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Changeset 2949510

08/08/2023 05:41:48 PM ( 14 months ago)

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New Entries button add
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27 added
6 edited


  • download-pdf-after-submit-form/trunk/css/admin.css

    r2785535 r2949510  
    two hundred and nineteen two hundred and nineteen   filter:none ! important;;
    two hundred and twenty two hundred and twenty }
      two hundred and twenty-one
      two hundred and twenty-two /* form design */
      two hundred and twenty-three
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      two hundred and twenty-five   /*position: relative;*/
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      two hundred and thirty-six
      two hundred and thirty-seven .section-heading-dpbsf {
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      two hundred and fifty-three
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      two hundred and sixty-seven
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      two hundred and seventy-two
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      two hundred and seventy-nine
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      two hundred and eighty-five
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      two hundred and ninety }
      two hundred and ninety-one
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      two hundred and ninety-six
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      three hundred }
      three hundred and one
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      three hundred and six }
      three hundred and seven
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      three hundred and twenty-five   transition: all .3s;
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      three hundred and twenty-seven }
      three hundred and twenty-eight
      three hundred and twenty-nine #form-submit-dpbsf:disabled {
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      three hundred and thirty-seven
      three hundred and thirty-eight #form-submit-dpbsf:hover:disabled{
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      three hundred and forty   color: #9e9e9e;
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      three hundred and forty-six
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      three hundred and fifty
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      three hundred and fifty-three }
      three hundred and fifty-four
      three hundred and fifty-five .button-dpbsf.ghost {
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      four hundred and three }
      four hundred and four
      four hundred and five #textareaCheckbox-dpbsf{ 
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      four hundred and fourteen     font-family: inherit;
      four hundred and fifteen     font-size: inherit;
      four hundred and sixteen     font-weight: inherit;
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      four hundred and thirty }
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      four hundred and fifty-nine
      four hundred and sixty #contact-section-dpbsf .groupStyle{
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  • download-pdf-after-submit-form/trunk/css/formstyle.css

    r2905409 r2949510  
    one hundred and ninety-five one hundred and ninety-five
    one hundred and ninety-six one hundred and ninety-six
      one hundred and ninety-seven
    one hundred and ninety-seven one hundred and ninety-eight  
  • download-pdf-after-submit-form/trunk/include/posttype.php

    r2785535 r2949510  
    four four function dpbsf_download_posttype() {
    five five  $labels = array(
    six     'name'               => _x( ' Infomats ', 'post type general name', 'dpbsf' ),
    seven     'singular_name'      => _x( ' Infomat ', 'post type singular name', 'dpbsf' ),
    eight     'menu_name'          => _x( ' Infomats ', 'admin menu', 'dpbsf' ),
    nine     'name_admin_bar'     => _x( ' Infomat ', 'add new on admin bar', 'dpbsf' ),
    ten     'add_new'            => _x( 'Add New', ' Infomat ', 'dpbsf' ),
    eleven     'add_new_item'       => __( 'Add New Infomat ', 'dpbsf' ),
    twelve     'new_item'           => __( 'New Infomat ', 'dpbsf' ),
    thirteen     'edit_item'          => __( 'Edit Infomat ', 'dpbsf' ),
    fourteen     'view_item'          => __( 'View Infomat ', 'dpbsf' ),
    fifteen     'all_items'          => __( ' All Infomat s', 'dpbsf' ),
    sixteen     'search_items'       => __( 'Search Infomats ', 'dpbsf' ),
    seventeen     'parent_item_colon'  => __( 'Parent Infomats :', 'dpbsf' ),
    eighteen     'not_found'          => __( 'No Infomats found.', 'dpbsf' ),
    nineteen     'not_found_in_trash' => __( 'No Infomats found in Trash.', 'dpbsf' )
      six   'name'               => _x( ' Download PDF After Submit Form ', 'post type general name', 'dpbsf' ),
      seven   'singular_name'      => _x( ' Download PDF After Submit Form ', 'post type singular name', 'dpbsf' ),
      eight   'menu_name'          => _x( ' Download PDF After Submit F. ', 'admin menu', 'dpbsf' ),
      nine   'name_admin_bar'     => _x( ' Download PDF After Submit Form ', 'add new on admin bar', 'dpbsf' ),
      ten   'add_new'            => _x( 'Add New', ' Download PDF After Submit Form ', 'dpbsf' ),
      eleven   'add_new_item'       => __( 'Add New Download PDF After Submit Form ', 'dpbsf' ),
      twelve   'new_item'           => __( 'New Download PDF After Submit Form ', 'dpbsf' ),
      thirteen   'edit_item'          => __( 'Edit Download PDF After Submit Form ', 'dpbsf' ),
      fourteen   'view_item'          => __( 'View Download PDF After Submit Form ', 'dpbsf' ),
      fifteen   'all_items'          => __( ' View Entrie s', 'dpbsf' ),
      sixteen   'search_items'       => __( 'Search Download PDF After Submit Form ', 'dpbsf' ),
      seventeen   'parent_item_colon'  => __( 'Parent Download PDF After Submit Form :', 'dpbsf' ),
      eighteen   'not_found'          => __( 'No Download PDF After Submit Form found.', 'dpbsf' ),
      nineteen   'not_found_in_trash' => __( 'No Download PDF After Submit Form found in Trash.', 'dpbsf' )
    twenty twenty  );
    twenty-one twenty-one  $args = array(
    twenty-three twenty-three   'description'        => __( 'Description.', 'dpbsf' ),
    twenty-four twenty-four   'public'             => true,
    twenty-five     'publicly_queryable' => tru e,
      twenty-five   'publicly_queryable' => fals e,
    twenty-six twenty-six   'show_ui'            => true,
    twenty-seven twenty-seven   'show_in_menu'       => true,
    twenty-eight twenty-eight   'query_var'          => true,
    twenty-nine twenty-nine   'rewrite'            => array( 'slug' => 'infomat' ),
    thirty     'capability_type'    => 'post',
      thirty   'capability_type'    => 'post',  
    thirty-one thirty-one   'has_archive'        => true,
    thirty-two thirty-two   'hierarchical'       => false,
    thirty-three thirty-three   'menu_position'      => null,
    thirty-four     'supports'           => array( 'title', 'editor', 'author', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt', 'comments' )
      thirty-four   'menu_icon'          => 'dashicons-format-aside',
      thirty-five   'supports'           => array( 'none'),
    thirty-five thirty-seven  );
    thirty-six thirty-eight  register_post_type( 'infomat', $args );
    thirty-seven   }
      forty //remove add new button
      forty-one function dpbsf_hide_infomat_add_new_button() {
      forty-two     global $post_type;
      forty-three     if ($post_type === 'infomat') {
      forty-four         echo '<style>#menu-posts-infomat .wp-submenu li:nth-child(3), .post-type-infomat { display: none ! important; }</style>';
      forty-five     }
      forty-six     global $current_screen;
      forty-seven     if ($current_screen && $current_screen->post_type === 'infomat') {
      forty-eight         echo '<style>#wp-admin-bar-new-infomat { display: none ! important; }</style>';
      forty-nine     }
      fifty }
      fifty-one add_action('admin_head', 'dpbsf_hide_infomat_add_new_button');
      fifty-three //show editor post
      fifty-four function dpbsf_custom_metabox_content() {
      fifty-five     global $post;
      fifty-six     $post_content = $post->post_content;
      fifty-seven     $post_title = $post->post_title;
      fifty-eight     ?>
      fifty-nine     <div class="custom-title-metabox">
      sixty         <label for="custom_post_title">Title: <b><? php echo esc_attr($post_title); ?></ b></label>
      sixty-one     </div>
      sixty-two     <div class="custom-content-metabox">
      sixty-three         <? php echo wpautop($post_content); ?>
      sixty-four     </div>
      sixty-five     <? php
      sixty-six }
      sixty-seven function dpbsf_add_custom_metabox() {
      sixty-eight     add_meta_box('dpbsf_custom_content_metabox', 'View Entrie', 'dpbsf_custom_metabox_content', 'infomat', 'normal'); // Replace 'post' with your custom post type if needed
      sixty-nine }
      seventy add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'dpbsf_add_custom_metabox');
      seventy-one //change edit to view
      seventy-two function dpbsf_change_edit_text_to_view($translated_text, $untranslated_text, $domain) {
      seventy-three     global $post_type;
      seventy-four     if ($post_type === 'infomat') {
      seventy-five         // Change "Edit" to "View"
      seventy-six         if ($untranslated_text === 'Edit') {
      seventy-seven             return 'View';
      seventy-eight         }
      seventy-nine     }
      eighty     // Return the original translation for other texts
      eighty-one     return $translated_text;
      eighty-two }
      eighty-three add_filter('gettext', 'dpbsf_change_edit_text_to_view', 10, 3);
    thirty-eight eighty-four ?>
  • download-pdf-after-submit-form/trunk/index.php

    r2905409 r2949510  
    one one <? php
    two two /*
    three   Plugin Name: Download PDF After Submit Form
    four   Plugin URI:
    five   Description: Download any pdf After submit form.
    six   Author: Md. Shahinur Islam
    seven   Version: 2.2
    eight   Author URI:
    nine   */
      three  * Plugin Name: Download PDF After Submit Form
      four  * Plugin URI:
      five  * Description: Download any pdf After submit form. This plugin offers the premium feature of ready popup design & provides quick access to beautiful all fields that can be edit in your popup easily.
      six  * Author: Md. Shahinur Islam
      seven  * Author URI:
      eight  * Version: 2.2.1
      nine  * Text Domain: dpbsf
      ten  * Domain Path: /lang
      eleven  * Network: True
      twelve  * License: GPLv2
      thirteen  * Requires at least: 5.8
      fourteen  * Requires PHP: 7.4
      fifteen  */
    ten sixteen global $session;
    eleven   session_start();
      seventeen session_start();
      eighteen // don't load directly
      nineteen defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
      twenty /**
      twenty-one  * Including Plugin file
      twenty-two  *
      twenty-three  * @since 1.0
      twenty-four  */
      twenty-five include_once( ABSPATH . ' wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
    twelve twenty-six //--------------------- Create css and js ---------------------------//
    thirteen twenty-seven define( 'DPBSF_PLUGIN', __FILE__ );
    twenty-six forty  //check all input fileds
    twenty-seven forty-one  if(isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
      forty-three     //not premium
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    thirty forty-six     } else {
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      forty-eight         $name = sanitize_text_field(trim($_POST['contactName'])). "\n";
    thirty-two forty-nine     }
    thirty-three fifty     if(trim($_POST['email']) === '')  {
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    thirty-seven fifty-four     } else {
    thirty-eight           $email = sanitize_email(trim($_POST['email']));
      fifty-five         $email_field = 'Email: ';
      fifty-six         $email = sanitize_email(trim($_POST['email'])). "\n";
    thirty-nine fifty-seven     }
    forty fifty-eight     if(trim($_POST['comments']) === '') {
    forty-two sixty     } else {
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      sixty-three             $comments = sanitize_text_field(stripslashes(trim($_POST['comments']))). "\n";
    forty-five sixty-four         } else {
    forty-six               $comments = sanitize_text_field(trim($_POST['comments']));
      sixty-five             $comments_field = "Company: ";
      sixty-six             $comments = sanitize_text_field(trim($_POST['comments'])). "\n";
    forty-seven sixty-seven         }
    forty-eight sixty-eight     }
      sixty-nine     if(trim($_POST['jobtitle']) === '') {
      seventy         $hasError = true;
      seventy-one     } else {
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      seventy-seven     } else {
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      eighty     }
    forty-nine eighty-two     if(!isset($hasError)) {
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    fifty-four eighty-seven         $donloadurl = sanitize_url(trim($_POST['urlnameinput'])); // get input url
    fifty-five eighty-eight         $subject = '[PHP Snippets] From '.$ name;
    fifty-six           $body = "Name: $name \n\nEmail: $email \n\nComments: $comments \nurl: $donloadurl";
      ninety         $body = "$name_field$name$email_field$email$comments_field$comments$jobtitle_field$jobtitle$check_field$checkn\nURL: $donloadurl";
    fifty-seven ninety-two         $headers = 'From: '.$ name.' <'.$emailTo.'>' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $email;
    fifty-eight ninety-three         //wp_mail($emailTo, $subject, $body, $headers);
    one hundred and forty-eight one hundred and eighty-three                     // Create post object to save data
    one hundred and forty-nine one hundred and eighty-four                     $my_post = array(
    one hundred and fifty                           'post_title'    => wp_strip_all_tags( $ name ),
      one hundred and eighty-five                         'post_title'    => wp_strip_all_tags( $ dpbsf_name_title.$ name ),
    one hundred and fifty-one one hundred and eighty-six                         'post_content'  => $body,
    one hundred and fifty-two                           'post_status'   => ' publish ',
      one hundred and eighty-seven                         'post_status'   => ' draft ',
    one hundred and fifty-three one hundred and eighty-eight                         'post_author'   => 1,
    one hundred and fifty-four one hundred and eighty-nine                         'post_category' => array( 8,39 ),
    one hundred and sixty-nine two hundred and four         <div class="modal-dialog-DPBSF">
    one hundred and seventy two hundred and five             <div class="modal-content-DPBSF customModalDpbsp_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">
      two hundred and six                
    one hundred and seventy-one two hundred and seven                 <div class="modal-header-DPBSF headerDpbsp_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">
    one hundred and seventy-two two hundred and eight                     <h4>Restricted download</h4>
    one hundred and seventy-three two hundred and nine                     <span class="close-DPBSF close<?php esc_html_e($echos);?> ">&times;</span>                   
    one hundred and seventy-four two hundred and ten                 </div>
      two hundred and eleven                
    one hundred and seventy-five two hundred and twelve                 <div class="modal-body-DPBSF bodyDpbsp_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">     
    one hundred and seventy-six two hundred and thirteen                 <!-- form-->
    one hundred and seventy-seven                   <form action="" id="contactForm" method="post">                 
      two hundred and fourteen                 <form action="" id="contactForm" method="post">     
      two hundred and fifteen                
      two hundred and sixteen                 <? php if(get_option('formstyle') == 'classic' || get_option('formstyle') == 'mordan'){?>
      two hundred and seventeen                    
    one hundred and seventy-eight two hundred and eighteen                     <ul class="contactform contactformDpbsp_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">         
    one hundred and seventy-nine two hundred and nineteen                         <b>To download this file, please fill in this form</b> 
    one hundred and ninety-five two hundred and thirty-five                             </li>
    one hundred and ninety-six two hundred and thirty-six                             <li class="checkbox_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">         
    one hundred and ninety-seven                                   <span><input type="checkbox" id="vehicle1" class="checkboxes" name="vehicle1" value="" required>
      two hundred and thirty-seven                                 <span>
      two hundred and thirty-eight                                     <input type="checkbox" id="vehicle1" class="checkboxes" name="dpbsf_check" value="Yes" required/>
    one hundred and ninety-eight two hundred and thirty-nine                                 Check In</span>
    one hundred and ninety-nine two hundred and forty                             </li>
    two hundred and three two hundred and forty-four                     </ul>       
    two hundred and four two hundred and forty-five                     <input type="hidden" name="submitted" id="submitted" value="true" />
      two hundred and forty-six                    
      two hundred and forty-seven                 <? php } ?>
      two hundred and forty-eight                    
    two hundred and five two hundred and forty-nine                 </form>
    two hundred and six two hundred and fifty                 <!-- end form-->   
    two hundred and fifty-seven three hundred and one function dpbsf_plugin_action_links( $actions ) {
    two hundred and fifty-eight three hundred and two    $actions[] = '<a href="'. esc_url( get_admin_url(null, 'edit.php?post_type=infomat&page=settings') ) .'">Settings</a>';
    two hundred and fifty-nine      $actions[] = '<a href="http s://" target="_blank">Support for contact </a>';
      three hundred and three    $actions[] = '<a href="http ://" class="get_dpasf_pro" target="_blank">Get WP DPASF Pro </a>';
    two hundred and sixty three hundred and four    return $actions;
    two hundred and sixty-one three hundred and five }
    three hundred and twenty-four three hundred and sixty-eight         <label for="two" class="two formstyleLabel" style="background: url(<?php echo plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ). '/ images/mordan.png'?>); "><span class="labelSpan">Mordan Style</span></label>
    three hundred and twenty-five three hundred and sixty-nine     </div>
    three hundred and twenty-six       <div class="group-two groupStyle">     
    three hundred and twenty-seven           <label class="formstyleLabel custom" onmouseout="outFuncCustom()" style="background: url(<?php echo plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ). '/ images/custom.png'?>); "><span id="myTooltipCustom" class="labelSpan">Make a Custom Form.</span></label>
    three hundred and twenty-eight               <script>
    three hundred and twenty-nine                   function outFuncCustom() {
    three hundred and thirty                   var tooltip = document.getElementById("myTooltipCustom");
    three hundred and thirty-one                   tooltip.innerHTML = 'Please buy me a coffee.</ br><button class="button-85"><a href=" " target="_blank" class="upgrateClass">Contact me</a></button>';
    three hundred and thirty-two                   }
    three hundred and thirty-three               </script>
      three hundred and seventy     <div class="group-three groupStyle">
      three hundred and seventy-one         <input type="radio" id="three">
      three hundred and seventy-two         <label for="three" class="three formstyleLabel custom" style="background: url(<?php echo plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ). '/ images/premium.png'?>); "><a href=" "><span  class="labelSpan upgratetopro">Upgrade to Pro</span></a></label>
    three hundred and thirty-four three hundred and seventy-three     </div>
    three hundred and thirty-five three hundred and seventy-four     </section>
    three hundred and thirty-six       <!-- partial -->
    three hundred and thirty-seven three hundred and seventy-five     <br />
    three hundred and thirty-eight three hundred and seventy-six     <br />
    three hundred and thirty-nine three hundred and seventy-seven     <br />
      three hundred and seventy-eight     <h3><strong class="upgratetopro"><? php esc_html_e( 'Upgrade to Pro for edit your form.', 'dpbsf' );?></ strong><br /></h3>
      three hundred and seventy-nine    
      three hundred and eighty     <section class="contact-us-dpbsf formstyle_admin" id="contact-section-dpbsf">
      three hundred and eighty-one         <div class="groupStyle">
      three hundred and eighty-two         <img src="<?php echo plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ). '/ images/custom-gif.gif'?>)">
      three hundred and eighty-three         </div>
      three hundred and eighty-four         <div class="groupStyle">
      three hundred and eighty-five              <h3><strong><? php esc_html_e( 'Tutorial Video:', 'dpbsf' );?></ strong><br /></h3>
      three hundred and eighty-six         <iframe width="560" height="315" src=" " title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
      three hundred and eighty-seven <iframe width="560" height="315" src=" " title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
      three hundred and eighty-eight         </div >
      three hundred and eighty-nine     </section> 
      three hundred and ninety    
      three hundred and ninety-one     <!-- partial -->
    three hundred and forty three hundred and ninety-two     <br /> 
    three hundred and forty-one three hundred and ninety-three     <button class="button-85" role="button" type="submit">Save Settings</button>
    three hundred and forty-two three hundred and ninety-four     <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
    three hundred and forty-three       <input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="formstyle " />
    three hundred and forty-four   </form>
      three hundred and ninety-five     <input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="formstyle , dpbsf_title, dpbsf_subtitle, dpbsf_name,   dpbsf_email,  dpbsf_phone, dpbsf_address, dpbsf_job_title, dpbsf_company, dpbsf_more_1, dpbsf_country, dpbsf_message, dpbsf_check, dpbsf_check_text, dpbsf_submit_button " />
      three hundred and ninety-six </form>  
    three hundred and forty-five three hundred and ninety-seven <? php
    three hundred and forty-six three hundred and ninety-eight }
  • download-pdf-after-submit-form/trunk/

    r2905409 r2949510  
    one one === Download PDF After Submit Form ===
    two two Contributors: shahinurislam
    three   Donate link:
    four   Tags: Download any pdf After submit form.
      three Tags: restricted-pdf, download-pdf-after-submit-form, restricted-content-download, popup-form, content-management, lock-pdf-after-signing, disable-lock-document-after-signing, password-protect-a-PDF, secure-PDF, dynamic-popup,
      four PDF-generate-after-form-submission, custom-fields, encrypt-pdf, wp-travel, wp-hotel-booking, wp-tour-plugin,,, airbnb, travel-itinerary, woocommerce-accommodation-bookings
      five Donate link:
    five six Requires at least: 5.8
    six   Tested up to: 6. two
    seven   Stable tag: 2.2
      seven Tested up to: 6. three
      eight Stable tag: 2.2 .1
    eight nine Requires PHP: 7.4
    nine ten License: GPLv2 or later
    fourteen fifteen == Description ==
    fifteen sixteen
    sixteen   Download any pdf after submit form shortcode for WordPress. Take full control over your WordPress site, build any shortcode paste you can imagine – no programming knowledge required.
      seventeen Download any pdf after submit form shortcode for WordPress. Take full control over your WordPress site, build any shortcode paste you can imagine – no programming knowledge required. This plugin offers the premium feature of ready popup design & provides quick access to beautiful all fields that can be edit in your popup easily.
      nineteen 👉 Official Demo Link: [Download any pdf after submit form]( )
      twenty 👉 Buy Pro Version: [DPASF Pro]( )
      twenty-one 👉 Video Guide: [Youtube Video]( )
      twenty-two 👉 Installation Guide: [Documentation]( )
      twenty-four = DPASF Free Version =
      twenty-six * Just install and protect your any PDF file.
      twenty-seven * Download any PDF after submit form.
      twenty-eight * Two general popup form.
      twenty-nine * Get all info from user, He/she downloaded PDF.
      thirty-one = DPASF Pro Version =
      thirty-three * Get all feature from free version.
      thirty-four * Get Custom design in popup.
      thirty-five * Easily modify all fields.
      thirty-six * Add or Remove input fields.
      thirty-seven * Instant support and more.
    seventeen thirty-eight
    eighteen thirty-nine = Docs & Support =
    nineteen forty
    twenty   You can find [docs](https://, [FAQ]( ) and more detailed information about Download PDF after Submit Form on [gitlab]( ). If you were unable to find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, you should check the [support forum]( ) on If you can't locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.
      forty-one You can find [docs](https://, [FAQ]( ) and more detailed information about Download PDF after Submit Form on [gitlab]( ). If you were unable to find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, you should check the [support forum]( ) on If you can't locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.
    twenty-one forty-two
    twenty-two forty-three == Why Use Download PDF After Submit Form? ==
    twenty-three forty-five Download PDF After Submit Form gives you all the features needed to create a files restricted permission without any hassle.
    twenty-four forty-six
    twenty-five forty-seven
      forty-nine == Why Use Download PDF After Submit Form Pro Version with tutorial? ==
      fifty-three == Shortcodes included Download PDF After Submit Form:  ==
      fifty-five <pre>[formtodownload urlname="url" title="pdfname"]</pre>
      fifty-seven <ul>
      fifty-eight     <li><strong>urlname="url"</strong> - urlname=" "</li>
      fifty-nine     <li><strong>title="pdfname"</strong> - title="your_pdf_name" Don't use any space in this title name.</ li>
      sixty </ul>
    twenty-six sixty-one
    twenty-seven sixty-two = Download PDF after Submit Form Needs Your Support =
    twenty-nine sixty-four It is hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you. If you enjoy using Download PDF after Submit Form and find it useful, please consider [__making a donation__]( ). Your donation will help encourage and support the plugin's continued development and better user support. Find on gitlab. [Gitlab]( )
    thirty sixty-five
      sixty-six <strong>Our Other Plugins</strong>
      sixty-eight * <a href=" ">Career Section</a>
      sixty-nine * <a href=" ">Feedback Form Users</a>
      seventy * <a href=" " target="_blank">Meta-box GalleryMeta</a>
      seventy-one * <a href=" " target="_blank">Post Auto Vertical Scrolling</a>
      seventy-two * <a href=" " target="_blank">Simple Font Resizer</a>
    thirty-one seventy-four == Installation ==
    thirty-two seventy-five
    thirty-three   1. Upload the entire `Download PDF after Submit Form` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
    thirty-four   1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
      seventy-six 1. Download and unzip the plugin. Upload the unzipped folder to the wp-contents/plugins folder of your WordPress installation. Or Upload the entire `Download PDF after Submit Form` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
      seventy-seven 2. Active the plugin from the WordPress 'Plugins' menu administration page.
      seventy-eight 3. OR, Go to WP admin panel, click 'Plugins' -> 'Add new'. In the search input box, type `Download PDF after Submit Form`.
      seventy-nine 4. Install and activate the plugin.
      eighty 5. Check our youtube video for further instruction
    thirty-five eighty-one
    thirty-six eighty-two You will find 'Contact' menu in your WordPress admin panel.
    thirty-seven eighty-three
    thirty-eight   For basic usage, you can also have a look at the [plugin web site](https:// ).
      eighty-four For basic usage, you can also have a look at the [plugin web site](https:// ).
    thirty-nine eighty-five
    forty eighty-six == Frequently Asked Questions ==
    forty-one eighty-seven
    forty-two eighty-eight Do you have questions or issues with Download PDF after Submit Form? Use these support channels appropriately.
      ninety = What is DPASF? =
      ninety-two DPASF is the Download PDF after Submit Form plugin for download any pdf after submit a form in the websites.
      ninety-four = How to install DPASF? =
      ninety-six See the installation tab.
      ninety-eight = Is Free version fully free or there is a gap? =
      one hundred Yes, DPASF is fully free which is available on This free version will always be free. It also has a pro version (already development) with additional features which you can purchase from our official website.
      one hundred and one
      one hundred and two = Can I restrict any PDF with DPASF? =
      one hundred and three
      one hundred and four Yes, You can. 
      one hundred and five
      one hundred and six = Can I collect all user info with DPASF? =
      one hundred and seven
      one hundred and eight Yes, You can and get all user info which you have findout view entries menu.
      one hundred and nine
      one hundred and ten = Is free version supported? =
      one hundred and eleven
      one hundred and twelve Yes, We provide full support on the forums. You can also post questions or bug reports through website. However, please note that, for free version's support/replies, there can be delays upto 24-48 hours.
    forty-three one hundred and thirteen
    forty-four one hundred and fourteen = Download PDF after Submit Form is responsive? =
    fifty-two one hundred and twenty-two == Upgrade Notice ==
    fifty-three one hundred and twenty-three
    fifty-four   This is new version 2.2
      one hundred and twenty-four This is new version 2.2.1
      one hundred and twenty-five This is an important & critical release. Please make sure you BACKUP your website before updating. You need to update the plugin to get next-level updates & features of DPASF.   
    fifty-five one hundred and twenty-six
    fifty-six one hundred and twenty-seven == Screenshots ==
    fifty-nine one hundred and thirty 2. screenshot-2.png
    sixty one hundred and thirty-one 3. screenshot-3.png
      one hundred and thirty-two 4. screenshot-4.png
      one hundred and thirty-three 5. screenshot-5.png
      one hundred and thirty-four 6. screenshot-6.png
      one hundred and thirty-five 7. screenshot-7.png
      one hundred and thirty-six 8. screenshot-8.png
      one hundred and thirty-seven 9. screenshot-9.png
    sixty-one one hundred and thirty-eight
    sixty-two one hundred and thirty-nine == Changelog ==
      one hundred and forty
      one hundred and forty-one = 2.2.1 =
      one hundred and forty-two
      one hundred and forty-three * Add premium feature.
      one hundred and forty-four * View all entries.
      one hundred and forty-five * WP version update.
    sixty-three one hundred and forty-six
    sixty-four one hundred and forty-seven = 2.2 =
  • download-pdf-after-submit-form/trunk/readme.txt

    r2905409 r2949510  
    one one === Download PDF After Submit Form ===
    two two Contributors: shahinurislam
    three   Donate link:
    four   Tags: Download any pdf After submit form.
      three Tags: restricted-pdf, download-pdf-after-submit-form, restricted-content-download, popup-form, content-management, lock-pdf-after-signing, disable-lock-document-after-signing, password-protect-a-PDF, secure-PDF, dynamic-popup,
      four PDF-generate-after-form-submission, custom-fields, encrypt-pdf, wp-travel, wp-hotel-booking, wp-tour-plugin,,, airbnb, travel-itinerary, woocommerce-accommodation-bookings
      five Donate link:
    five six Requires at least: 5.8
    six   Tested up to: 6. two
    seven   Stable tag: 2.2
      seven Tested up to: 6. three
      eight Stable tag: 2.2 .1
    eight nine Requires PHP: 7.4
    nine ten License: GPLv2 or later
    fourteen fifteen == Description ==
    fifteen sixteen
    sixteen   Download any pdf after submit form shortcode for WordPress. Take full control over your WordPress site, build any shortcode paste you can imagine – no programming knowledge required.
      seventeen Download any pdf after submit form shortcode for WordPress. Take full control over your WordPress site, build any shortcode paste you can imagine – no programming knowledge required. This plugin offers the premium feature of ready popup design & provides quick access to beautiful all fields that can be edit in your popup easily.
      nineteen 👉 Official Demo Link: [Download any pdf after submit form]( )
      twenty 👉 Buy Pro Version: [DPASF Pro]( )
      twenty-one 👉 Video Guide: [Youtube Video]( )
      twenty-two 👉 Installation Guide: [Documentation]( )
      twenty-four = DPASF Free Version =
      twenty-six * Just install and protect your any PDF file.
      twenty-seven * Download any PDF after submit form.
      twenty-eight * Two general popup form.
      twenty-nine * Get all info from user, He/she downloaded PDF.
      thirty-one = DPASF Pro Version =
      thirty-three * Get all feature from free version.
      thirty-four * Get Custom design in popup.
      thirty-five * Easily modify all fields.
      thirty-six * Add or Remove input fields.
      thirty-seven * Instant support and more.
    seventeen thirty-eight
    eighteen thirty-nine = Docs & Support =
    nineteen forty
    twenty   You can find [docs](https://, [FAQ]( ) and more detailed information about Download PDF after Submit Form on [gitlab]( ). If you were unable to find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, you should check the [support forum]( ) on If you can't locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.
      forty-one You can find [docs](https://, [FAQ]( ) and more detailed information about Download PDF after Submit Form on [gitlab]( ). If you were unable to find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, you should check the [support forum]( ) on If you can't locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.
    twenty-one forty-two
    twenty-two forty-three == Why Use Download PDF After Submit Form? ==
    twenty-three forty-five Download PDF After Submit Form gives you all the features needed to create a files restricted permission without any hassle.
    twenty-four forty-six
    twenty-five forty-seven
      forty-nine == Why Use Download PDF After Submit Form Pro Version with tutorial? ==
      fifty-three == Shortcodes included Download PDF After Submit Form:  ==
      fifty-five <pre>[formtodownload urlname="url" title="pdfname"]</pre>
      fifty-seven <ul>
      fifty-eight     <li><strong>urlname="url"</strong> - urlname=" "</li>
      fifty-nine     <li><strong>title="pdfname"</strong> - title="your_pdf_name" Don't use any space in this title name.</ li>
      sixty </ul>
    twenty-six sixty-one
    twenty-seven sixty-two = Download PDF after Submit Form Needs Your Support =
    twenty-nine sixty-four It is hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you. If you enjoy using Download PDF after Submit Form and find it useful, please consider [__making a donation__]( ). Your donation will help encourage and support the plugin's continued development and better user support. Find on gitlab. [Gitlab]( )
    thirty sixty-five
      sixty-six <strong>Our Other Plugins</strong>
      sixty-eight * <a href=" ">Career Section</a>
      sixty-nine * <a href=" ">Feedback Form Users</a>
      seventy * <a href=" " target="_blank">Meta-box GalleryMeta</a>
      seventy-one * <a href=" " target="_blank">Post Auto Vertical Scrolling</a>
      seventy-two * <a href=" " target="_blank">Simple Font Resizer</a>
    thirty-one seventy-four == Installation ==
    thirty-two seventy-five
    thirty-three   1. Upload the entire `Download PDF after Submit Form` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
    thirty-four   1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
      seventy-six 1. Download and unzip the plugin. Upload the unzipped folder to the wp-contents/plugins folder of your WordPress installation. Or Upload the entire `Download PDF after Submit Form` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
      seventy-seven 2. Active the plugin from the WordPress 'Plugins' menu administration page.
      seventy-eight 3. OR, Go to WP admin panel, click 'Plugins' -> 'Add new'. In the search input box, type `Download PDF after Submit Form`.
      seventy-nine 4. Install and activate the plugin.
      eighty 5. Check our youtube video for further instruction
    thirty-five eighty-one
    thirty-six eighty-two You will find 'Contact' menu in your WordPress admin panel.
    thirty-seven eighty-three
    thirty-eight   For basic usage, you can also have a look at the [plugin web site](https:// ).
      eighty-four For basic usage, you can also have a look at the [plugin web site](https:// ).
    thirty-nine eighty-five
    forty eighty-six == Frequently Asked Questions ==
    forty-one eighty-seven
    forty-two eighty-eight Do you have questions or issues with Download PDF after Submit Form? Use these support channels appropriately.
      ninety = What is DPASF? =
      ninety-two DPASF is the Download PDF after Submit Form plugin for download any pdf after submit a form in the websites.
      ninety-four = How to install DPASF? =
      ninety-six See the installation tab.
      ninety-eight = Is Free version fully free or there is a gap? =
      one hundred Yes, DPASF is fully free which is available on This free version will always be free. It also has a pro version (already development) with additional features which you can purchase from our official website.
      one hundred and one
      one hundred and two = Can I restrict any PDF with DPASF? =
      one hundred and three
      one hundred and four Yes, You can. 
      one hundred and five
      one hundred and six = Can I collect all user info with DPASF? =
      one hundred and seven
      one hundred and eight Yes, You can and get all user info which you have findout view entries menu.
      one hundred and nine
      one hundred and ten = Is free version supported? =
      one hundred and eleven
      one hundred and twelve Yes, We provide full support on the forums. You can also post questions or bug reports through website. However, please note that, for free version's support/replies, there can be delays upto 24-48 hours.
    forty-three one hundred and thirteen
    forty-four one hundred and fourteen = Download PDF after Submit Form is responsive? =
    fifty-two one hundred and twenty-two == Upgrade Notice ==
    fifty-three one hundred and twenty-three
    fifty-four   This is new version 2.2
      one hundred and twenty-four This is new version 2.2.1
      one hundred and twenty-five This is an important & critical release. Please make sure you BACKUP your website before updating. You need to update the plugin to get next-level updates & features of DPASF.   
    fifty-five one hundred and twenty-six
    fifty-six one hundred and twenty-seven == Screenshots ==
    fifty-nine one hundred and thirty 2. screenshot-2.png
    sixty one hundred and thirty-one 3. screenshot-3.png
      one hundred and thirty-two 4. screenshot-4.png
      one hundred and thirty-three 5. screenshot-5.png
      one hundred and thirty-four 6. screenshot-6.png
      one hundred and thirty-five 7. screenshot-7.png
      one hundred and thirty-six 8. screenshot-8.png
      one hundred and thirty-seven 9. screenshot-9.png
    sixty-one one hundred and thirty-eight
    sixty-two one hundred and thirty-nine == Changelog ==
      one hundred and forty
      one hundred and forty-one = 2.2.1 =
      one hundred and forty-two
      one hundred and forty-three * Add premium feature.
      one hundred and forty-four * View all entries.
      one hundred and forty-five * WP version update.
    sixty-three one hundred and forty-six
    sixty-four one hundred and forty-seven = 2.2 =
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.