League of Heroes season 12 start time lol2022 season update time

Time: 14:35, January 3, 2022 Source: Internet collation Author: Jue fish I want to comment Related content

The League of Heroes s12 season is about to start. After the end of the pre-season, players have a general understanding of the new version. When the 12.1 version comes, players can enjoy the final carnival of the S11 season. This article will give the start time of lols 12 season.

League of Heroes season 12 start time lol2022 season update time

The League of Heroes official tweeted the time of the 2022 new season: 23:00 Beijing time, January 7

 S12 new season

S12 new season

This new season has added a lot of content. The new elements of the S12 pre-season are Yalong, the Hicks technology dragon and the alchemy technology dragon, which respectively correspond to the two city battle of Pirtwoff and Zuan. The unheard of dragon soul mechanism makes the competition for resources more intense; The addition of rewards at strategic points makes the game more changeable and gives the inferior parties more opportunities to win the game; The new equipment gives new hope to more characters, and what kind of vitality will the latest cornerstone rune in the rune continent bring? Let's go to the new S12 season to experience it.

 Battle of Two Cities

Battle of Two Cities

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