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Altay in Glory Magic6 Series: Perfect Integration of Nature and Life

Mobile China [Original] Author: Du Yue 2024-06-28 10:28
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[CNMO science and technology news] A few days ago, I was deeply attracted by My Altay. The scenery and characters in the play seemed to be both close and unreachable. Whenever the busy and impetuous work haunts my mind, my mind will drift to the quiet and gorgeous Altay, savoring the beautiful scenery of Rainbow Braque and the tenacious vitality of the Batai tree. These places and things seem to exude a mysterious magic, which can instantly heal the inner turmoil.

However, I always have a question in my heart, what is the true Altay like? Perhaps there are a thousand Altaics in a thousand people's hearts. Only by stepping on that land can we solve the mystery. Opening the blue wooden door of Zhang Fengxia's canteen is like stepping into the world of the play. The bird smoke and wine on the shelf are quietly waiting for visitors to choose. At that moment, I seemed to understand that there was nothing necessary in life. No matter how bumpy the life was, it would also be shiny.

 Altay in Glory Magic6 Series: Perfect Integration of Nature and Life

   In order to explore the beauty of Altay, we set foot on the place where Wenxiu and Batai once lived, and measured their life with images. We also experienced the daily life of Kazakh herdsmen. We had breakfast with them, rode horses together, and lit a campfire at night when darkness fell. When all this gradually became normal, the normal life of local people became different in everyone's mind.

   In order to faithfully record this trip to Altay, we not only took professional cameras to shoot videos, but also made choices among many flagship mobile phones, hoping to let more people experience the charm of Altay through mobile phone lenses. After careful comparison, we chose the Glory Magic6 series of mobile phones, which helped us capture highly infectious videos and fascinating photos.

 Altay in Glory Magic6 Series: Perfect Integration of Nature and Life

   Glory Magic6 Ultimate has customized a 50 million pixel super dynamic variable eagle eye main camera H9800, with a CMOS size of 1/1.3 inch and an intelligent variable aperture of f/1.4-f2.0, which can not only obtain sufficient light input, but also obtain better effects when shooting depth of field scenes. Considering that the very strong sunshine intensity in Altay requires high dynamic range of equipment, the LOFIC technology of Glory Magic6 is tailored for such scenes.

 Altay in Glory Magic6 Series: Perfect Integration of Nature and Life

The basic principle of LOFIC technology is to place a high-density capacitor on each photodiode of the mobile phone image sensor to collect photoelectrons that may overflow due to saturation. In this way, when the number of photoelectrons converted by the photodiode exceeds the maximum limit of the original capacity, the excess photoelectrons will flow into the adjacent capacitor, and will not be "overexposed" due to overflow. This will allow the highlight information in the shooting scene to be better retained by the sensor, so that the final piece will be closer to the real light and shadow scene. With the help of LOFIC technology, the dynamic range of Glory Magic6 is up to 15EV, which is more than 3 levels higher than the traditional mobile phone image sensor, reaching the level of SLR. This provides a higher limit for our trip to Altay, which can truly record the sky, cloud and shadow, and restore the most natural colors of Altay.

 Altay in Glory Magic6 Series: Perfect Integration of Nature and Life

With the gradual development of this trip, we have also taken a large number of Altay landscapes, which will be shared with you in the following content. If you are a tourist who yearns for Altay, you can actually take brilliant photos with a mobile phone. You can go out light, listen to the early morning news of Altay, feel the life of Wenxiu and Batai, and find the Altay in your heart.


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