On June 5, the demand for cement in Chaozhou, Guangdong was stable

Source: Cement Market Data Center Date of issue: 2024-06-05 20:16

According to the market data center of Cement.com, it was foggy in Chaozhou, Guangdong on 06/05, and it will rain moderately tomorrow. The next 15 days will be dominated by rainy weather. The Central South Cement Price Index (CEMPI-SC) was 104.54, down 0. Recently, the national cement coal price difference index (CCPDI) was 104.68, up or down 0.66% month on month, and the profit margin increased. The latest construction index of Guangdong is 61, and the overall external construction of Guangdong is good, which is suitable for construction activities.

Today, Chaozhou Youyou Cement Factory provided the price list of bulk and bagged cement, including P The latest quotation of one kind of Real Madrid cement such as O 42.5. Recently, the factory price of cement is stable, which has no impact on the construction price.

In addition, some manufacturers in Chaozhou provide P There is one kind of cement price, such as O 42.5. The specific cement price change, price index trend chart and construction project information in relevant regions are detailed as follows:

The bidding information of engineering projects in Guangdong mainly includes the following contents:
Heavy hammer limit, headlight and other sundries of segment prefabrication division of Project Management Department of Guangzhou Zhanjiang Railway Station Lot I of China Railway 14th Bureau Group Co., Ltd
Project Management Department (cement) procurement of Pingnan Road (Yongqin Road Kangxian Road) New Project of China Railway 18th Bureau Group Co., Ltd
Plot JDLJ-C01-13 (ABCDE) of Jiangdong New Area Industrial Park of China Railway 12th Bureau Group Co., Ltd
Announcement on Inquiry and Procurement of Gravel at the Department Level of Project Manager of Reclamation Paddy Field in Xinxing County of China Railway 15th Bureau Group Co., Ltd
Guangdong Branch - BASF (Guangdong) Integrated Project Special Chemicals Zone II - Light Aggregate Concrete Procurement Change Bulletin Electronic
Click to view more project information

Query of quotations from nearby manufacturers:
Guangdong Tapai Group Co., Ltd
Meizhou Real Madrid Cement Co., Ltd

The information in this article is automatically generated by AI. If you have any questions, please feedback: 400-8888-870
  • 680+ Quotation of cement brands
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P. O 42.5 Bulk Cement Price Yuan/ton More>

time region varieties reference price
June 28 District of Beijing P.O 42.5 ¥470-493
June 28 Tianjin municipal district P.O 42.5 ¥452-466
June 28 Shijiazhuang, Hebei P.O 42.5 ¥461-502
June 28 Tangshan City, Hebei Province P.O 42.5 ¥435-467
June 28 Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province P.O 42.5 ¥474-505