The IT4IT™ Standard, Version 3.0 (90-Day Evaluation License)

Available to download

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Downloading as a Non-Member

The IT4IT Standard is available to all to download free-of-charge for non-commercial use. That will usually mean using it inside your organization. To use the IT4IT Standard for commercial purposes, a Commercial License is available ( more ... ).

Downloading the ArchiMate Model:

The model is provided as a zipped XML file. You may need to use "Save Link as..." when downloading. You will need to unzip the file. How you import the file may vary depending on the tool. Some tools use File -> Import (and not open) to import ArchiMate Exchange File Format files.


You may download the IT4IT Standard under a free, personal, 90-day Evaluation License; and you may then go on to use it internally under a free, perpetual, Corporate License or a free, perpetual, Academic License, if you wish. Alternatively, you may take out an annual Commercial License.

How to Apply for an Evaluation License

The download procedure:

  1. Ensure you are logged in
  2. Select the appropriate media link(s)
  3. Review and accept the licensing conditions which will appear in a pop-up window

If you download the IT4IT Standard, you are presumed to have read and accepted the Evaluation Licensing Conditions. There is no need to complete and submit the license.

More Information
Author(s) The Open Group IT4IT Forum
Published 18 Oct 2022
Type License
Subject IT4IT
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