
Our Sponsors

WordCamp for Publishers is only possible thanks to the generous support of our sponsors. You can find out a little more below about the organizations that have helped make this year’s event a reality.




Our mission is to make the web a first-class platform that delivers results. We’re building the world’s best WebOps Platform — one that empowers marketing and development teams to take control of their websites, while giving them the agility to win in the dynamic world of digital marketing. With Pantheon, marketers and developers deliver results by iterating quickly, learning, and experimenting with their websites in the same way they do with virtually every other tool in their martech and development stacks.

Pantheon powers over 300,000 sites and is trusted by thousands of marketing and development teams around the world. We’re just getting started.


Liquid Web

 Liquid Web

For over 20 years,   Liquid Web  has been delivering products, services and support designed specifically for mission-critical sites, stores and applications. Known for our high-performance services and exceptional customer support, we own and manage our own core data centers and provide a diverse range of fully managed hosting offerings, including  Managed WordPress , and  Managed WooCommerce Hosting . Our recent acquisition of iThemes continues to evolve our service offerings to meet the ever-changing needs of our web-reliant, professional customers.

Liquid Web has a dedicated team of WordPress professionals who have been actively involved in the community for years. Beyond contributing code to the WordPress project, they’ve also been speaking at WordCamps, participating in WordPress-related groups and meetups, and creating open-sourced plugins that are used by WordPress users around the globe.

As an industry leader in customer loyalty, we’re known for our secure, reliable, fast, hassle-free hosting, backed by the Most Helpful Humans in Hosting™ (24x7x365 by phone, chat or ticket). At  Liquid Web , we power content, commerce and potential for SMB entrepreneurs and the designers, developers and digital agencies who create for them. Everything we do is about being that partner you can trust.

For more information, please visit  www.liquidweb.com, , or subscribe to our Blog at  www.liquidweb.com/blog.



WooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce platform built on WordPress.
Sell anything online with the flexibility and freedom of the world’s most popular CMS.

Whether you’re selling a few handcrafted items to a niche market, taking an existing business online, or going global with an enterprise-level eCommerce business WooCommerce gets you set up and selling fast, scaling securely as you grow.

Your content is forever yours and customizable down to the button color. Plus you’re joining a supportive, global community of developers and store owners.

Developed and supported by a distributed team, WooCommerce is powered by Automattic, the creators of Jetpack and WordPress.com.



Transform how you work with your WordPress sites:Jetpack connects your site to the global services, community, and support provided by WordPress.com. Focus on the substance of your site, not the software.

Jetpack security tools automatically shield your site from spammers, hackers, and malware, while real-time syncing and backup means never worrying about data loss. Traffic-building tools like easy social sharing help you attract readers and search engines, and pages delivered from a high-speed, global content delivery network mean those readers never bounce because of a slow-loading site.

Jetpack’s Affiliate program gives you 20% every time you sell Jetpack to a customer or client — with unlimited referrals, the sky’s the limit!

Whether you’re one person with a website or an agency with a dozen clients, Jetpack helps you grow. Make your site work for you at Jetpack.com



Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over 1 million WordPress sites worldwide. Their objective is to help customers, whether novice or pro, create a thriving online presence at an affordable price. With a team of in-house tech experts available 24/7, Bluehost dedicates time and resources to providing the best support and services in the industry. Join millions of other site owners and see what Bluehost can do for you and your online presence.

WordPress VIP

 WordPress VIP

WordPress VIP offers a scalable and secure managed platform, expert support, and end-to-end guidance on running content applications at scale. We provide hosting and support throughout the digital media landscape, from focused outlets like Mother Jones, FiveThirtyEight, and Foreign Policy to some of the biggest publishing groups, like News Corp, Meredith, PMC, Digital First Media, and Abril.

We’re proud to support the intersection of journalism and open source technology all over the world and participate in communities and events like ONA, Poynter, WAN-IFRA, and SRCCON. We love WordCamp for Publishers and have returned to sponsor and participate every year since the inaugural event in 2017.

Learn more at wpvip.com .



rtCamp is an enterprise WordPress VIP agency based in the USA and India.

Founded in 2009 — over a decade — rtCamp has served large publishers and e-commerce businesses across five continents.

Some notable clients include Facebook, NewsUK, Penske Media Corporation, NJ Advance Media and LaterPay.

rtCamp’s 60+ strong team offers design, development, analytics, ad-revenue optimization, paywalls, subscriptions to help publisher succeed.

Get in touch with rtCamp for your next project



Sometimes, you need an outside perspective. You know best what your organization needs to be successful, but you might be looking for help with how to  make your ideas a reality . You need to entrust your product to a  competent and experienced team , one that not only knows the technology cold, but also knows your industry cold. That’s where we come in. We bring your vision to life with  elegance, reliability, and measurable success .

We are strategists, researchers, designers, and developers who craft custom digital experiences for publishers, nonprofit institutions, museums, and brands.



At Setka, we believe that every piece of content deserves to be beautiful. When a great story is combined with high-quality design, its true potential is unlocked. But after years of working in a complex digital publishing environment, we know how hard this can be day after day, story after story.  

So, we created the Setka Editor (and its WordPress plugin) to empower editorial teams to unlock the true potential of digital design. It brings the elements we all love about print design into the interactive environment of the screens we use today. It allows for creativity in the hands of editors and designers, helping you create beautiful features every day without much extra effort or cost. It seamlessly integrates into both editorial processes and scaling technical infrastructures to keep everyone and everything moving efficiently.  

We love WordPress users because you value design, too—that’s why we’ve worked hard to become a WordPress VIP technology partner and making sure Setka Editor is Gutenberg ready (and since we know you value speed, it’s AMP ready, too). We are honored to support WordCamp for Publishers in Chicago this year and be a part of this community.  





GreenGeeks is an independently owned and operated hosting provider.

Our specially engineered platform offers WordPress users web hosting that is designed for the fastest, most secure and scalable hosting available in multiple data centers. Our WordPress hosting makes deploying and managing WordPress websites easy with automatic 1-click install, managed updates, real-time security protection, automatic install/renewal of Let’s Encrypt Wildcard Certificates, SSD RAID-10, storage arrays, PowerCacher and expert 24/7 support to make for the best web hosting experience.

Since our launch in 2008, GreenGeeks has been the industry’s leading eco-friendly web hosting provider putting back 3 times the power we consume into the grid in the form of renewable energy. We are based out of Los Angeles, California with a global workforce that provides a better web hosting experience to customers from over 150 countries.

GreenGeeks is actively engaged within the WordPress community and is a proud sponsor to various WordCamps around the world.



GoDaddy Pro offers a robust suite of free tools to web developers & designers to help them save time managing all their clients and sites. With GoDaddy Pro, you can easily shop for your client, monitor their sites, and manage all their WordPress websites from one place. Exclusive time-saving tools let you update WordPress core, plugins and themes with one click, as well as automate WordPress backups, cloning and migrations. Get real-time performance, security and uptime monitoring across all your websites. Additionally, your free membership includes advanced 24/7 technical support.

When you pair GoDaddy Pro with GoDaddy hosting products, the benefits are even greater.

Check out the Free Tools



HubSpot  (NYSE: HUBS) is a leading growth platform. Since 2006, HubSpot has been on a mission to make the world more inbound. Today, over 56,500 customers in more than 100 countries use HubSpot’s award-winning software, services, and support to transform the way they attract, engage, and delight customers. Comprised of Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, and a powerful  free CRM , HubSpot gives companies the tools they need to Grow Better. Learn more about  HubSpot for WordPress .



Since 2011, Big Bite has pushed the boundaries of complex WordPress development for clients including NewsCorp, Penske Media Corporation and The Times. As a WordPress VIP Partner, the team are trusted by the world’s biggest enterprise content platform to deliver cutting edge technology to clients worldwide across all sectors and industries.

With vast experience in building large scale, digital solutions on the WordPress platform, as well as innovative apps in React and React Native, Big Bite’s team of industry experts work alongside some of the world’s biggest brands to help them achieve their goals and transform the way they work.




Since 1997 DreamHost has helped individuals, small businesses, entrepreneurs, and developers worldwide bring their dreams to life on the Internet. A leader in Managed WordPress hosting, over 400,000 customers trust DreamHost to be their online home. Supporting the open source community with dedicated resources and a passionate team, DreamHost believes in the power of the Open Web and the people that make it happen. Learn more at  DreamHost.com .




StickerGiant is an e-commerce company that prints custom stickers and product labels. They make it fast and easy to order with quality guaranteed. Every sticker has a story. What’s yours?