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#Today, you chicken baby?

come from Spicy Mama Ban ・ 52 posts ・ 234 participants


Bringing children is a practice

Miao Miao 2024-05-21 19:21 Reading (215)

The maternity leave is coming to an end. I bring my baby to a breakdown every day, and I have to accompany Dabao to do homework at night. What bothers me most is not my homework, but eating. He gets angry every night when I eat. He is too picky Tonight, when we eat fried beef with onions, it seems that the beef will infarct him and he can't swallow it. It's hard to see him eating. He is too picky and short. The adults are heartbroken, and the baby is not in a hurry. Every day in the collapse of self-healing, collapse in self-healing.

come from Her financial management Android client
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