△ 300 | Living towards death

Because of business trip, it is 10:30 of the 300th day now. I still sit in front of the computer and stare at the morning view of the city outside the window. I have no intention of writing today's daily writing. The most recent articles are not in stock. They are all written in a leisurely manner in the morning, submitted in one go before the release at 11:00, and then didn't bother to open the blog again all day. Most of the inspiration comes from the day before I went to bed. When my brain was most active, I was too lazy to get up and sit down in front of the computer. I wrote a keyword in the inspiration record file of my mobile phone and fell asleep.

This is the case every day, so it is hard to be "unexpected" because business trips disrupt the writing plan.

In Guo Degang's baggage, there is a sentence "You can live to death". The seemingly vulgar sentence contains a philosophy idea that both refined and popular tastes are appreciated - that is, the German philosopher Martin Heidegger proposed "to live to death". Life is a countdown to death.

Last night, a more interesting "angle" appeared about the thought of death. When watching the news program of NHK, the reporter interviewed the Chinese who lost their self-made catering industry in the years of epidemic prevention and control. He talked about the social changes in the years of epidemic prevention and control, taking himself as a microcosm. If you are a reporter from NHK, you should "report to your family" at the beginning, but this interview was filmed. My wife and I watched TV at the same time expressed a feeling: Is he still alive after the interview with NHK?

Yes, we were all thinking about the same thing at that time. Maybe it was just a symbol, but it was full of "realistic absurdity" in various senses; Or his interview with Japanese media was known by people around him, and he was betrayed by others; Or a group of strange netizens, who "convicted" him as a "traitor" in the way of receiving interviews from foreign journalists, obliterated his real sense of sociality.

I was horrified. Why do we all have this idea? Is it really because we have been "domesticated" into orderly citizens, and will have a strong "national complex" for this "eating inside and picking outside" behavior? Obviously not, We admire such people, but we will not do such things for the time being, because in this "survival game", the most important indicator is to live, so that we can have the opportunity and qualification to be the transmitter of ideas and words. This is cruel, but I have to obey it. So before I went to bed last night, I left the key word "living for death" in my notebook.

A few days ago, I deleted many friends from the last two Jane Chung social software that I still use. On the one hand, I did not have too many contacts, and I will not have more contacts in the future; On the other hand, if this "survival game" really starts, they must be hunters actively looking for "prey", because this is their way to survive.

The "witch hunt", which began in the 12th century and continued to reach its peak in the 16th century, even included Joan of Arc, the female hero of France, as a witch. For more than 400 years, people tried to eliminate all "paganism" that conflicts with Christianity. But what is the definition of witches? In fact, there is no very clear official document. Of course, the official will not give any "official document" in any sense. The clearer it is defined, the more those so-called "witches" can find "loopholes" to avoid being defined, so eventually this developed into a massive "populist movement".

The biggest problem of the Populist Movement is "low intelligence" In order to establish a perfect self-protection mechanism, people with different cognitive levels will form the same rabble, so their IQ level will be lowered to include everyone's cognition. Therefore, the "witch hunt movement" must be symbolized when facing "populism". These symbols are intuitive, visual, and can be repeatedly disassembled and redefined. For example, black cats, medicine jars, plant specimen bottles, etc., these symbols are regarded as the exclusive symbols of "witches". Therefore, once populists find such existence, they will put their identified witches on the fire rack to accept the so-called justice trial.

For the survivors, the "difficulty" of this survival game is that it has no definition in any form, and the power and responsibility of the definition is entrusted to a low intellectualized "populist collection", that is, in order to survive, the populist collection must eliminate all the existence that contradicts with populism, so those symbols are up to them. Maybe the black cat mentioned today may be that all cat owners should be executed in a few days.

This seems absurd, but it really happened - two news stories that are not so striking but full of absurdism.

One is that someone bought imported dog food for his pet dog. After the courier found that it was imported dog food from abroad, the courier opened the express and destroyed it privately. He also claimed that the person's purchase of imported dog food was an act of "betraying the country and seeking glory". He was very angry after looking at it, so he "acted for a just patriotic act".

The other reason is that the owner's pet cats and dogs were "pollution-free treatment" (that is, they fell to death on the spot) because they were killed at home. Many netizens think that this practice is too extreme, and no research has proved that pet cats and dogs can transmit COVID-19. It didn't take long for another voice to appear, thinking that these pets should be killed by falling. In the face of epidemic prevention, people should not affect the health of everyone because of their own selfish desires. Home killing is for the health of the whole community. The death of one or two cats and dogs is not worth mentioning in the face of these major rights and wrongs.

This is another understanding of "living towards death". This kind of death is not natural, not allowed to be discussed, or even announced as the truth. It is a kind of social obliteration of death. This is also a kind of "worry" when I saw that interview. Will the person interviewed by a foreign reporter be put on the trial rack because of this "symbol"?

I had a dream of a pagan. When the religious order wanted to eliminate pagans, I pretended to be a believer and betrayed the pagan who had planned to overthrow the religious order with me. When he was about to be put on the rack of fire, I still could not feel a trace of guilt and guilt in my dream. I think this is the way to hide my identity and live. At last, there was no burning fire in that dream. I always wanted to keep that dream, because the torch that forced me to show loyalty was passed to my hand. Everyone forced me to light the fire of the scaffold, so that I could get rid of the relationship with the sinner that I personally identified but who was also my closest friend... I would really light the pile that would burn this one full of betrayal But will it make me regret the firewood for life?

The smoke, the fire, and the blood and flesh along the way will eventually become the "Die Wei ß e Rose" of the era, blooming, fragrant, and living towards death.

5 replies

  1.  Die for Life – Head of Mobius

    [...] Since we talked about "living to death" in the morning, is there a possibility that it is inevitable to "die to life"? […]

  2.  Conge avatar

    People will die after all, which does not mean a wave of killing each other.
    But people are really cruel.

    1.  ONO avatar

      There is a line in EVA that I like best: the last enemy of mankind is mankind.

  3.  Head portrait beside the sunken boat

    The program interviewed by NHK reporters in China?

    1.  ONO avatar

      It seems that it should be, because neither the questions asked nor the perspective of the interview should be put forward by the domestic press conference (dare).

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