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PayPal certification

eBay Understand that online transaction security is the primary concern of both buyers and sellers, so we have always been committed to maintaining the security of the transaction environment. Recently, we have made some changes in the publishing policy of transnational transactions to ensure the credit and security of the market.

be careful : If you do not connect your authenticated PayPal account to your eBay account, you will not be able to sell items around the world. In addition, novice sellers need to provide PayPal or a recognized Merchant Account as a recognized secure payment method for selling globally *.

In online trade, both the buyer and the seller regard security as the most important issue. In order to continuously improve the security and trust of the market, we have recently introduced a series of changes in publishing policies to improve the security of global trading.

Conditions for global sales:
Sellers who intend to sell items to the world (to eBay websites outside their registered regions) need to meet the following two requirements:

Have a certified PayPal account
Connect your eBay account to an authenticated PayPal account

Authentication is the step for a member to successfully complete identity confirmation. In Hong Kong, members need to Confirm Credit card to confirm identity.

Becoming a certified PayPal member is very important to enhance the security of eBay and PayPal networks. Here are some steps to help you get started:


Sign up for a PayPal account or Login Existing account.

3 easy steps to authenticate your PayPal account:
one View 4-digit PayPal password from credit card monthly statement
two Enter a 4-digit PayPal password into your PayPal account
three Learn how to pass PayPal certification
Make sure your PayPal account is connected to your eBay account.
To connect two accounts, first Login Your eBay account.
one Go to "My eBay".
two Click the "Addresses" link under "My Account" to connect or check whether the account has been connected.
Learn more about connecting accounts  

Don't know!
EBay global sellers who provide PayPal as a payment method are 43% less likely to encounter buyers' bid abandonment than those who do not.

To learn more about authenticating or connecting to your PayPal account, go to Frequently asked questions Page.


*Some websites and item categories are not subject to this policy. Please go to the website where you intend to sell goods and read the publishing policy of the website of the country to understand the relevant requirements.


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