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#[Column] Jin Yuanbao's parenting notes

come from Spicy Mama Ban ・ 544 posts ・ 16692 participants

 Gold ingot

#Daily conversation with children: you re express

 Gold ingot
Gold ingot   Gold ingot 2024-05-21 20:50 Reading (914)

It's time for Wa to go to bed. He has a set of fixed actions before going to bed: go to the toilet, kiss goodnight with his father, kiss goodnight with me, lie down and sleep. I accompany him to sleep.

Today, after he finished brushing his teeth, I went to the bathroom. When I came out, I saw him sitting on his bed waiting for me.

Did I ask him to have good night with his father?

He said no.

Why wait with him?

He immediately got out of bed and went to hug his father.

When I came back, I said to him: Baby, mother hopes you can take the initiative and arrange your own affairs well. You can't listen to me!

He asked me: Do you want me to obey or not?

I said: This is not a matter of disobedience. Your own things are arranged by yourself, and your mother will always help you. When you are unable, I will help you. When you can, you need to do it yourself. You can't always let your mother carry you away.


One morning, I asked him to read early, and he used an impatient expression and voice.

I asked him: What do you want to express?

He said: just sigh.

I asked: Do you know what you make me feel?

He didn't know.

I said: I felt unwilling and rebellious.

He said, "It doesn't mean that.".

I said: Then you re express.

He re expressed it with words and appropriate nonverbal words, and I also took the words and asked him again: How do you feel about Mom not receiving the wrong information?

He said: It's good to express correctly without causing misunderstanding.


As for children, in the process of growing up, they may forget what they have taught in a different environment. Some roles of parents are also reflected here. Continue to guide them.

However, parents are not saints, and sometimes they can jump out immediately when their emotional management is poor. Continue to cultivate

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