Ideal car
Ideal car
On October 10, 2018, Chehejia released the smart electric vehicle brand "Ideal Smart Manufacturing", and announced that it would officially release the first pure electric vehicle - Ideal Smart Manufacturing ONE on October 18. The English brand name of Ideal Intelligent Manufacturing is "LEADING IDEAL", and the brand logo "LI" is inspired by the initial letter of the English name LEADING IDEAL. Its first pure electric vehicle, the Ideal Intelligent ONE, will use an incremental electric drive system to increase the endurance and solve the problem of mileage anxiety. The whole vehicle will be built with four-wheel drive electric platform, and will provide NEDC comprehensive endurance mileage of more than 700 kilometers through the efficient cooperation of high-capacity battery pack and high-power extended range power generation system. The endurance mileage under urban conditions may exceed 1000 kilometers.
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