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What is Odoo? How to install? Free ERP software Odoo installation tutorial


Odoo is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system with free value-added model. If you are running an organization, you can use Odoo to process all your accounting, inventory, CRM, invoices, etc. It is actually a one-stop application designed for enterprises, including document management, chat, etc.

These products exchange the best in the same category for deep integration. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If you really work hard on some aspects of the suite - such as CRM - then Odoo may not be able to compete with SalesForce. However, if you have typical needs or plan to expand content to meet your needs, it may be helpful to use a wide range of ERP platforms. In large enterprises, ERP is usually a seven to nine digit project in the budget.

Nobody is willing to pay a nine figure fee for Odoo, but it is enjoyable enough (you can try it on their website). It is written in Python and has a huge community. You can host for free, or they will host for you in the form of SaaS and charge you monthly - this is a typical model.

I am looking for a simple double entry bookkeeping platform, and Odoo looks very interesting. I have played online SaaS. If you only use the accounting module, you can always run it for free. This is because general ledger accounting is only a small part of the actual business needs. Anyway, I decided to host it locally because it may be sensitive data.

Odoo is a good product, but it also has many similar products:

  • They like FOSS/fremium mode, but they are more interested in the high-end of the product (this is not surprising)
  • Documents are not their strength
  • Obviously, at different times, various enthusiastic volunteers have joined in and written detailed documents, but they are uneven.
  • The document is not maintained. For example, they refer to Postgres 9.

Oh, they don't read GitHub questions either. If you encounter problems, you need to pay and use their support services.

In any case, it is impossible to actually install the product according to the documentation. So Internet users are welcome to find this page through depressed Google!

This is the way to install Odoo. I use the original Debian 11 VM to do this. After apt get update, the final Debian version is 11.4.

 apt-get update apt-get -y upgrade reboot (may not be necessary) apt-get -y install postgresql su - postgres and in Postgres: CREATE USER odoo WITH PASSWORD something GRANT CREATEDB to doo exit and go back to your root shell wget -O -  https://nightly.odoo.com/odoo.key  | apt-key add - echo "deb  http://nightly.odoo.com/15.0/nightly/deb/  ./ " >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odoo.list apt-get update apt-get install odoo

Please note that you will need to change 15.0 in the future.

Some main pain points I have saved for you:

  • Ignore all the nonsense about using pip to install things, otherwise you will feel pain. The package mentioned was thrown into the dust a long time ago. If you start sniping at the pip package, you will only mess things up. The package manager will automatically install everything you need.
  • You may want to create a database, but do not do so. Odoo insists on creating its own database. "ODOO" user must have CREATEDB permission. This is a very strange choice, and nowhere to record.
  • After Odoo is started, observe whether/var/log/odoo/odoo-server.log has errors. Assuming it's no big deal, use your browser to connect to port 8069. This only saves you half an hour, because surprisingly, the documentation never tells you how to connect to the instance you started.


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Article name:《 What is Odoo? How to install? Free ERP software Odoo installation tutorial
Article link: https://oldtang.com/11860.html
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