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Label: Tencent Cloud lightweight Page 2

 Tencent Cloud: Get some cheap hard disks to play with - new and old users can enjoy 1TB of cloud disks at only 20 yuan/year - Old Tang Notes

Tencent Cloud: Get some cheap hard disks to play with - new and old users can enjoy 1TB of cloud hard disks at only 20 yuan/year

One of the highlights of Tencent Cloud's recent Spring Festival purchase activity is that the cloud disk is extremely cheap. 1TB is only 20 yuan a year, and 4TB is only 40 yuan a year. It can also be bought for three years at a time, that is, 60 yuan and 120 yuan respectively for three years. The 4TB hard disk will cost only 120 yuan in three years

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 Tencent Cloud lightweight first purchase special: 1 core 2G5M first year 50 yuan/high cost performance to facilitate easy cloud launch - Old Tang Notes

Tencent Cloud light first purchase special: 1 core 2G5M first year 50 yuan/high cost performance to facilitate easy cloud

The first purchase of Tencent Cloud Lightweight Application Server is a special offer. If you haven't bought Tencent Cloud Lightweight Application Server before, the first purchase only costs 50 yuan a year, and the configuration is 1 core, 2G, 5M. Of course, you can also participate in other seckill activities. There is also a great deal of discount for a one-time purchase of three years. After purchase, there is a renewal activity. At present, the renewal discount is 3.8% off

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 New price configuration of Tencent Cloud lightweight application server - from 32 yuan per month in Hong Kong - Laotang Notes

New price configuration of Tencent Cloud lightweight application server - from RMB 32 per month in Hong Kong

The new price and configuration of Tencent Cloud Lightweight Application Server have been officially launched, which was actually introduced before. Referring to the "Tencent Cloud Lightweight Application Server Universal Instance Package Update Announcement", today we see that the new price configuration has been launched. The minimum cost of the computer room in Hong Kong, China is 32 yuan a month. Compared with the previous 24 yuan, the price has increased, but the configuration has also been improved

 Tencent Cloud lightweight application server Lighthouse old users enjoy special renewal of 3.8% off - Laotang Notes

Tencent Cloud lightweight application server Lighthouse old users enjoy a special renewal of 3.8%

Here comes the special renewal activity for old users of Tencent Cloud lightweight application server Lighthouse. This activity is very powerful, and the discount is 3.8%, but there are also some requirements. You can participate in this renewal activity only when you buy a lightweight application server and spend 2000 yuan in 2021. Old Tang thinks this is a very reasonable request for activities

 Tencent Cloud lightweight application server quota limit description - general model can only create 10 sets - Laotang Notes

Tencent Cloud lightweight application server quota limit description - general model can only create 10

Today, when I wanted to create another Tencent Cloud lightweight application server for experiments, I found that the original Tencent Cloud lightweight application server still had quota restrictions, but only 10 universal instances could be created in overseas regions. What's the meaning of this restriction? Why limit the number of accounts that can be purchased? Don't let people buy when there is demand? And seeing the mainland area can

 Tencent Cloud lightweight application server executes command tutorial through automation assistant TAT (online login free) - Laotang Notes

Tencent Cloud lightweight application server executes command tutorial through automation assistant TAT (online login free)

All friends who have used tile movers know that the online shell function is available in the background of tile movers, which is very convenient. In fact, Tencent Cloud also has this function, called the automation assistant TAT. The lightweight application server supports the automation assistant. You can execute commands without logging in to the instance, perform operation and maintenance management operations on the instance, and view the command execution results and records. Automation Assistant (Ten

 Tencent Cloud lightweight application server snapshot function introduction - free snapshot/data backup - Laotang notes

Tencent Cloud lightweight application server snapshot function introduction - free snapshot/data backup

Tencent Cloud lightweight application server can create snapshots, and each server has a certain free quota. The snapshots that each server can enjoy are determined according to the number of instances in the current region. Snapshots can be used for server data backup. The free snapshot quota for each region is the number of created instances (excluding instances to be recycled and storage package instances) multiplied by 2, and

 What's the use of the lighthouse account of Tencent Cloud lightweight application server? How to close it- Old Tang's Notes

What's the use of the lighthouse account of Tencent Cloud lightweight application server? How to close it?

After purchasing the Tencent Cloud lightweight application server, if the Ubuntu system is installed (other systems have not tried), we will find that the system has a default account named lighthouse. What's the use of this account? How can I close this account if I don't need it? Old Tang has always had this doubt before, until today on Tencent

 Tencent Cloud's first order is time limited: the first year of the 1-core 2G cloud server is 38 yuan/the historical low price is set again - Old Tang Notes

The first order of Tencent Cloud is time limited: the first year of 1-core 2G cloud server is 38 yuan/a new record low price

Tencent Cloud's first time limited second killing activity was launched again. In the new year of 2022, it will directly break the historical low price. One core 2G lightweight application server costs only 38 yuan a year. I believe that in the near future, we can see that Tencent Cloud will directly send lightweight application servers to everyone for use. To be honest, this price is no different from direct delivery. Two core 4G or

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 Tencent Cloud and Cloud Server Global Purchase: Global Preferred Cloud Server, Helping Enterprises Go Abroad Easily - Lao Tang's Notes

Tencent Cloud and Cloud Server Global Purchase: globally preferred cloud servers, helping enterprises go to sea easily

Today, I saw Tencent Cloud's ECS global purchase activity was launched again. The last time was in May, it was the end of the year in a twinkling of an eye. Tencent Cloud's global purchase of cloud servers is mainly to purchase overseas cloud servers, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul and other regions in China. If you want to buy an ECS in the mainland, it must be cheaper to go directly to the Seckill homepage. Overseas cloud service

 The latest Tencent cloud second kill activity in 2021-12: lightweight 2-core 4G as low as 74 yuan/year - old Tang notes

2021-12 Latest Tencent Cloud Seckill Activity: light weight 2-core 4G as low as 74 yuan/year

The latest seckill promotional activity of Tencent Cloud will be shared here. At present, the cheapest lightweight application server is only 60 yuan/year, but the recommended one is the 2-core 4G lightweight application server, which is only 74 yuan/year, only 14 yuan is needed, and the configuration will be doubled directly. In addition, it is also very cheap to buy ECS CVM for three years, although it is similar to

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 Tencent Cloud Cheap VPS ECS Recommendation: Two core 4G8M only costs 198 yuan/3 years - Laotang Notes

Tencent Cloud cheap VPS ECS recommendation: 2-core 4G8M only costs 198 yuan/3 years

The cheap VPS ECS of Tencent Cloud is recommended. Recently, Tencent Cloud was in the Double 11 Seckill. Today, we found several Seckill packages that are particularly powerful, and we are here to share them. The same configuration was bought by Laotang himself three years ago for about 1500 yuan, even the bandwidth is not as high. Now only 198 yuan for three years, I don't know what to say, whether to cry or smile

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 Warm up for Tencent Cloud Double Eleven Festival: 70 yuan/3500 yuan voucher for lightweight 2-core 4G

Warm up for Tencent Cloud Double Eleven Festival: 70 yuan/3500 yuan voucher for light weight 2-core 4G

This year's Double 11 Festival came very early. It seems that the pre order started at 8:00 this evening. One is that the date was advanced to the 20th, and the other is that the time was also advanced from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. It seems that everyone still doesn't like to stay up late, or can't stay up late any more. The "Double 11" activity of Tencent Cloud also started to warm up, Tencent Cloud 11.11 Zhihui

 Tencent Cloud: 219 yuan/3 years, 2-core 4G6M lightweight application server, Linux/Windows Laotang Notes

Tencent Cloud: 219 yuan/3 years, 2-core 4G6M lightweight application server, Linux/Windows

Tencent Cloud lightweight application server promotional event, you can buy a 3-year 1-core 2G6M lightweight application server at the price of 219 yuan, and then upgrade to 2-core 4G6M through the anniversary event for free, which is very valuable. At present, the available machine rooms include Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. The machine rooms in Chengdu have been sold out. The operating system can choose Linux or

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 Tencent Cloud Hong Kong CVM ECS/lightweight application server latest backhaul route sharing - Laotang Notes

Tencent Cloud Hong Kong CVM ECS/lightweight application server latest backhaul route sharing

Recently, I heard that the route of Tencent Cloud Hong Kong has changed. The return trip was originally CN2, but now it is 163 backbone. In fact, I didn't pay much attention to it before, but since a friend said so, today I will simply share the latest backhaul route of Tencent Cloud Hong Kong CVM ECS and lightweight application server, mainly because I didn't pay much attention to it before, so