JS special effect of rolling loading animation on website page (II)

 Blogger: Li None but Li 2017-06-14 six thousand seven hundred and fifty-one 2 comments

Released yesterday Website page scrolling loading animation JS special effect However, the loaded page is not perfect. The article page cannot be loaded directly, and the scroll bar needs to continue. It may be caused by not adjusting the js. So today I retested wow.js, and I feel this is good. I like it very much. If you are interested, you can test it. When the page scrolls down, some elements will produce small animation effects. Although the animation is small, it can attract your attention. For example, just released the iPhone 6 page (view). If you want your page to be more interesting, you can try WOW.js.

WOW.js relies on animate.css, so it supports more than 60 animation effects of animate.css, which can meet your various needs.


Browser compatible

 IE Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
IE10+  Chrome  Firefox  Opera  Safari 

Old browsers such as IE6 and IE7 do not support CSS3 animation, so they have no effect; However, wow.js also uses the querySelectorAll method, and the lower version of IE will report an error. In order to achieve better compatibility, it is better to add a browser and version judgment.

usage method

1. Import file (built-in css style)

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="animate.min.css">

2. HTML (add two css attributes to the div that needs scrolling animation)

 <div class="wow fadeInDown"></div>

The CSS in the div framework can be customized, such as imagination. You can try more interesting functions yourself.

 <div class="wow slideInLeft"></div> <div class="wow slideInRight"></div>

You can add data wow duration and data wow delay attributes, such as:

 <div class="wow slideInLeft" data-wow-duration="2s" data-wow-delay="5s"></div> <div class="wow slideInRight" data-wow-offset="10"  data-wow-iteration="10"></div>

3. JavaScript (finally, introduce js and script statements)

 <script src="/wow.js"></script> <script>     wow = new WOW(     {     animateClass: 'animated',     offset:       100,     callback:     function(box) {     console.log("WOW: animating <" + box.tagName.toLowerCase() + ">")     }     }     );      wow.init();      </script>

If you need custom configuration, you can use it as follows:

 var wow = new WOW({     boxClass: 'wow',     animateClass: 'animated',     offset: 0,     mobile: true,     live: true }); wow.init();

to configure

Property/Method type Default explain
boxClass character string ‘wow’ The class of the element that needs to be animated
animateClass character string ‘animated’ Animation.css animation class
offset integer zero How far from the visible area to start animation
mobile Boolean true Whether to execute animation on mobile device
live Boolean true Whether the content loaded asynchronously is valid

This is different from the last one. The other steps of css+script are the same. Other functions have not been tested. You can DIY yourself.

The End

Published on: 2017-06-14, unless otherwise noted Li Yang's personal blog template demonstration station Original article, please indicate the source for reprinting.