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Hostwinds Chinese Novice Tutorial Summary: Package Recommended Tutorial Use Tutorial Website Building Tutorial

 Sider  GigsGigsCloud

Unconsciously, Old Tang has also updated a lot of Hostwinds articles. Today, I will sort out the new Hostwinds tutorials, which are basically in Chinese. Hostwinds tutorials mainly include suggestions for choosing a Hostwinds package, Hostwinds purchase tutorial, Hostwinds login connection tutorial, Hostwinds background use tutorial, Hostwinds website building tutorial, etc. Through these tutorials, you can successfully complete the purchase of Hostwinds, log in to the background of the official website of Hostwinds, restart and reinstall operations in the background, connect SSH for remote login, solve the slow speed problem of Hostwinds, backup, restore, upgrade and other operations of VPS, and finally, there is the tutorial of building a website of Hostwinds. The quality of the Hostwinds VPS host is acceptable at present, and the friends who set up the site can choose it.

Tutorial quick tour:

  1. Hostwinds purchase tutorial: novice users register an account and complete the purchase with Alipay
  2. Hostwinds purchase tutorial: What is the difference between VPS hosts and Cloud? Which should I choose?
  3. Hostwinds login tutorial: After purchase, log in to the official website background and log in to the management control panel
  4. Hostwinds Connection Tutorial: Get the IP address, port, and password for SSH remote login Tutorial
  5. Hostwinds website building tutorial: One click installation of LNMP website building environment, deployment of PHP+MySQL
  6. Hostwinds website building tutorial: resolve domain name and add website configuration to establish WordPress website
  7. Hostwinds website building tutorial: WordPress website setting, selecting appropriate theme, installing necessary plug-ins
  8. Hostwinds migration tutorial: After purchasing Hostwinds, you can contact customer service to help you migrate website data
  9. Hostwinds IP Change Tutorial: The official website background self-service can change the IP address for free to solve the problem of connectivity failure
  10. What if Hostwinds is slow? Try to install BBR or upgrade CN2 GIA lines from other vendors

More detailed tutorials are as follows.

1、 Hostwinds Package Introduction

Official website address: www.hostwinds.com

VPS package arrangement:

Other product introduction:

Speed test:

2、 Hostwinds Purchase Tutorial

Purchase Tutorial:

Discount code:

Renewal Tutorial:

Recharging tutorial:

Refund Tutorial:

Domain name registration:

3、 Hostwinds tutorial

Login SSH:

Login background:

Change IP:


Reinstall the system:

Backup and recovery:




4、 Troubleshooting Hostwinds

Contact customer service:

Reset network:

Rescue mode:

5、 Hostwinds website building tutorial

Last updated: 2020-11-22 @ Zhuhai

 Dynadot  Hostwinds
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Article name:《 Hostwinds Chinese Novice Tutorial Summary: Package Recommended Tutorial Use Tutorial Website Building Tutorial
Article link: https://oldtang.com/4424.html
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