued to decline in recent years? Is there a wave of medical insurance "withdrawal" in some rural areas?

"Tax refund green channel" to speed up tax refund payment?

Sichuan Yajiang "3 · 15" forest fire rescue force withdrew on March 17? There are still nearly a thousand people trapped in the fire scene?

Zhejiang Lishui Airport has been completed, put into use and launched for the first time? Chongqing Hechuan Taihe Airport officially opened?

80% of factories in Chongqing suspend recruitment?

Are all our social security funds managed by foreign institutions?

Beijing Shanghai Expressway Stop Charging?

Can't you eat spinach that is green and black?

Can drinking improve cardiovascular function?

Three kinds of rumors mislead the public to correct the situation

——Overview of China's Internet platform for rumor refutation in March 2024

Recently, the Chinese Internet joint rumor dispelling platform combed and analyzed online rumors in March. According to online data monitoring and netizens' reports, online rumors in March mainly focused on public policy, social livelihood, security incidents, etc. The rumormongers fabricated facts, disrupted social order, and caused negative impacts by borrowing authority, playing with hot spots, creating panic and other routines.

Fake authority to fabricate policy rumors and mislead the public. Since March, some lawbreakers or institutions, under the banner of authority, have counterfeited state organs, forged government official documents, distorted interpretation of policies and attempted to cheat for profits. For example, fraudsters falsely use the name of a state organ to claim that "the state will grant subsidies for poverty alleviation through rural revitalization in 2024", "there are 100 national level pilot projects in rural revitalization projects", "the 'green channel for tax rebate' will speed up the payment of tax rebates", etc., and commit illegal fraud, which creates great information and capital security risks to the public. Others have created and spread a series of public rumors that are seriously inconsistent with the facts, such as "the number of urban and rural residents participating in medical insurance in China has continued to decline in recent years, and there has been a wave of medical insurance refunds in some rural areas", "unemployment insurance benefits can only be received once, up to 24 months", and "China's social security funds are all handed over to foreign institutions for management", It has a negative impact on China's existing social security policies and related work.

Hot spots spread rumors about people's livelihood and exaggerate anxiety. In March, the National Two Sessions were held, and the "livelihood list" was highly popular. At time nodes such as "spring recruitment" and "spring outing", the content about recruitment and employment, epidemic disease infection and so on has also become the eye-catching material of individual netizens. Some individuals or we media distort or even fabricate facts, fabricate and spread rumors about people's livelihood, causing unnecessary anxiety of the public. For example, people with ulterior motives maliciously fabricated facts and released false information such as "80% of factories in Chongqing have suspended recruitment" and "the epidemic situation in Chenzhou, Hunan is back", which played up negative emotions, increased public anxiety and disrupted social order; Others artificially attract traffic and attract attention. According to their subjective assumptions, they take such means as transplanting flowers and trees to spread false information about major infrastructure construction projects such as "Beijing Shanghai Expressway Stop Charging", "Zhejiang Lishui Airport has been completed and put into operation and launched its first flight", and "Chongqing Hechuan Taihe Airport has officially started construction", misleading the public and disturbing the traffic order of the masses.

Create security rumors for blog traffic, causing panic. Spring has always been a period of high incidence of forest fires. In addition, after the spring, factories and enterprises resumed production and work, and the disaster causing factors increased significantly. In March, fire accidents occurred in many parts of the country, and some netizens took the opportunity to spread rumors in order to rub hot spots and blog traffic, causing public panic. In the middle of March, a forest fire broke out in Yajiang County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province. While the local emergency and fire departments were organizing rescue personnel to put out the fire, someone fabricated false information such as "Sichuan Yajiang mountain fire rescue force is withdrawing", "nearly 1000 people are still trapped in the fire site in Yajiang", and "three firefighters died in the fire in Yajiang mountain", which seriously interfered with disaster emergency response and rescue work. "Chongqing Nanping Commercial Building has suffered heavy fire casualties" "A major criminal case occurred in Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, and the police issued a reward notice" "A bank robbery in Tianjin" and other seriously untruthful videos related to public security spread on the network, or the rumormongers wrote and directed themselves, or used AI technology to forge, but caused panic among the masses, causing adverse effects. In addition, food safety rumors such as "spinach that is blackened green cannot be eaten", "Qingming sugarcane and poisonous snakes" are exaggerated and alarmist by taking advantage of the season and people's fear of food poisoning, with the purpose of selling anxiety and creating panic to attract eyeballs and cheat traffic.

In April, with the arrival of the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, people's outdoor activities such as memorial ceremonies, sacrifices and outings have increased, and various potential safety accidents such as fire and traffic have increased. We should not only guard against the flash of rumors about public security, folk customs, and sacrificial policies, but also guard against fraud activities carried out by "sacrificial ceremonies" and "cloud memorial ceremonies". In addition, with the rise of temperature, rumors about the prevention and treatment of spring epidemic diseases, health care and other aspects may also be easy to breed.

The China Internet Joint Rumour Rejection Platform reminds netizens that the Internet is not a place outside the law. Please consciously regulate online words and deeds, improve risk prevention awareness, stay away from rumors, jointly create a clear cyberspace, and join hands in the April Day.

Editor in charge: Cai Jianya (QZ0020)

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