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MIT Open Course: Public Policy
A total of 22 episodes of this course have not been translated. Welcome to learn

Lecturer: multiple -New York Times bestselling author. His two books, "The Mississippi River Flood in 1927" and "How to Change America", won the Francis Parkman Award issued by the American Association of Historians.

College introduction: Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a comprehensive private university in the United States, which has the reputation of "the most polytechnic universities in the world". MIT leads the United States in scientific research in the fields of space science, atomic science, aerospace technology, and bioengineering.

Course introduction: many experts from all aspects of the world discussed and studied public policies in various fields.

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Course list
[Episode 1] Deliberately designed freedom translate
【 Episode 2 】 How to improve the presidential election system translate
[Episode 3] Application of Electoral College in Presidential Election translate
[Episode 4] Dangerous "opportunity" in the blue sky translate
[Episode 5] Two things to worry about translate
【 Episode 6 】 How to improve the presidential election system translate
【 Episode 7 】 Logical Benchmarks, Problems and Improvement Measures of Electoral College System translate
【 Episode 8 】 Expert debate and audience dialogue on electoral college system translate
[Episode 9] Learn to explore in the dark: the root of moral resistance translate
[Episode 10] Influenza pandemic: dialogue with John M. Barry translate
【 Episode 11 】 Viewing the American medical insurance system from the medical insurance policies of the two presidential candidates translate
【 Episode 12 】 Current situation of medical reform in the United States translate
[Episode 13] 13. The Electronic College Experts Audience Dialogue
[Episode 14] 14. A Life in Public Service
[Episode 15] 15. Religion and Election: What Do We Think We Know
【 Episode 16 】 How Democracy Resolutes Conflict in Conflict Games
[Episode 17] 17. Concentrate on Separated Driving
【 Episode 18 】 18. Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War
[Episode 22] 22. MIT Experts Assessment President Obama on Afghanistan, Climate,and the Economy
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