

Web design and development


ysgmesh contributes 5 hours per week to the following teams: Community , Design , Meta , and Themes .

  • Member Since: September 4th, 2019
  • Job Title: CEO
  • Employer:
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  • Created a topic, Some memcache servers are not reachable. Please check memcached service and conn , on the site Forums:
    Can somebody help with this. I have done every instal…

  • Posted a reply to Text and visual Editor not switchable , on the site Forums:
    Hello friends! I have found a workaround or possibly the solution if you dont want…

  • Posted a reply to Text and visual Editor not switchable , on the site Forums:
    Please can you help guide me on how to get this work fine?

  • Created ticket #50275 on Core Trac:
    Visual and text editor issue. Not switchable on current post editor

  • Created a topic, Text and visual Editor not switchable , on the site Forums:
    I have been troubleshooting this case for 2 days now. …

  • Posted a reply to Remove dark mode from a certian div , on the site Forums:
    Solved. The way to go about it: Dont set global color. use custom css preceding…

  • Created a topic, Remove dark mode from a certian div , on the site Forums:
    Hi!. I have been trying to remove or make a particular…

  • Posted a reply to How to remove all plugins on homepage except Yoast , on the site Forums:
    Tom...This is possible if you think of it. On my site Tophits if I remove…

  • Created a topic, How to remove all plugins on homepage except Yoast , on the site Forums:
    Please I am looking for a way to remove all the plugin…

  • Posted a reply to logo img alt not picked up in Chrome dev , on the site Forums:
    Thanks Tom... I have solved this with a workaround

  • Created a topic, logo img alt not picked up in Chrome dev , on the site Forums:
    I am having a very difficult challenge here on logo al…

  • Posted a reply to Float site header left and menu right on the same line in mobile view , on the site Forums:
    yeah...Thanks. I looked through the header of the parent theme and removed the header from…

  • Posted a reply to wp_enqueue_style was called incorrectly , on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your reply. I tried it by disabling all plugins but the issue persisted.…

  • Created a topic, wp_enqueue_style was called incorrectly , on the site Forums:
    Please I am still unable to solve this error. Notice:…

  • Created a topic, Float site header left and menu right on the same line in mobile view , on the site Forums:
    Please I have tried to get the menu toggle float to th…

  • Posted a reply to show different template on mobile , on the site Forums:
    I have solved this. Thanks

  • Created a topic, show different template on mobile , on the site Forums:
    Please I have this custom template called "content-sin…

  • Posted a reply to Your page has AMP implementation errors. , on the site Forums:
    I know about the official amp for wordpress but it doesnt have much features. Please…

  • Created a topic, [GeneratePress] wp_enqueue_style was called incorrectly , on the site Forums:
    Am getting this error after activating wordpress debug…

  • Posted a reply to Your page has AMP implementation errors. , on the site Forums:
    Yeah I saw this plugin before where Tom talked about it. This wasnt able to…

  • Created a topic, Your page has AMP implementation errors. , on the site Forums:
    I really need your assistance on this issue Tom. On go…

  • Posted a reply to get popular post of a week updated based on view count , on the site Forums:
    Please note that I have resolved this issue by myself. Thanks.

  • Posted a reply to get popular post of a week updated based on view count , on the site Forums:
    I know about top-10 but it slows my site so badly... My site scores above…

  • Created a topic, Why most viewed post in a week not working , on the site Forums:
    I have this codes `<?php //Set the parameters / arg…

  • Posted a reply to get popular post of a week updated based on view count , on the site Forums:
    oh...thanks for your reply dear. I tried removing what you said but when removed it…

  • Posted a reply to get popular post of a week updated based on view count , on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your reply... I will really be glad if this can work for me.…

  • Posted a reply to Remove toggle and display menu on mobile not working , on the site Forums:
    Finally solve this issue. It was a cache plugin that was display cached page. Now…

  • Created a topic, Remove toggle and display menu on mobile not working , on the site Forums:
    I have this code ` @media (max-width: 768px){ .main-na…

  • Created a topic, get popular post of a week updated based on view count , on the site Forums:
    I used this code `<?php //Set the parameters / argu…

  • Posted a reply to Problem with footer widget stacked on top of each other , on the site Forums:
    I am trying to figure out how to rewrite “Save my name, email, and website…

  • Posted a reply to Problem with footer widget stacked on top of each other , on the site Forums:
    ok.I marked it already. Thanks

  • Posted a reply to Problem with footer widget stacked on top of each other , on the site Forums:
    Good...Thanks. I have looked around for that before to no avail. Thanks for pointing me…

  • Posted a reply to general Issue with generatepress on security vulnerability , on the site Forums:
    Ok! I was wondering. Thanks.

  • Posted a reply to Edit content header , on the site Forums:
    Good you have fixed that.

  • Created a topic, Problem with footer widget stacked on top of each other , on the site Forums:
    Please I am wondering why if I set to display 2 or mor…

  • Created a topic, [GeneratePress] general Issue with generatepress on security vulnerability , on the site Forums:
    So I detected this and checked to see its a common iss…

  • Posted a reply to Custom css not working , on the site Forums:
    Alright mentor....I have seen its fine on incognito mode maybe I have to reinstall my…

  • Posted a reply to Is it possbile to make Catergory below header like this + left bar comments + , on the site Forums:
    Thats good to know.I am happy for you dear. In any case like that do…

  • Posted a reply to Is it possbile to make Catergory below header like this + left bar comments + , on the site Forums:
    If I understand what you want to achieve you can try something like this `…

  • Posted a reply to Custom Menu , on the site Forums:
    You have to put the menu inside <div id="mySidenav" class="sidenav"> your menu here</div> for it…

  • Posted a reply to Custom css not working , on the site Forums:
    It happens when I want to use chrome audit tool to run a test on…

  • Posted a reply to Custom css not working , on the site Forums:
    I have tried style.css but its not working. It only works when I put important…

  • Created a topic, Custom css not working , on the site Forums:
    I have been designing my site with free generatepress …