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#[Column] Jin Yuanbao's parenting notes

come from Spicy Mama Ban ・ 544 posts ・ 16692 participants

 Gold ingot

#Daily conversation with children: Mom, I want to brush Taobao

 Gold ingot
Gold ingot   Gold ingot 2024-05-23 19:35 Reading (752)

Today, I think clearly that it is interesting and can witness our growth to record daily conversations with children.

In fact, talking with children is quite a test of parents, their pattern, and their ability to respond on the spot... So I try to record truthfully, and the current response is the best I can do at the moment. Maybe I will find a better response later, or there will be new gains after learning every day. So this series is purely a record, and it also provides me with opportunities for recovery and growth.

We also welcome friends from all walks of life to communicate with us.

After school, I asked him: What's new today?

He said: Today, I had an open art class and made prints.

I asked: What have you learned?

He said: (Well, well... I really want to record truthfully, but I didn't remember the steps he said...)

I asked: Did you help others?

He said: I don't need my help. The teacher spoke clearly and did as he told.

I asked: Did the teacher talk about everything?

He said: Yes, it's very simple.


Today, when he came out of class, I looked at his small paper while he was eating.

There was a word volume, which was wrongly written as "intrigue" and was written as "hook".

He said: I wanted to write "Gou", but this is not what I learned in this lesson. When I learned "Gou" in this lesson, I wrote "Gou".

I asked: What was the original meaning of intrigue?

He said: Yes, the roof is put together and the eaves are next to each other.

This is what our guide said when we visited the Confucius Mansion.

He said: Mom, I got full marks for one of the four small volumes today, and I made one mistake for each of the others. I didn't need to copy so many wrong questions today.

I didn't answer the phone.


He ate in the taxi, and the sesame on the hamburger fell off his pants. I picked it up and threw it into the garbage bag for him. When I got off the bus, I found some sesame seeds on the seat, so I cleaned it up myself.

After eating the leftovers in the organization, I cleaned the table and threw the garbage into the trash can.

Demonstration is very important.


On the way home after class, he asked me: Can I brush my mobile phone, Mom?

I asked: What do you brush?

He said: Taobao.

I asked: What to brush?

He said: Look at Altman's.

I asked: Do you have a goal? (He likes to buy around Altman.)

He said: Yes.

I asked: I'm curious. You have a goal, and then you can't buy it. How do you feel? Because I either don't brush or buy directly, I won't wait.

He said, "I just add shopping carts. Now I spread my net widely. For example, if I want to buy fish, I need to know where there are more fish.". I will find someone to sell it in the shopping cart now. When I can buy it later, I will choose from the shopping cart.

His delayed gratification is better than mine.

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