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Spicy Mama Ban eighty-nine thousand and seven Sister 21273 Posts
 Who Is Lonely in Fireworks in March

January Resumption

1、 Work

During the vacation, I have no work affairs and occasionally deal with some miscellaneous matters.

2、 Learning

1. After reading three books, "Life in the Sea", "Litchi in Chang'an" and "A Good, Good Child", I wrote a simple feeling after reading them. The Open Space in the North is half finished.

2. Unlocked the video clip to manually make the opening and ending of the film, manually dubbing pictures and words, and recorded the red story "Little Hero Comes in Rain" for Shan Bao;

3. There are not many essays, only some important things and a few small lucky notes are recorded, and daily excerpts and mind map learning are not completed.

3、 Childcare

1. Shan Bao's habit formation and supervision is not good. In the second half of the month, because of the slack of the Spring Festival, Shan Bao's motivation is also insufficient. She stopped clocking in seven days during the Spring Festival and read "Little Ancient Chinese", "Accumulation of Beautiful Sentences", Chinese texts and English texts in the morning; Math Daily calculation and thinking one page each; Complete the three under one and two modules of English learning; Before going to bed, I read "Green Fairy Tales" and "Scarecrow", and read "Ma Xiaotiao Playing Maths" and "Five Senses Writing Compositions";

2. Xuanbao insists on daily enlightenment, and Xiaobao is curious about everything. Every day, he reads organ books and turns over books from time to time, pesters me to read picture books, tell stories, and watch the documentary Micro Small World; I like listening to children's songs and Piggy Page;

3. The library experience and Sambo's documentary were not completed this month.

4、 Family

1. Configured accident insurance for teammates and myself, and renewed serious disease insurance for two babies;

2. The preparation for the pre decoration and repair of the new house has been completed, and the decoration plan has been formulated, which will be adjusted after receiving the house for field measurement, and detailed budget and design will be carried out;

3. Take time every day to talk about work, life and gossip with teammates, sometimes reflect, sometimes communicate, sometimes argue, and add some flavor to life;

4. Xuanbao replanted two doses of vaccine that had not been vaccinated due to the epidemic, and the brave girl didn't cry;

5. Attended my niece's 9th birthday party, wrapped a birthday red envelope, and grew up in the blink of an eye. How time flies;

6. It has become normal to spend New Year's Eve at my parents' home, dragging my family with me, even eating and taking food. I have never felt self-conscious and happy not to marry far away;

        7. Before the Spring Festival, the whole family made a list together, bought New Year's goods, and carried out a family cleaning;

8. Three outdoor activities with Liangbao during the seven days of the Spring Festival;

9. The travel plan for the whole year has been made. The Yinchuan parent-child tour has been changed to Xi'an parent-child tour, and the Yunnan Guizhou tour has been added in summer, while the winter vacation in East China has not been changed.

5、 Health

1. The health item is actually a slap on the face. The reason is still too lazy. After Yang Kang, he always feels weak and has serious insomnia, which leads to inability to go to bed early and get up early, and lack of energy through exercise;

2. I bought health tea online and drank it every day, which improved pharyngitis;

3. In addition to outdoor activities, I cooked more meals by myself, provided scientific meals for children, paid attention to healthy diet, and occasionally went out to satisfy my cravings;

4. Emotional management has been improved, giving children more patience and companionship.

6、 Financial management

1. At the beginning of the month, he hedged his teammate's 100000 provident fund, and the total amount of loans dropped to 420000. At this rate, he could pay off all the house loans in five more years. It is also possible to work hard for three years. After all, he does not want to work for the bank for a long time.

2. Sorted out the family cash flow, adjusted the asset allocation, accounted for a high proportion of equity funds, and the risk was too large, gradually transferred part to the fixed income category to reduce the risk;

3. The goal of saving money has increased the small goal of tourism fund, and classified fixed deposit and fixed investment of fund have been completed;

4. Personal pension allocation with teammates is not completed this month;

5. The market has improved in January, and a lot of blood has been returned. The stock has made several T's, and the operation in 2022 is too little, and the loss is serious. This year, we should check the market from time to time, and do something, instead of lying flat, and hope that the market will continue to burn up in February;

Workers, continue to refuel!

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