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Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Carrying out the Action of "Standardizing Management Year" for Basic Education

Published on: May 9, 2024
Issued by: Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
Education departments (education commissions) of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, education bureaus of cities specifically designated in the state plan, and education bureaus of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

In order to fully implement the Party's education policy, further strengthen the management of school running behavior of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens according to laws and regulations, improve the governance level of basic education, and improve the education satisfaction of the people, the Ministry of Education has decided to organize the "standardized management year" action for basic education (hereinafter referred to as the "standardized management year" action). The relevant requirements are notified as follows.

1、 Work objectives

Through the "Year of Standardized Management", the political awareness, legal awareness and rules awareness of the basic education front cadres, teachers and researchers have been further strengthened, and the violations of laws and regulations, educational laws and utilitarian short-sighted behaviors in the field of basic education have been further cleaned up and rectified, managed according to law, strictly managed The long-term mechanism of standardized management was further established and improved, the school management ability and teaching and education level were further improved, and the people's satisfaction and sense of gain in basic education were further improved.

2、 Key points of regulation

(1) The safety bottom line is lost. In some places and schools, the implementation of the ideological responsibility system is not in place, and the secretaries, principals, teachers, and teaching and research staff have weak political security awareness and improper words and deeds. The campus safety responsibilities are not implemented, the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards are not in place, student injuries, bullying and other incidents occur frequently, and even major safety accidents occur.

(2) Daily management is out of order. In some places and schools, the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people is not implemented in place, which violates the requirements of quality education, and the phenomenon of "score only, entering higher education" is repeatedly prohibited. The school management system is not perfect and implemented, and some of them adhere to the legal requirements and national regulations in a positive and negative way, compromise and make changes, and damage the good educational ecology.

(3) Teachers' morality and style are out of order. Some teachers violate the professional code of conduct for kindergarten teachers in primary and secondary schools, deviate from the requirements of educating people, have bad manners, misbehave, treat students unfairly and even infringe on their legitimate rights and interests, which seriously affects the healthy growth of students.

3、 Implementation steps

(1) Deployment starts implementation. From now on to the end of May 2024, all provincial education administrative departments shall, in accordance with the requirements of this circular, pay close attention to the local reality to formulate specific implementation plans, improve and refine the negative list, seriously deploy and promote, guide the local authorities to take effective measures, and put the requirements for standardized school running on every school and every secretary, president and teacher.

(2) Comprehensive self inspection and rectification. From June to September 2024, the provincial education administrative department will organize the grass-roots education departments, all primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, carefully carry out self-examination against the work requirements and negative list, establish a problem account, achieve full coverage without blind spots, make innovations when problems are found, and strengthen the learning, education and training required by standardized school running.

(3) Strengthen overall guidance. From September to October 2024, the provincial education administrative department will organize and carry out the key self inspection work within the province, and further promote the implementation of standardized management requirements and compaction of work responsibilities through cross city and county cross investigation, responsible education supervision, professional guidance and other ways.

(4) Make summary and feedback. From November to December 2024, the provincial education administrative department will organize a summary of the "Year of Standardized Management". The Ministry of Education timely carried out evaluation, fed back and notified the existing problems, promoted typical experience, and further improved the policy and system of standardized management.

4、 Job requirements

(1) Effectively strengthen organizational leadership. Local education departments should take the implementation of the "Year of Standardized Management" as an important part of this year's work, put it on the agenda, and carefully arrange the deployment to ensure effectiveness. Strengthen positive publicity and guidance, summarize and promote the typical experience of standardized school running, encourage the advanced, spur the backward, and create a good atmosphere. Timely summarize the implementation of actions, and fix the effective practices through policy documents, so as to achieve long-term success and long-term governance, resolutely prevent school running behaviors that challenge the bottom line and touch the red line, and effectively improve the level of rule of law, standardization and refinement of school running.

(2) Establish reputation evaluation system. Education administrative departments at all levels should explore the establishment of a reputation evaluation system for running basic education schools, truthfully record the non-standard behaviors of education departments and schools around the country, and separately show the events that have caused major safety accidents, major public opinions, and adverse social impacts. The reputation evaluation results should be open to a certain range as schools It is an important reference for all kinds of teachers' evaluation and commendation.

(3) Establish capacity improvement system. All localities should establish a number of standardized primary and secondary school kindergartens to run base schools as bases for regional secretaries, school (kindergarten) directors to follow the post and improve the business of teaching and research staff, and improve the entry and exit mechanism of base schools. New secretaries, school (park) leaders, and school secretaries and school (park) leaders who rank lower in reputation evaluation should be organized in an orderly manner to carry out post following research in the base school for a certain period of time. All kinds of teacher training projects, bases, studios, etc. should be coordinated, special training for standardized school running should be organized and strengthened, and the bottom line requirements for standardized school running should be taken as the basic content of secretary, school (kindergarten) director, and teacher training.

(4) Establish responsibility implementation system. We will improve the basic education management system, which is coordinated by provinces and cities, and focuses on counties. We will strengthen territorial management, shift the focus downward, and strengthen the main responsibility of schools to ensure that the central policy requirements reach every school in a timely manner. Education administrative departments at all levels should increase the punishment of school running behaviors that violate the provisions of the negative list and touch the bottom line red line, and seriously pursue responsibilities according to law and regulations. The higher education administrative departments shall supervise and hold accountable the education administrative departments that ignore the school's violations, perfunctory and ineffective handling.

(5) Establish a supervision and exposure mechanism. Local education administrative departments should unblock and publish the acceptance channels such as standardized school running report telephone, mailbox and network platform, and widely accept the supervision of students' parents, deputies to the National People's Congress, CPPCC members and all sectors of society on the school running behavior. Set up an exposure platform to publicly circulate a notice of criticism on the school's illegal school running behaviors that are verified to be true. Strengthen the construction of supervision force, strengthen the daily supervision of school running behavior through the parent committee, specially invited supervisors and other ways, and strive to build every primary and secondary school kindergarten into a school that reassures the Party and satisfies the masses.

Annex: 1. List of Main Basis for Standardized Management of Basic Education

2. Negative list of standardized management of basic education

                                                                                                                                                                               General Office of the Ministry of Education

                                                                                                                                                                               April 30, 2024

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