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Are we approaching the price point of $1/GB/month? NohaVPS is coming soon!

 Sider  GigsGigsCloud

The community provider NohaVPS released a quotation in Dallas, which is very good. I can tell you directly that 2GB memory is $2.50 per month, and 4GB memory is $5 per month.

That is $1.25 per GB of RAM per month. Such pricing was once unimaginable.

Part of the reason is that "as early as 2004, the price of 64MB VPS was $10/month", but inflation needs to be considered. Yes, every year, due to the miracle of miniaturization, mass production and human intelligence, the costs of motherboards, RAM and storage are facing downward pressure and become cheaper.

However, due to inflation, there is also upward pressure. Products that cost $1 in 2019 now cost $1.23.

So I'm curious when we can reach $1 per GB per month. To be fair, whether we can achieve this goal, but if you take a negative approach, you will assume that the inflation rate is high.

In my opinion, these are two intersecting lines. First, inflation is rising, and second, hardware and network costs are falling. There is a bottom line for providing VPS services - you need employees, hosting fees, etc. Due to inflation, this cost is rising. Will the "bottom line" cost eventually reach $1 per server per month? If so, 1 dollar/GB will be out.

I think we still have a long way to go. In fact, some people promote 1GB systems at a price of $15 per year. But will we reach the point where 1 dollar/GB/month becomes common? What do you think?

At the same time, enjoy NohaVPS! Participate in their topics, and you may even win free VPS!

Reference address: https://nohavps.com

 Dynadot  Hostwinds
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Article name:《 Are we approaching the price point of $1/GB/month? NohaVPS is coming soon!
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