Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial

 Blogger: Li None but Li 2017-05-15 four thousand nine hundred and twenty-two 3 comments

It is recommended to disconnect the network first, and then close the port. After closing the port, you can download patches or repair tools online

Step 1: Start Menu - Open the Windows Firewall in the Control Panel and ensure that the firewall is enabled

 Manually Closing Port 445 Operation Tutorial 1.jpg

 Open advanced firewall settings.jpg

 Create a new rule in Inbound Rule, and select Customize. jpg

Windows system patch Download address

Windows XP,Windows Server 2003,Windows8 Please visit: here

Windows7,Windows8.1 , Windows Server 2008, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 Please visit: here

The End

Published on: 2017-05-15, unless otherwise noted Li Yang's personal blog template demonstration station Original article, please indicate the source for reprinting.