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Review the top 12 server operating systems in 2024: choose the one that best suits your needs


Choosing the right operating system (OS) for a dedicated server is critical because it can affect compatibility, security, and performance. There are many possibilities, from the easy-to-use Ubuntu Server (known for its support of cloud and container) to the reliable and secure Debian and enterprise CentOS. This paper discusses 12 top server operating systems and their functions and advantages to meet a series of server requirements.

For dedicated servers, the operating system (OS) acts as the backbone for synchronizing all server operations, and acts as an important conduit between the hardware and the programs running on it. In order to keep the server running smoothly, it effectively allocates the hardware resources of the server between different applications, such as CPU, memory, disk space, and network connection. The operating system manages file systems, organizes data, and facilitates data retrieval so that applications can access and store data more efficiently and securely. It also ensures security by providing functions and tools such as user authentication system, encryption and access restriction to prevent illegal access and data leakage.

Another important work of the operating system is network management, which enables data sharing and connection by allowing network communication between the server and other servers or devices. Users can use the graphical or command line user interface of the operating system to interact, configure, and manage with the server and its applications.

In addition, the operating system promotes the interoperability of applications and provides a platform that can run different services and applications (such as network servers, databases and enterprise applications). In addition, through the operating system, server users can use automation and scripting functions to automate common processes, thereby reducing the possibility of human errors and improving productivity. Finally, the server operating system provides system monitoring and logging functions, enabling administrators to pay close attention to server performance, identify problems, and ensure that everything runs at the highest efficiency.

Let's delve into the characteristics of the twelve most popular operating systems used in dedicated servers:

With its intuitive design and detailed support, Ubuntu Server is commonly used for Dedicated server It caters to a wide range of users. For beginners and small companies, it is an approachable server management interface, providing comprehensive documentation and a thriving help and troubleshooting community. Its appeal extends to those with limited IT knowledge, enabling them to effectively configure and manage their server operations. However, due to the powerful functions of Ubuntu and the occasional command line operations, novices may face a steep learning curve.

Nevertheless, the cutting-edge features of Ubuntu Server and its support for the latest applications and programming languages enable developers and enterprises to design and apply modern applications. For high demand applications seeking scalability and flexibility, its compatibility with cloud services and container technologies (such as Docker and Kubernetes) enhances its attractiveness. Although these benefits are significant, larger companies may encounter difficulties in long-term support (LTS) versions. Frequent updates and releases of new versions may pose challenges to maintaining the continuity and compatibility of highly customized or complex server systems.

Because of its reliability and safety, Debian It is considered to be the preferred operating system for dedicated servers that meet multiple user types (such as system administrators and top company executives). Its extensive software repository and strict software package inclusion policy ensure access to thoroughly tested and reliable software. This feature is particularly beneficial for people who need to manage critical applications or services that require high reliability and uptime. In view of its dedication to open source principles, Debian has made use of a huge community support network, which provides valuable help and resources, especially for those with tight budgets for commercial software.

Debian's stability feature can sometimes be seen as a disadvantage, especially for those looking for the latest software version. Due to Debian's testing and inclusion process, newer application versions may take some time to appear, which may delay access to the latest features or improvements. This conservative approach to updating applications may frustrate developers and technology enthusiasts who want to use cutting-edge technologies. In addition, Debian emphasizes command line management rather than graphical tools, which may lead to a steep learning curve for beginners or users who are familiar with user-friendly interfaces. For those who do not have rich Linux management experience, Debian may become a less attractive operating system.

In the dedicated server market, CloudLinux It stands out among network hosting companies and enterprises hosting multiple client websites on a single server. Its breakthrough LVE (lightweight virtual environment) technology makes the shared hosting environment more stable and efficient. Each tenant can make accurate resource allocation to prevent any site from monopolizing resources. This level of control is revolutionary for a hosting company committed to providing reliable services without continuous human intervention.

In addition, CloudLinux can also enhance server security through features such as CageFS, which can isolate each user's file system to prevent security vulnerabilities from spreading among tenants. In a shared hosting environment, such security measures are critical because they can protect users from each other and minimize risk.

On the negative side, considering the professionalism of CloudLinux, it may not be suitable for enterprises that run dedicated servers internally instead of reselling managed services. Although it is beneficial to shared network hosting, its advanced functions and security enhancements may not be necessary in single user settings, which may complicate server management and cannot provide the same benefits. For start-ups or small businesses with tight budgets, another potential financial problem may be the need for CloudLinux subscriptions, especially if there is a free alternative.

With close connection with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS It provides a powerful operating system for dedicated servers and attracts many people by combining free accessibility with enterprise class reliability. Because it is compatible with RHEL, customers can obtain a high level of security and credibility, which is highly appreciated by system administrators and enterprises who give priority to the continuous performance of key applications. The comprehensive test of each version further ensures the stability of the system.

However, the transition to the rolling version of CentOS Stream may bring potential difficulties, especially for those who rely on the predictable long-term support model of traditional CentOS. This shift may prevent users who prefer static release cycles to new features for stability. In addition, although the close relationship between CentOS and RHEL provides many advantages, it also means that the system may not be as avant-garde as other distributions, limiting its appeal to developers and technology innovators seeking the latest software development. For inexperienced users or small enterprises without specific IT support, the need for higher technical skills to navigate and fine tune CentOS may also be an obstacle, making it the second best choice for these users.

Combined with other Microsoft products, Windows Server It can become a powerful operating system for dedicated servers. Many IT professionals, especially those in small and medium-sized enterprises who lack extensive knowledge of Linux, prefer it because of its easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) and familiar Windows environment. Companies that rely heavily on Microsoft infrastructure may benefit from a smooth interaction with the Microsoft software stack, including Active Directory, Exchange, and SharePoint. This seamless integration simplifies deployment and management tasks.

However, Windows Server licenses can be quite expensive, especially for budget constrained start-ups and small businesses. Unlike many free and open source Linux versions, Windows Server requires financial obligations. The same applies to many services and applications designed specifically for Windows environments. In addition, although the security of Windows Server has been improved, the system administrator may need to handle additional patching and security maintenance tasks, because Windows servers usually face higher security threats than Linux servers. Another aspect to consider is the resource usage of the operating system. Windows Server usually requires more system resources than some more economical Linux products, which may require more powerful hardware configuration and increase the total cost of ownership.

Due to the well-known stability, leading network options, adaptability and strict security of BSD/FreeBSD, dedicated servers can be accessed from BSD/FreeBSD Benefit a lot. Its UNIX like settings are highly praised by experienced system administrators and IT experts, who attach importance to the operating system and emphasize performance and network efficiency. ZFS file system is famous for its reliability, data integrity and comprehensive documentation, which makes FreeBSD the first choice for people who manage large databases or applications that need a lot of storage.

Despite these benefits, those who are not familiar with Unix or expect extensive commercial software support (usually provided with Linux distributions or Windows Server) may find FreeBSD's appeal quite limited. Although the FreeBSD community is knowledgeable and supportive, it is smaller than the community of large Linux distributions, which may affect the availability of quick help or patches for rare problems. In addition, compared with other operating systems, some users may find that hardware compatibility is more limited, which makes installation on less common or newer hardware platforms more challenging. This requires careful planning and verification, especially for those who want to take advantage of the latest server technology. If some Linux based applications or proprietary software do not support FreeBSD, this may cause problems for enterprises and individuals, leading them to choose more widely supported platforms.

With the move to rolling publishing mode, CentOS users may find Rocky Linux a particularly attractive alternative. Rocky Linux It has become an important competitor in the server operating system market. Because of its binary compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), system administrators and enterprises that need enterprise class stability and do not need to pay additional Red Hat subscription fees can choose it as the first choice. The platform inherits RHEL's reliability, security and performance.

The operating system is committed to free and open source, attracting organizations and developers who want to build and deploy applications on a reliable platform without worrying about licensing costs. Due to the growing support and contribution of the community, users can expect a strong software ecosystem and regular updates.

Although Rocky Linux is very new, its ecosystem is not as mature as other distributions with a long history. This situation may bring difficulties to users who need a lot of support from special tools or third-party software. Compatibility with some hardware and proprietary technologies. Compared with more popular distributions, we may see its adoption slow until it becomes widely used. Those who rely heavily on paid support may find their options more limited than RHEL or even Ubuntu LTS. Such users may have to rely on community forums and documentation to get help or solve problems.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) It is very suitable for business environments that need first-class security, reliability and support. It is an excellent operating system choice for dedicated servers. Due to its comprehensive testing and certification, and its reputation in stability and performance, it is preferred by industries with strict operating conditions. Companies seeking to minimize downtime and ensure compatibility with a variety of applications may find RHEL's extensive business support and reliable software ecosystem the perfect operating system choice.

Red Hat's cooperation with leading software and hardware providers ensures the smooth operation of the operating system even in complex IT environments. Operating systems benefit from these partnerships. Red Hat Insights is a high-end analysis solution that supports predictive problem handling and prevention before problems affect the system. You can also access it through the RHEL subscription model.

For start-ups, small companies or individuals, the cost of RHEL subscription mode may be a major limitation. Compared with free or cheaper alternatives, this is a huge financial commitment, even if it provides the highest level of security and support. In addition, RHEL's conservative update method may exclude developers or enterprises that rely on the latest software version, thus pushing them to more frequently updated operating system releases. Although this conservative update strategy may contribute to system stability, it may bring difficulties to users who need more sophisticated tools for deployment or development.

Since CentOS users turned to the rolling publishing system, they have mainly selected AlmaLinux As the preferred operating software for dedicated servers. This is mainly because AlmaLinux provides a reliable and free solution. Since AlmaLinux maintains 1:1 binary compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), it is a feasible choice for system administrators, enterprises and anyone who relies on CentOS to implement important server functions, inheriting RHEL's robustness, security and performance. This compatibility ensures a smooth transition between existing CentOS users and applications with minimal interference.

Remarkable advantages of AlmaLinux include strong community support and the open source format of the operating system, which provides users with a dynamic and transparent operating system platform. The platform continues to develop through user feedback and input. AlmaLinux is free, which is particularly attractive to small businesses and new enterprises that need enterprise level reliability and do not need to pay subscriptions.

Despite these advantages, AlmaLinux, as a relatively new distribution, may raise questions about maintenance and long-term viability compared with a more mature distribution. Commercially sponsored distributions may still be favored by organizations with professional or advanced support requirements, even if the goal is to provide reliable community driven alternatives. In addition, if AlmaLinux does not contain the latest software version, customers who seek the latest progress or have specific needs may consider the focus on stability and compatibility as a limitation.

Fedora Server It is an advanced operating system popular with system administrators and developers. This can be used as a testing ground for new technologies that may be incorporated into Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) in the future, so that users can deeply understand the future potential trend of enterprise computing. Given its forward-looking approach, Fedora Server is an ideal choice for those seeking to experiment with or deploy the latest server technologies and applications.

Fedora Server provides many advantages. One of the most important advantages is its fast release cycle. This ensures that the operating system is always updated with the latest software and security enhancements. This flexibility enables users to benefit from the latest developments in network, security and system performance created by the community.

However, the same functionality that makes Fedora popular with technology enthusiasts and innovators - its cutting-edge nature - may also bring some challenges, especially in terms of stability and long-term maintenance. Rapid upgrades and new releases may not be suitable for environments where long-term stability and predictability are critical, such as critical production servers in enterprise environments. In addition, although Fedora's community support is strong and enthusiastic, it lacks the official business support structure that enterprise mission critical applications may need. Therefore, it may not be a perfect choice for organizations that need guaranteed maintenance and service level agreements (SLAs).

on the other hand, openSUSE Leap A good balance has been achieved between stability and leading technology. This makes it an attractive choice for developers and enterprises seeking reliable operating systems for their dedicated servers. It is built on the solid foundation of SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) to ensure enterprise class stability and security. Therefore, it may be an ideal choice for enterprises that need to provide a reliable environment for their critical applications. In addition, openSUSE Leap adopts a unique development method. Compared with typical enterprise releases, it allows users to quickly access updated software and tools without affecting the reliability of the overall system.

Because of this integration of functions, openSUSE Leap is particularly attractive to small and medium-sized enterprises and technology enthusiasts who seek stable and up-to-date platforms for development or production purposes. In addition, the operating system comes with an extensive software repository and YaST. The latter is a user-friendly configuration tool that can simplify system management tasks.

For users with specific needs, the positioning of openSUSE Leap between breakthrough and stable versions may bring some difficulties. Those who need the latest software development may find that Leap is a bit behind the faster developing release. On the contrary, enterprises that give priority to long-term support rather than acquiring the latest features may think that Leap's update strategy is too radical. Such organizations may prefer the predictability provided by releases with longer release cycles and support periods. In addition, although openSUSE has strong community support, it may not match the professional business support provided by large, enterprise centric distributions.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) is a server operating system designed for enterprises that need high levels of server reliability, scalability, and security. It stands out for its powerful enterprise class functions, such as extensive testing and certification processes, extensive hardware support, and stability in complex IT settings. For enterprises that need guaranteed uptime and vendor support, the subscription based model of SLES may be a perfect choice to provide expert support, updates, and patches to customers.

As for virtualization and cloud technology, SLES provides strong support, which is crucial for enterprises seeking modern operations or moving to a hybrid IT environment. In addition, SLES usually integrates seamlessly with existing IT structures. The platform's emphasis on security makes it easier to protect sensitive data through preventive measures and regular updates.

SLES subscription fees may prevent start-ups, small businesses, or businesses with limited budgets from choosing a free, community supported version of the Linux operating system. In addition, although SLES provides a secure and reliable environment, its release cycle may lag behind the faster developing Linux distribution. Therefore, those who give priority to the latest security may have difficulty in obtaining the latest software development results. Although this cautious updating method may bore developers and technology enthusiasts who are eager for the latest features and tools, it does ensure the reliability of the system.

Translated from: https://lowendbox.com/blog/examining-the-top-12-server-operating-systems-of-2024-choose-the-best-one-for-your-needs/

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Article name:《 Review the top 12 server operating systems in 2024: choose the one that best suits your needs
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