Zblogphp has been updated to 1.5, and the blacklee theme template has also been updated.

 Blogger: Li None but Li 2016-11-03 eight thousand and fifty-nine 16 comments

I haven't written an article for a long time. At present, Zbp1.5 has been released and the final test upgrade is in progress. Generally speaking, the theme can be directly compatible. Of course, there will be some accidents. I will write a summary after the test.


In recent days, I have been making a new zbp theme, which is basically completed, but has not yet been named. The style is not far from the current one, but it has simplified a lot of code and redeployed HTML5+CSS3. When I finished, I found that I still have a special liking for the current blacklee theme, so I have also made a new plan on this basis and simply recorded it.

1. First, according to the suggestions of netizens, the login information of the website was added.

2. Modify the style of returning to the top function (blog from belief)

3. Updated the mobile terminal display effect and added the image logo.

4. New popular articles on the home page are automatically obtained, and the background can customize whether to open them.

5. The mobile terminal navigation adopts an independent module "misc", located in the background module management - icon collection, which can be DIY according to your needs.

6. Update the independent display page. This page is under the theme display column of this website. Manage by category, edit the categories you want to display, and then see the figure ↓


7. Add an independent page of friendship links, create a new friendship link in page management, and select the links page for the template.

 Friendly link.jpg

Then open - module management, and create a new module, as shown in the figure: (The file name and ID must be: tuijianblog)

 Links. jpg

8. Add a side bar graphic list and flat avatar, and the background module management can be dragged at will.

The other is to simplify the code, and improve the functions will not be recorded one by one. For other experiences, you can browse our blog. The new theme will be released later, which is directly compatible with 1.5. The current theme is still available in 1.5.

The End

Published on: 2016-11-03, unless otherwise noted Li Yang's personal blog template demonstration station Original article, please indicate the source for reprinting.