Eye protection lamp can prevent myopia? Little practical significance

2023-08-22 17:30 qianlong

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With the strengthening of people's health awareness, parents have bought a variety of eye protection lamps to protect their children's eyesight, believing that eye protection lamps can prevent myopia. But can eye protection lamp prevent myopia?

At present, there is no evidence-based medical evidence to prove that eye protection lamp is effective in preventing myopia. Eye protection lamp mainly aims to alleviate visual fatigue by reducing light flicker and providing appropriate color temperature or brightness. But it cannot absolutely protect vision or delay the development of myopia.

Experts believe that, in essence, both incandescent lamps and so-called eye protection lamps are just lighting fixtures, not medical devices. It is not reliable to rely on them to prevent and control myopia. For teenagers, there are two major environmental factors that cause the occurrence and development of myopia, namely, too close use of eyes for a long time and lack of outdoor activities. The main reason for school age children's myopia is the axial elongation of the eye axis. Light can promote the release of dopamine from the fundus retina, and dopamine can slow down the elongation of the eye axis. Instead of thinking about indoor lighting, experts encourage children to go outdoors.

Therefore, the prevention of myopia needs to start from many aspects. Increase the time for outdoor activities. It is recommended to carry out outdoor activities in the daytime for more than 2 hours every day; Reduce the time of close eye use, and the continuous eye use time for reading and writing should not exceed 40 minutes. Keep good eye environment and correct reading and writing posture. Control the use time of electronic products. The use of electronic products for non learning purposes should not exceed 15 minutes per time, and the cumulative use time per day should not exceed 1 hour; After 30-40 minutes of learning with electronic products, you should take a rest and relax for 10 minutes. Don't be picky, eat more fish, fresh fruits and green vegetables, and eat less sugar; Ensure adequate sleep every day. Primary school students sleep 10 hours a day, junior high school students sleep 9 hours, and senior high school students sleep 8 hours a day. Take children to regular medical institutions for vision screening, so as to achieve early detection and early intervention.

Therefore, we must not think that the use of eye protection lamps can be done once and for all, while ignoring the importance of reasonable eye use.

Source: People's Daily Beijing News Science Popularization China Shangguan News Guangming

Editor in charge: Cai Jianya (QZ0020)

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