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In 2024, Yinchuan Public Hospital will recruit 158 staff under the filing system

2024-06-13 09:46:28 Ningxia Medical Examination Network https://nx.huatu.com/yiliao/ Source: Yinchuan Health Commission

[Introduction] Huatu Ningxia Medical Examination Network Synchronously released by Yinchuan Municipal Health Commission: In 2024, Yinchuan Public Hospital will recruit 158 staff under the filing system , please read below for details! If you have any questions, please add [Ningxia Medical Examination WeChat] For more information, please pay attention to Ningxia health talent recruitment WeChat official account (nxyshd), Ningxia medical examination consultation telephone: 0951-6028571/6027571, WeChat: HT15202602573 Address: https://nx.huatu.com/2024/0613/1723629.html

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In order to meet the needs of the staff of the supplementary filing system in three public hospitals in our city, according to the spirit of the Measures for the Implementation of the Public Recruitment of Staff in Institutions of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the Notice on Further Improving the Independent Public Recruitment of Public Institutions in the Region, the Notice on Implementing the "Two Equal Treatment" Policy for the Standardized Training of Residents and other documents, The following is the announcement on matters related to the independent public recruitment of record system staff in Yinchuan Public Hospital in 2024.

1、 Recruitment position

In 2024, three public hospitals in Yinchuan plan to recruit 158 staff members from the public, including 32 from Yinchuan First People's Hospital, 60 from Yinchuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and 66 from Yinchuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital. For specific scope and conditions, please refer to the List of Independent Public Recruitment Filing System Staff Post Plan of Yinchuan Public Hospital in 2024 (Annex 1).

Recruitment announcement on the official website of Yinchuan Health Commission( http://wjw.yinchuan.gov.cn )Ningxia high-level talent work network( https://gccfw.hrss.nx.gov.cn/nxgccrc/ )Ningxia Talent Service Enrollment Platform( https://ycrcfw.zhaopin.com/zk/ )Official website of Yinchuan First People's Hospital( https://www.yc1yy.com/ )And the WeChat subscription account of Yinchuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and the public account of Yinchuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital. The official website of Yinchuan Health Commission, Ningxia high-level talent work website, Ningxia talent service recruitment and application platform and the above recruitment unit network publishing platforms are set as the designated websites for the release of relevant announcements and notices of this recruitment work. Specific information such as registration, written examination, interview, physical examination and public employment will be released through the designated websites in succession, Please pay attention to the relevant information in time.

2、 Application conditions

(1) Persons with the following qualifications may apply for the examination:

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

2. Support the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system;

3. Abide by disciplines and laws, have good professional ethics, and be able to perform the duties of staff of public institutions;

4. Have physical conditions suitable for the post requirements;

5. Have the education level and working ability that meet the requirements of the post;

6. Meet other qualifications required for each recruitment post in the List of Independent Public Recruitment Filing System Staff Post Plan of Yinchuan Public Hospital in 2024 (Annex 1);

7. Other conditions stipulated by laws and regulations.

(2) The following persons shall not apply for the examination:

1. Those who have received criminal punishment for crimes;

2. Those who have been expelled from the Communist Party of China;

3. Those who have been dismissed from public service;

4. Those who are listed as the object of joint punishment for dishonesty according to law are still in the disciplinary period;

5. Those who are found to have violated disciplines and regulations in the recruitment of public institutions and are still in the record period after being recorded in the integrity archives;

6. Full time non 2024 graduates in ordinary colleges and universities;

7. The service period of the targeted training personnel has not expired or they are in the process of targeted training;

8. Active servicemen;

9. Candidates are not allowed to apply for positions with avoidance conditions listed in Article 27 of the Interim Provisions on Public Recruitment of Personnel by Public Institutions; Applicants who have husband wife relationship, direct blood relationship, collateral blood relationship within three generations or close marriage relationship with the person in charge of the recruitment institution shall not apply for the secretary or organization (personnel), discipline inspection and supervision, audit, financial posts of the person in charge of the unit, as well as the posts with direct superior subordinate leadership relationship;

10. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

(3) Age calculation deadline

1. It is required to be under 40 years old, that is, born on or after June 12, 1983.

2. It is required to be under 35 years old, that is, born on or after June 12, 1988.

3. It is required to be under 30 years old, that is, born on or after June 12, 1993.

The specific age shall be subject to the age required by the recruitment position, and the age of the applicant shall be subject to the date of birth on the valid ID card.

3、 Sign up

(1) Registration time

From 9:00 on June 20 (Thursday) to 9:00 on June 25 (Tuesday), 2024, applicants must complete the registration within the time specified above, and the registration system will be closed on time at 9:00 on June 25.


   Annex 1: List of Independent Public Recruitment Filing System Staff Posts in Yinchuan Public Hospital.xls

   Annex 2: Letter of Commitment (reference template). docx

   Annex 3: Power of Attorney (reference template). docx

   Annex 4: Reexamination Form for Qualification of Staff Candidates under the Independent Public Recruitment Filing System in Yinchuan Public Hospital.docx

(2) Registration procedure

1. Be familiar with recruitment policies. Candidates should carefully read the recruitment announcement, job plan list, etc., understand and be familiar with the policy and requirements of this independent public recruitment, and select the recruitment positions that meet their own conditions.

2. Access the registration system. Applicants visit "Ningxia Talent Service Enrollment Platform"( https://ycrcfw.zhaopin.com/zk/ ), click "Online Registration" on the home page, and select the corresponding unit to register for the position.

3. Register and log in. The registered name and ID card number must accurately fill in their true information, and properly keep their user names and passwords. After registration, they should log in to the registration system and upload electronic photos and relevant materials.

4. Fill in the registration information. Applicants must carefully read and accept the Online Registration Agreement and Letter of Integrity Commitment, and fill in their own registration information as required. Each candidate can only apply for one position, and the registration must be consistent with the ID card used in the examination. Applicants should truthfully and accurately fill in the registration information so that the qualification reviewers can conduct preliminary qualification review. When it is necessary to further judge whether the relevant majors meet the professional requirements of the post in combination with the curriculum, transcripts, etc., the applicant shall timely cooperate to provide relevant information within the specified time. All recruitment units shall be responsible for the explanation of the problems related to qualifications such as educational background and specialty in the job list.

Applicants should be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the information they fill in. If the application materials are forged or altered, or the application materials and information are untrue, which affects the application review results, the application qualification will be cancelled. Those who are not allowed to apply for a job, maliciously register, or disturb the order of public recruitment will be severely punished in accordance with the Regulations on Punishment of Public Institution Staff (RSBF [2023] No. 58) and other relevant provisions. Those suspected of committing crimes will be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

5. Materials required for registration

(1) Electronic scanning copies of the applicant's valid resident ID card, graduation certificate, degree certificate, electronic registration record form of the Ministry of Education certificate and relevant qualification certificates. Among them, the new graduates in 2024 should provide their "Online Verification Report of Student Status of the Ministry of Education" issued by the "China Higher Education Student Information Network (Xuexin)" authorized by the Ministry of Education, as well as their written commitment materials to obtain the education, degree, qualification certificate and other certificates required by the post before July 31, 2024 (see Annex 2 for the template).

(2) The electronic photo shall be a recent bareheaded half length electronic certificate photo (the uploaded electronic photo must be a recent bareheaded front clear certificate photo with red or blue background, JPG format, and the size shall be within 1MB).

(3) Candidates who meet the requirements of the Notice on Implementing the Policy of "Two Equal Treatment" for Standardized Resident Training (Ning Wei Fa [2022] No. 112) must scan and upload their residential training certificates.

6. Preliminary qualification

(1) The preliminary qualification review shall be organized and implemented by each recruitment unit online in the registration system.

(2) The preliminary qualification examination unit shall complete the examination within one working day after the applicant submits the application. Candidates should log in to the registration website to query the preliminary qualification review results one working day after submitting the complete registration information (in special cases, feedback will be given after the recruitment leading group of the recruitment unit has studied) (those who register on the last day of the registration date should be timely queried on the same day). Applicants who fail to pass the preliminary qualification examination can apply for other positions before the deadline of application; Those who fail to pass the preliminary qualification examination and fail to apply for other positions before the deadline for application shall be deemed as giving up. If the applicant submits the registration information on the last day of the registration day, and fails to meet the qualification conditions of the position, the qualification preliminary review unit will approve the "Failed" process. After the registration system is officially closed, the applicant will not be able to apply for another position.

(3) During the registration period, the registration status of each position will be announced in the "Details" of each position registration page for reference. Applicants are invited to register as soon as possible after selecting qualified positions. If the network congestion and delay affect the registration results due to excessive centralized registration in the later stage, the consequences shall be borne by themselves.

7. Qualification review

(1) The qualification review shall be organized and implemented by each recruitment unit.

(2) The qualification review of candidates runs through the whole process of recruitment. Anyone who finds that the applicant does not meet the application conditions will be disqualified at any time.

(3) Review before written examination. The recruitment unit shall conduct on-site qualification reexamination on the relevant qualification certificates and materials of the candidates to enter the written examination, and the candidates who pass the reexamination shall obtain the written examination qualification.

(4) The list of qualified personnel shall be publicized on the designated website within 3 working days.

(5) The qualification review focuses on the verification of the applicants' valid resident identity cards, graduation certificates, degree certificates, electronic registration and filing forms of certificates issued by the Ministry of Education, certificates of foreign academic qualifications and degrees (provided by overseas students) and relevant qualification certificates. If there is any objection to the qualification reexamination conditions, the recruitment unit shall be responsible for replying.

(6) For new graduates in 2024, they need to graduate on schedule and obtain graduation certificates and degree certificates before July 31, 2024. Resident standardized training certificate (if the original of resident training certificate cannot be provided before the employment announcement, the certificate of reaching the national theoretical achievement qualification line shall be provided), otherwise, the resident will not be employed. The applicants who apply for the policy of "two equal treatment" shall provide the original and copy of resident standardized training certificate when participating in the qualification review. The specific requirements shall be subject to the qualification review notice.

(7) Candidates shall fill in the Qualification Reexamination Form for Staff Candidates under the Independent Public Recruitment Filing System in Yinchuan Public Hospital (Annex 4) in duplicate, which shall be submitted to the reviewers for review during qualification reexamination. In the process of review, if there is any person who does not meet the requirements of the position, the written examination qualification of the candidate will be cancelled.

(8) If I cannot attend the qualification review on site, I can entrust others to conduct the qualification review, and the copy of the original ID card of the client and the power of attorney (Annex 3) shall be provided.

4、 Written examination

(1) The written examination is under the overall guidance of Yinchuan Municipal Health Commission, and each recruitment unit is responsible for organizing the implementation.

(2) The proportion of written examination is 3:1. The proportion of written examination may be appropriately reduced for posts that do not reach the proportion of examination, but are in urgent need of a major. In case of reducing the proportion of written examination, reducing the number of recruitment places or canceling the recruitment posts, the recruitment units shall put forward their opinions, and after the review and approval of the staff leading group of the independent public recruitment record system of Yinchuan Health Commission in 2024, the recruitment units shall publish an announcement on the designated website.

(3) Written examination content. The recruitment written examination is conducted in a closed book manner, with the contents of professional basic knowledge and job expertise. The total score is 100 points, and the examination time is 90 minutes. The specific written examination announcement issued by the recruitment unit shall prevail.

(4) Time of written examination. Specific matters such as the time of written examination shall be announced in advance and informed to the applicants.

(5) Place of written examination. The place of the written examination shall be subject to the content of the written examination announcement. A week before the written examination, applicants log in to the examination admission printing system to print the examination admission. Candidates must take the exam with their admission cards and valid ID cards (expired ID cards, household registration certificates, etc. are not valid certificates). If the applicant fails to obtain the examination permit, print the examination permit or loses the examination permit within the time limit, the responsibility for taking the examination shall be borne by the applicant.

(6) Results are announced. After the written examination, the results of the written examination shall be published by each recruitment unit on the designated website. After communication with the leading group of staff of the independent public recruitment filing system of Yinchuan Municipal Health Commission in 2024, the recruitment leading group of each recruitment unit will study and determine the minimum score control line of written examination according to the examination situation.

5、 Interview

(1) The interview is under the overall guidance of Yinchuan Municipal Health Commission, and the recruitment units are responsible for organizing and implementing the interview.

(2) The proportion of interviews is 3:1. The proportion of interview and examination may be appropriately reduced for posts that do not reach the proportion of examination, but are in urgent need of urgently needed majors. In case of reducing the proportion of interview and examination, reducing the number of recruitment places or cancelling the recruitment posts, the recruitment units shall put forward their opinions, and after the review and approval of the leading group of staff of the independent public recruitment record system of Yinchuan Municipal Health Commission in 2024, the recruitment units shall publish an announcement and publish the list of interviewees on the designated website.

(3) The interview is conducted in a semi-structured way, focusing on the comprehensive quality, professional ability, technical level and other aspects of the candidates that are suitable for the position.

(4) The interview announcement will be released through the designated website 5 days in advance to specify the specific time, place, form and other contents of the interview, and notify the applicant by calling, sending information and other means.

(5) The interview time is 10 minutes, and the total score of the interview is 100 points, which is subject to the interview announcement issued by the recruitment unit. If the interview score is less than 60 points, the applicant will be disqualified.

(6) The interview results will be published on the designated website by each recruitment unit on the day when the interview ends.

6、 Total exam score

Total exam score=written exam score × 40%+interview score × 60%.

The total score of the examination shall be rounded to two decimal places.

According to the total score of the examination, the candidates for physical examination and investigation shall be determined from high score to low score according to the 1:1 ratio of the job recruitment plan. When the total score of candidates for the same position is the same, the candidates for physical examination and investigation shall be determined from high score to low score according to the written examination results; If the written examination scores are the same, the recruitment leading group of the recruitment unit will study and organize additional examinations in a certain way. Those who score higher in the additional examination will be identified as further physical examination and investigation personnel, and the additional examination scores will not be included in the total examination scores.

The total score of the examination shall be released by each recruitment unit through the designated website.

7、 Physical examination

(1) The physical examination shall be organized and implemented by each recruitment unit.

(2) Physical examination must be carried out in comprehensive public medical institutions above the county level. The medical examination standards shall be implemented in accordance with the General Standards for Medical Examination of Civil Servants (Trial) (RSBF [2016] No. 140).

(3) The applicant shall complete all the physical examination items within the specified time, and the medical examination expenses shall be borne by the applicant.

(4) If the recruiter or applicant has any doubt about the conclusion of the physical examination, he/she can apply for a reexamination with the consent of the recruiter. The reexamination should be arranged in other medical institutions not lower than the level of the original medical institution. The result of the physical examination should be subject to the conclusion of the reexamination. If the applicant applies for re inspection, the re inspection expenses shall be borne by the applicant.

(5) Applicants who pass the physical examination are determined as candidates for investigation. Those who fail to complete the physical examination as required shall be deemed to have automatically given up the qualification for physical examination.

8、 Inspection

(1) The investigation shall be organized and implemented by the recruitment unit.

(2) In accordance with the employment standard of both political integrity and talent and morality first, the investigation focused on the political ideology, moral quality, ability and quality, consistent performance, discipline and law compliance, and whether to avoid, and reviewed the applicant's qualifications.

(3) During the investigation, if the applicant is found not to apply for the job as listed in the implementation plan, does not have the qualifications required for the recruitment position, and other circumstances that are not suitable for working in public institutions, the qualification will be cancelled after the recruitment leading group of each recruitment unit studies and determines.

(4) If the investigation is under way due to suspected violations of laws and disciplines or is suspected of violations of laws and crimes and the judicial process has not been concluded, the conclusion of the investigation may be postponed. If the above investigation or judicial procedure has not been concluded within 90 days from the date of suspending the conclusion of the investigation, the recruitment procedure shall generally be terminated. If necessary, it can be extended for 30 days after being studied and approved by the recruitment leading group of each recruitment unit.

9、 Publicity and employment

(1) According to the results of physical examination and investigation, each recruitment unit shall study and determine the list of proposed employees, and publish it on the designated website for 7 days. If there is no objection to the proposed employees at the expiration of the publicity period, the recruitment unit shall report to Yinchuan Municipal Health Commission, Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee and Yinchuan Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau for filing, and each recruitment unit shall go through the employment procedures.

If the problems that may affect the employment are verified, the employment will not be accepted; If it is difficult to verify the suspected violation of rules and disciplines for a while, the employment will be suspended until it is found out. If the employed person fails to report to the office within 20 working days after receiving the employment notice without justified reasons, the employment qualification will be cancelled.

(2) The recruitment unit shall sign labor contracts with the record keeping personnel, establish personnel relations, and go through relevant procedures as required.

(3) The filing personnel shall implement the probation period system according to regulations, and the probation period shall be included in the labor contract period. Those who pass the assessment after the probation period are formally employed; Those unqualified will be disqualified.

(4) If the newly recruited personnel are new graduates in 2024, they will be publicized after formally obtaining the education background, degree and qualification certificate required by the post within the specified time limit. If there is no objection at the expiration of the publicity period, the employment procedures will be handled according to the regulations.

10、 About post filling

(1) Circumstances of replenishment

1. Before the release of the public announcement of the list of interviewees, the vacancies that occur because they do not meet the qualifications or voluntarily give up can be filled from the candidates who apply for the same position and whose written examination scores reach the minimum score control line, from high score to low score.

2. For the vacant posts that occur in the stage of physical examination, inspection and publicity due to the candidate's voluntary abandonment or unqualified physical examination and inspection, from the candidates who apply for the same post and whose written examination and interview scores both reach the minimum score control line or above, fill in according to the total exam scores according to the regulations.

3. In the stage of physical examination, inspection and publicity, the applicant's qualification for employment will be cancelled after verification due to the problems that affect the employment or do not meet the employment conditions. The vacant positions will be filled according to the total scores of the examination according to the regulations from the candidates who apply for the same position and whose written examination and interview scores are above the minimum score control line.

(2) Non reprehensible form

1. From the release of the list of interviewees to the end of the interview, the number of vacant interviewees will not be filled.

2. From the date of issuance of the employment documents of each recruitment unit, the vacant positions will not be filled.

11、 Other matters

(1) Any major matters involving this recruitment or matters not covered in this announcement shall be studied and decided by the staff leading group of the public recruitment record system of Yinchuan Health Commission in 2024. If the recruitment work arrangement is adjusted as needed, a supplementary announcement or notice will be issued on the designated website in a timely manner, inviting all applicants to pay attention in a timely manner.

(2) During the period from the registration to the publicity (qualification review, written interview, physical examination, investigation) of the proposed employee, the applicant shall ensure that the communication tools filled in during the registration are unblocked for communication. The responsibility for the consequences caused by the blocked communication methods shall be borne by the applicant.

(3) The identification and handling of violations of discipline and rules in public recruitment shall be carried out in accordance with the Provisions on the Handling of Violations of Discipline and Rules in Public Recruitment of Public Institutions (Decree No. 35 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security) and relevant provisions. If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

(4) If the relevant personnel and candidates of the recruitment unit need to withdraw when handling matters related to public recruitment, they should withdraw in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Regulations on Personnel Management Withdrawal of Public Institutions (RSBG [2019] No. 1).

(5) This recruitment does not specify a book for exam guidance, nor does it hold or entrust any organization to hold exam guidance classes. Please be vigilant to avoid being cheated.

Policy consultation hotline: 0951-6192142 (Yinchuan First People's Hospital)

0951-8361573 (Yinchuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital)

0951-6882092 (Yinchuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital)

Supervision hotline: 0951-6192356 (Yinchuan First People's Hospital)

0951-8361695 (Yinchuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital)

0951-6882269 (Yinchuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital)

0951-6889085 (the 16th Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group dispatched by Yinchuan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection)

Technical support telephone of enrollment platform: 15809515109 (engineer, no consultation on examination and recruitment policy)

The time for policy consultation and technical support is 9:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:30-6:00 p.m. during the registration period


   Annex 1: List of Independent Public Recruitment Filing System Staff Posts in Yinchuan Public Hospital.xls

   Annex 2: Letter of Commitment (reference template). docx

   Annex 3: Power of Attorney (reference template). docx

   Annex 4: Reexamination Form for Qualification of Staff Candidates under the Independent Public Recruitment Filing System in Yinchuan Public Hospital.docx

Staff Leading Group Office

June 12, 2024

Original title: Yinchuan Public Hospital 2024 Independent Public Recruitment Filing System Staff Announcement Yinchuan Health Commission

Source: https://wjw.yinchuan.gov.cn/zwgk/fdzdgknr/gsgg/202406/t20240612_4566139.htm

(Editor: Ningxia Huatu)
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