OpenResty ® Scalable Web platform implemented by NGINX through Lua extension

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OpenResty ® It is a web platform based on NGINX and LuaJIT.


OpenResty ® Is based on Nginx With Lua's high-performance Web platform, it has a large number of excellent Lua libraries, third-party modules, and most dependencies. It is used to easily build dynamic systems that can handle ultra-high concurrency and scalability Web applications, Web services, and dynamic gateways.

OpenResty ® By bringing together various well-designed Nginx Module (mainly composed of OpenResty team), so as to Nginx Effectively become a powerful universal Web application platform. In this way, Web developers and system engineers can use Lua Script language transfer Nginx Various C and Lua modules supported can be quickly constructed to be competent for 10K Even a high-performance web application system with concurrent connection of a single machine above 1000K.

OpenResty ® The goal of Nginx Inside the service, make full use of Nginx The non blocking I/O model of MySQL, PostgreSQL, Memcached, and Redis all provide consistent high-performance responses.

reference resources assembly We can know that OpenResty ® How much software is included in.

reference resources Go on the road Learn how to learn from the simplest hello world Start using OpenResty ® Develop HTTP services, or go to download Direct access OpenResty ® The source code package of begins to experience.