How much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization?

 Blogger: Li None but Li 2017-04-28 five thousand eight hundred and thirty 1 comment

There has always been such a question, how much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization? What is your SEO pricing standard and so on. But sometimes I can't answer the questions about SEO fees and quotations. I suggest you take a look first, Four common sense you need to know to do a good job in SEO optimization

First of all, I hope netizens will understand that website optimization and keyword ranking are not a fixed model. According to the size of the website, the type of website, the degree of competition of the website, the degree of competition of the industry, and other factors, the difficulty of website optimization will be different. So, how much does website optimization cost? Such problems must be analyzed according to different situations in order to give a reasonable seo quotation scheme.

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For example, the reasons that affect the SEO outsourcing price:

1. The value of keywords:

Key words, search volume, bidding volume, bidding price.

2. Value of keywords to the enterprise:

The influence of keywords and the benefits that keywords can bring to enterprises.

3. Competitors for keywords:

The number of competitors, their strength, and their accumulated advantages.

4. Enterprise's demand for optimization:

Key words rank on the first page? Page 2? other?

5. Starting point of enterprise website SEO:

The extent to which the website needs to be modified, the richness of website content, whether the website has been optimized before, and whether it has been punished by search engines.

6. Size of website:

Large scale websites need more time to optimize more details.

Secondly, how to distinguish the difficulty of keyword optimization? What are the criteria for judging the difficulty of keywords:( The following data source is Baidu

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1、 Number of keyword search results:

This quantity value is an index that all optimizers should look at. It can be divided into the following numerical ranges:

(A) If the search results are less than 500000, they are less competitive;

(B) Search results of 300000 to 1000000: medium to small;

(C) Search results of 1-3 million: medium;

(D) Search results of 3-5 million: above average;

(E) More than 5 million search results: high difficulty words.

2、 Daily search volume of keywords:

This value reflects the popularity of users' search for this keyword. The larger the daily search volume, the more users need this keyword and the more effective traffic it will bring to customers. Naturally, this word will also be the target of many businesses, so the competition will be more difficult.

It can be divided into the following numerical ranges (based on Baidu Index):

(A) Less than 100 searches: less competitive;

(B) Search times 100-300: medium to small;

(C) Search times 300-500: medium;

(D) Search times 500-1000: above average;

(E) More than 1000 searches: high difficulty words.

3、 Number of primary domain competitors:

The number of primary domain names reflects the overall strength of competing sites. The more domain name level competitors appear in the search results, the more competing sites optimize the word, the more difficult it will be to optimize. To measure this value, we generally analyze the number of main domain names on the first five pages of Baidu search.

It can be divided into the following numerical ranges: these include Baidu's own products, such as encyclopedia, library, post bar, know, etc.

(A) There is no domain name competitor in the first five pages of the search results: it is less competitive;

(B) In the first five pages of the search results, there are 1-10 domain name competitors: medium to small;

(C) 10-20 domain name level competitors in the first five pages of the search results: medium;

(D) 20-30 domain name level competitors in the first five pages of the search results: above average;

(E) There are more than 30 domain name level competitors in the first five pages of the search results: high difficulty words.

4、 Page 1 Competitor strength:

Since most optimizers promise to rank in the top 10 of the first page naturally, the site on the first page is our most direct competitor, so it is necessary to analyze them.

This can be divided into the following numerical ranges:

(A) The competitors on the first page are all the inside pages of ordinary websites (non GVM, non portal, non industry): they are less competitive;

(B) On the first page, there are no more than 5 common websites of competitors: medium to small;

(C) The competitors on the first page are the homepage of ordinary websites: medium;

(D) On the first page, competitors have more than four high-quality websites (industry, GVM, portal) home pages or directory pages: above average;

(E) On the first page, competitors have more than 8 high-quality websites (industry, GVM, portal) home pages or directory pages: they are difficult words.

5、 Number of competitive price ranking sites:

This value can reflect the degree of commercialization of the word. The higher the degree of commercialization, the more competitors there will be, and the corresponding difficulty will be greater.

It can be divided into the following numerical ranges:

(A) 0 competitive price ranking sites: less competitive;

(B) 1-3 competitive price ranking sites: medium to small;

(C) Price competition ranking sites 3-6: medium;

(D) Price competition ranking sites 6-10: above average;

(E) More than 10 competitive price ranking sites: high difficulty words.

The above five reference indicators , you can judge according to the actual situation of the keywords, and the overall difficulty is A、B、C、D、E There are five levels in turn. The charging standard for single keyword optimization is as follows:

(A) : Price estimate: 2980-3980 yuan/year

(B) : Price estimate: 3980-4980 yuan/year

(C) : Price estimate: 4980-7980 yuan/year

(D) : Price estimate: 7980-11980 yuan/year

(E) : Price estimate: 11980-39980 yuan/year

Whole station optimized charging standard:

1. SEO whole site optimization basic package: ensure that 10 keywords rank within the top 50, of which 50% are on the home page, Charging standard: 3000 yuan/month

2. SEO whole site optimization standard package: ensure that 20 keywords rank within the top 50, of which 50% are on the home page; Charging standard: 5000 yuan/month

3. SEO whole site optimization advanced package: ensure that at least 50 keywords rank within the top 30, and ensure that 50% of the keywords are on the home page; Charging standard: 10000 yuan/month

4. Customized package: If the above can not meet your needs, we can also tailor a reasonable optimization scheme for you according to the actual situation. This charge demand depends on the actual situation.

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Tips: For keyword selection, we will develop a key vocabulary according to your product or industry specific conditions. Because the keyword strategy is related to the website optimization effect, please cooperate!


SEO is a special industry. Most customers care about the price of SEO outsourcing, and there is no industry system standard for SEO services, so basically each company's quotation level will be different.

The End

Published on: 2017-04-28, unless otherwise noted Li Yang's personal blog template demonstration station Original article, please indicate the source for reprinting.