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Public basic knowledge of public institutions: if you had 1 million yuan, how would you invest?

2024-06-20 15:05:28 Examination website of public institutions https://nx.huatu.com/sydw/ Source: Huatu Public Institution

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Well, the guy who came in, everyone has 1 million?! Ha ha, I don't have any! But today, the editor who doesn't have 1 million yuan of capital is going to give you guys who have 1 million yuan of capital a serious "guidance". How to invest 1 million yuan is the most scientific (cover your face).

We usually think of deposits. The deposit business has become the most important business of commercial banks, known as the "foundation of bank establishment". Deposit business refers to a kind of commercial behavior in which people put their fixed assets in commercial banks and withdraw them within the agreed time to obtain income based on the basic trust of commercial banks to the public.

First, demand deposits. The interest rate of current deposit is generally not high, which is mainly convenient for everyone to withdraw money at any time. Assume that the annual interest rate of demand deposits is 0.3% (the current interest rate should be lower than this, and this number will vary according to different banks and different periods). Then, one month's interest is 1 million times 0.3%, divided by 12 months. Let's pick up the calculator and calculate: 1 million × 0.003 ÷ 12=250 yuan. The current interest is about 250 yuan. Well, if there is one million yuan, it should be two hundred and fifty if you only rely on current interest to make money. Then we can skip this scheme directly.

Second, time deposits. In recent years, China's annual interest rate is showing a general downward trend. According to the latest interest rate table published by the People's Bank of China, on November 22, 2023, the interest rate of three-year lump sum deposit and withdrawal time deposit of all banks across the country will be 2.45%, that is, the annual interest rate will be 24500 yuan, equivalent to more than 2000 yuan of monthly income.

Third, national debt. It is also called national public debt, which refers to the creditor's rights and debt relationship formed by the state based on its credit, according to the general principle of debt, and by raising funds from the society. National debt is a bond issued by the state. It is a kind of government bond issued by the central government to raise financial funds. It is a debt certificate issued by the central government to investors that promises to pay interest and repay principal at maturity. Since the issuing subject of national debt is the state, it has the highest credit and is recognized as the safest investment tool. National debt is generally recognized as "gilt edged bond", mainly because it is based on national credit, with principal and interest guaranteed, stable income, and interest exempt from personal income tax. It has long been popular.

In 2024, China will issue 1 trillion yuan of ultra long term special treasury bonds. The term of ultra long term special treasury bonds includes 20 years, 30 years and 50 years. The interest payment method is semi annual. On May 17, ultra long term special treasury bonds were issued for 30 years; On May 24, 20 year super long term special treasury bonds were issued; On June 14, 50 year super long term special treasury bonds were issued. According to the announcement issued by the Ministry of Finance, the term of national debt is 30 years, and the nominal interest rate determined by bidding is 2.57%. The first two issues of ultra long term special treasury bonds were issued, and some banking institutions opened their sales to individual investors, which was very popular, and even the phenomenon of "second light" appeared.

According to different selling objects, national debt can be divided into two categories: savings national debt and bookkeeping national debt. Savings bonds are sold directly to individuals and are more suitable for individual investors to buy. In fact, most of the public's daily purchases of government bonds are savings bonds. This kind of national debt has a short term and can be redeemed and pledged in advance. If held to maturity, stable principal and interest income can be obtained. If cashed in advance, some interest losses will be incurred, but the principal is "exactly the same". It can be seen that the security of savings bonds is very high.

So if you have 1 million, what will you do with it?

[Knowledge Quiz]

As for economic common sense, the following statements are incorrect:

A. The national debt is guaranteed by the national financial credibility, which is high, so people are more willing to buy national debt

  B. "National debt is called gilt edged bond"

C. National debt is an investment that can completely avoid risks

D. The interest rate of government bonds is usually higher than that of bank deposits

[Answer] C

[Analysis] The first step is to examine macroeconomic knowledge and select the wrong item. National debt is a low-risk investment. Since national debt is issued by the state, its credit rating is usually regarded as the highest rating, so investors need not worry about default risk when buying national debt. But it can not be said to be a "completely risk averse investment", which is too absolute. Wrong item C, elected. Therefore, select the C option.

【 Expansion 】 Item AB: National debt, also known as national debt, is the creditor's right debt relationship formed by the state based on its credit, according to the general principle of debt, and by raising funds from the society. China's national bonds refer specifically to the national bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the central government. They are guaranteed by the national financial reputation and have a very high reputation. They have always been known as "gilt edged bonds". Steady investors like to invest in national bonds. Item AB is correct.

Item D: The interest rate of national debt is usually higher than that of bank deposits and lower than that of financial bonds. Item D is correct.

(Edit: zhangyujie05)

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