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Changeset 2905409

04/28/2023 02:22:24 AM ( 17 months ago)

Bug Fixed, WP and all library update

17 added
4 edited


  • download-pdf-after-submit-form/trunk/css/formstyle.css

    r2853025 r2905409  
    one one /* The Modal (background) */
    two   .modal {
      two .modal -DPBSF {
    three three   display: none; /* Hidden by default */
    four four   position: fixed; /* Stay in place */
    seventeen seventeen   outline: 0;
    eighteen eighteen }
    nineteen   .modal-dialog {
      nineteen .modal-dialog -DPBSF {
    twenty twenty   width: 600px;
    twenty-one twenty-one   margin: 30px auto;
    twenty-five twenty-five
    twenty-six twenty-six /* Modal Content */
    twenty-seven   .modal-content {
      twenty-seven .modal-content -DPBSF {
    twenty-eight twenty-eight   position: relative;
    twenty-nine twenty-nine   background-color: #fefefe;
    fifty-one fifty-one
    fifty-two fifty-two /* The Close Button */
    fifty-three   .close {
      fifty-three .close -DPBSF {
    fifty-four fifty-four   color: #959595;
    fifty-five fifty-five   float: right;
    fifty-eight fifty-eight }
    fifty-nine fifty-nine
    sixty   .close :hover,
    sixty-one   .close :focus {
      sixty .close -DPBSF :hover,
      sixty-one .close -DPBSF :focus {
    sixty-two sixty-two   color: #000;
    sixty-three sixty-three   text-decoration: none;
    sixty-five sixty-five }
    sixty-six sixty-six
    sixty-seven   .modal-header {
      sixty-seven .modal-header -DPBSF {
    sixty-eight sixty-eight   padding: 2px 16px 15px;
    sixty-nine sixty-nine   border-bottom: 1px solid #d5d5d5;
    seventy seventy }
    seventy-one seventy-one
    seventy-two   .modal-body {padding: 10px 16px;}
      seventy-two .modal-body -DPBSF {padding: 10px 16px;}
    seventy-three seventy-three
    seventy-four   .modal-footer {
      seventy-four .modal-footer -DPBSF {
    seventy-five seventy-five   padding: 2px 16px;
    seventy-six seventy-six   color: white;
    eighty-nine eighty-nine     text-align:right;
    ninety ninety }
    ninety-one   .modal-header h4{
      ninety-one .modal-header -DPBSF h4{
    ninety-two ninety-two color: #007aaf !important;
    ninety-three ninety-three margin-bottom: 0;
    ninety-six ninety-six font-weight: 700;
    ninety-seven ninety-seven }
    ninety-eight   .modal {
      ninety-eight .modal -DPBSF {
    ninety-nine ninety-nine   overflow-x: hidden;
    one hundred one hundred   overflow-y: auto;
  • download-pdf-after-submit-form/trunk/index.php

    r2853025 r2905409  
    five five Description: Download any pdf After submit form.
    six six Author: Md. Shahinur Islam
    seven   Version: 2. one
      seven Version: 2. two
    eight eight Author URI:
    nine nine */
    one hundred and two one hundred and two <? php   }  ?>
    one hundred and three one hundred and three <!-- main content-->
    one hundred and four   <div class="entry-content ">
      one hundred and four <div class="entry-content -1 ">
    one hundred and five one hundred and five     <? php if(isset($emailSent) && $emailSent == true) {  ?>
    one hundred and six one hundred and six         <div class="thanks">           
    one hundred and sixty-five one hundred and sixty-five         <? php } ?>
    one hundred and sixty-six one hundred and sixty-six         <!-- The Modal -->
    one hundred and sixty-seven           <div id="<?php esc_html_e($echos);?> " class="modal ">
      one hundred and sixty-seven         <div id="<?php esc_html_e($echos);?> " class="modal -DPBSF ">
    one hundred and sixty-eight one hundred and sixty-eight         <!-- Modal content -->
    one hundred and sixty-nine           <div class="modal-dialog ">
    one hundred and seventy               <div class="modal-content customModalDpbsp_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">
    one hundred and seventy-one                   <div class="modal-header headerDpbsp_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">
      one hundred and sixty-nine         <div class="modal-dialog -DPBSF ">
      one hundred and seventy             <div class="modal-content -DPBSF customModalDpbsp_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">
      one hundred and seventy-one                 <div class="modal-header -DPBSF headerDpbsp_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">
    one hundred and seventy-two one hundred and seventy-two                     <h4>Restricted download</h4>
    one hundred and seventy-three                       <span class="close close<?php esc_html_e($echos);?> ">&times;</span>                 
      one hundred and seventy-three                     <span class="close -DPBSF close<?php esc_html_e($echos);?> ">&times;</span>                   
    one hundred and seventy-four one hundred and seventy-four                 </div>
    one hundred and seventy-five                   <div class="modal-body bodyDpbsp_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">       
      one hundred and seventy-five                 <div class="modal-body -DPBSF bodyDpbsp_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">     
    one hundred and seventy-six one hundred and seventy-six                 <!-- form-->
    one hundred and seventy-seven one hundred and seventy-seven                 <form action="" id="contactForm" method="post">                 
    one hundred and seventy-eight one hundred and seventy-eight                     <ul class="contactform contactformDpbsp_<?php echo get_option('formstyle') ?> ">         
    one hundred and seventy-nine                           <b  class="entry-title" >To download this file, please fill in this form</b> 
      one hundred and seventy-nine                         <b >To download this file, please fill in this form</b> 
    one hundred and eighty one hundred and eighty                             <li>
    one hundred and eighty-one one hundred and eighty-one                                 <label for="email">Email</label>
    two hundred and six two hundred and six                 <!-- end form-->   
    two hundred and seven two hundred and seven                 </div>   
    two hundred and eight               <div class="modal-footer "></div>
      two hundred and eight             <div class="modal-footer -DPBSF "></div>
    two hundred and nine two hundred and nine         </div>
    two hundred and ten two hundred and ten         </div>
  • download-pdf-after-submit-form/trunk/

    r2853025 r2905409  
    three three Donate link:
    four four Tags: Download any pdf After submit form.
    five   Requires at least: 5. four
    six   Tested up to: 6. one
    seven   Stable tag: 2. one
      five Requires at least: 5. eight
      six Tested up to: 6. two
      seven Stable tag: 2. two
    eight eight Requires PHP: 7.4
    nine nine License: GPLv2 or later
    fifty-two fifty-two == Upgrade Notice ==
    fifty-three fifty-three
    fifty-four   This is new version 2. zero
      fifty-four This is new version 2. two
    fifty-five fifty-five
    fifty-six fifty-six == Screenshots ==
    sixty-one sixty-one
    sixty-two sixty-two == Changelog ==
      sixty-four = 2.2 =
      sixty-six * Major bug fix.
      sixty-seven * Update all library.
    sixty-three sixty-eight
    sixty-four sixty-nine = 2.0 =
  • download-pdf-after-submit-form/trunk/readme.txt

    r2853025 r2905409  
    two two Contributors: shahinurislam
    three three Donate link:
    four   Tags: Download pdf, form, restricted form
    five   Requires at least: 5. four
    six   Tested up to: 6. one
    seven   Stable tag: 2. one
      four Tags: Download any pdf After submit form.
      five Requires at least: 5. eight
      six Tested up to: 6. two
      seven Stable tag: 2. two
    eight eight Requires PHP: 7.4
    nine nine License: GPLv2 or later
    fifty-two fifty-two == Upgrade Notice ==
    fifty-three fifty-three
    fifty-four   This is new version 2. zero
      fifty-four This is new version 2. two
    fifty-five fifty-five
    fifty-six fifty-six == Screenshots ==
    sixty-one sixty-one
    sixty-two sixty-two == Changelog ==
      sixty-four = 2.2 =
      sixty-six * Major bug fix.
      sixty-seven * Update all library.
    sixty-three sixty-eight
    sixty-four sixty-nine = 2.0 =
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.