On May 31, the demand for cement in Guangzhou, Guangdong was stable

Source: Cement Market Data Center Date of issue: 2024-05-31 20:14

According to the market data center of Cement.com, it rained in Guangzhou, Guangdong on May 31, and it will rain tomorrow. The next 15 days will be dominated by rain. The Central South Cement Price Index (CEMPI-SC) was 104.53, down 0.01. Recently, the national cement coal price difference index (CCPDI) was 100.74, up or down 1.04% month on month, and the profit margin increased. The latest construction index of Guangdong is 65, and the overall external construction of Guangdong is good, which is suitable for construction activities.

Today, a cement factory in Guangzhou provided a price list of bulk and bagged cement, including P The latest quotation of three kinds of Golden Eagle cement, including O 42.5, P. O 42.5R and P. II 52.5R. Recently, the factory price of cement has slightly declined, and the price of construction has slightly decreased.

In addition, some manufacturers in Guangzhou provide P There are 6 kinds of cement prices, including O 42.5R, P.II 52.5R and P.II 42.5R. The specific cement price changes, price index trend chart and construction project information in relevant regions are detailed as follows:

According to the market data of China Cement Network, the market demand is sluggish, and the overall market price has temporarily stabilized after falling, and the price may rise in June. Many places in the two lakes notice price rise (Click to view details)

The bidding information of engineering projects in Guangdong mainly includes the following contents:
Inquiry and Procurement Documents for Sporadic Materials of Wanhuan West Road Project of China Railway 25th Bureau Group Co., Ltd. (three times)
Inquiry and Procurement Document of Diamond for River Sea Combined Transport Project of China Railway Construction Dawan District Construction Co., Ltd
China Railway 24th Bureau Group Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Longgang District Liangbai Road - Tiedong Road - Danbai Road Road Project involves Hangzhou Shenzhen Railway and Guangzhou Railway
Inquiry for Temporary Construction Materials Procurement of Guangzhou Zhanjiang Railway Building Lot I Project of China Railway 17th Bureau Group Co., Ltd
Lot II of NZZ-3 of Nansha Zhuhai (Zhongshan) Intercity (Wanqingsha Xingzhong Section) of China Railway 25th Bureau Group Co., Ltd
Click to view more project information

Query of quotations from nearby manufacturers:
China Resources Cement (Fengkai) Co., Ltd
Sinoma Tianshan (Yunfu) Cement Co., Ltd
Yingde Conch Cement Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Yuebao Cement Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Conghua Yuehai Cement Grinding Co., Ltd

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  • 680+ Quotation of cement brands
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P. O 42.5 Bulk Cement Price Yuan/ton More>

time region varieties reference price
June 26 District of Beijing P.O 42.5 ¥466-500
June 26 Tianjin municipal district P.O 42.5 ¥451-493
June 26 Shijiazhuang, Hebei P.O 42.5 ¥466-491
June 26 Tangshan City, Hebei Province P.O 42.5 ¥432-456
June 26 Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province P.O 42.5 ¥474-511