How to successfully create Baidu Encyclopedia

 Blogger: Li None but Li 2017-03-20 three thousand six hundred and thirty-nine 3 comments

Encyclopedia marketing is an online marketing method to establish enterprise brand and popularity. For online marketing, encyclopedia marketing is still a relatively new part. Many people and enterprises engaged in online marketing do not really take encyclopedia as one thing. In fact, good use of encyclopedia can make online marketing more efficient. Its most prominent feature is to achieve high optimization of search engines in the simplest and almost no technical way.

Take Baidu as an example. Its products, Baidu Knows, Baidu Post Bar, and Baidu Encyclopedia, all have a high weight, especially Baidu Encyclopedia, which is more representative and has been given a high weight by Baidu and Google search engines, and keywords rank high in search engines. But this is only a primary attribute of encyclopedia.

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Let's also use the method of shooting the case to understand the charm of encyclopedia marketing:

At first, I didn't know how useful the encyclopedia was. As a person engaged in online marketing, it was a failure. An accidental opportunity, I searched Baidu for the word "Model Warcraft", and found that someone helped me establish a special article on the interactive encyclopedia. I was naturally attracted to open this entry. I really appreciate the unknown founder of the entry, who has included the content introduction and relevant chapters of my book in such a detailed way. It has received hundreds of hits less than a week from its creation to its discovery. However, some of the descriptions are not very accurate.

My first reaction was to register an interactive encyclopedia for modification. A few minutes after the modification, a new encyclopedia entry appeared. Not only did I correct some of the founder's errors, but I also failed to make the entry more beautiful. I also published some book pictures and trial links.

Now that I have revised an entry, why should I pretend to be high minded and wait for others to create Baidu Encyclopedia and Wikipedia of "Model Warcraft" for me? With the entries on the interactive encyclopedia, I created Huahulu on Baidu encyclopedia, and soon passed. However, a completely different situation has emerged in the subsequent entry creation.

When creating entries on Wikipedia, I still follow the way of copy and paste. Baidu Wikipedia originally copied from it, so the function selection is the same. After the entry is made, we can check whether the entry is approved for a while. It is found that Wikipedia prompts that this entry is too similar to the same entry on Baidu Encyclopedia. Please pay attention to the copyright issue... It's very embarrassing. It seems that foreign countries are very strict about copyright issues, Even creating the same user name or publishing the same encyclopedia on two encyclopedia sites is prohibited. In this regard, I had to revise and change the writing method of the entries, and it was successful after more than ten experiments.

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Wikipedia first, Baidu second, foreign first, domestic second

This also makes us learn a lesson, that is, when publishing encyclopedias in the future, we must first Wikipedia and then Baidu, and first abroad and then domestic, otherwise it is unnecessary to add a lot of trouble for no reason. Moreover, it is much easier to pass Wikipedia on Baidu Encyclopedia after it is passed. After all, Baidu Encyclopedia can not pass any entry you publish. It also needs to see whether your entry is meaningful, such as whether network events are hot.

On the other hand, it took me three full days to succeed because the creation of Wikipedia entries was a bit tardy. As a result, when I was ready to start copying and pasting the entry to search the encyclopedia, I found that the entry had been automatically created without my hands. The original version copied the Baidu encyclopedia, and someone had already come to watch. Of course, such "created" entries still have some formatting problems and picture publishing problems. It took me a short time to make plate adjustment, and then it was solved.

After the encyclopedia was released, the effect immediately appeared. About three or four days after the entry of several encyclopedia sites was successfully published, there was no SEO action, and these entries began to appear gradually on the first page of the keyword in each search engine or even the first position. Some related searches related to Warcraft can also see the content of this term on the first few pages. When many media quoted the content of "Model Warcraft" or reported on it, they would choose the encyclopedia content as a reference at the first time, avoiding misinformation to the greatest extent. At the same time, it also greatly facilitates readers to understand the book content in the simplest way, and better promote their purchase.

Make some articles with the help of Baidu Encyclopedia entries

Through practice and usual search, an obvious rule is that when you search for some keywords on search engines such as Baidu and Google, you will find that the entries of various encyclopedias rank fairly high without exception, and the high weight of entries is self-evident. It is an effective way for enterprises to promote their network by making some articles with Baidu Encyclopedia entries and adding links to their own websites through editing entries.

You should know that it is self-evident that selecting terms related to website promotion keywords for editing and adding backlinks can improve the weight of websites and help enterprises carry out online marketing.

Encyclopedia is a first-class free advertising platform. This mountain is actually very easy to master. As long as there are stories and meaningful people and things can easily pass through Encyclopedia.

The End

Published on: 2017-03-20, unless otherwise noted Li Yang's personal blog template demonstration station Original article, please indicate the source for reprinting.