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2024 Shizuishan First People's Hospital Public Recruitment Filing System Staff Written Examination Announcement

2024-06-13 08:50:22 Ningxia Medical Examination Network https://nx.huatu.com/yiliao/ Source: Shizuishan Municipal People's Government

[Introduction] Huatu Ningxia Medical Examination Network Synchronized with the announcement of Shizuishan Municipal People's Government: 2024 Shizuishan First People's Hospital Public Recruitment Filing System Staff Written Examination Announcement , please read below for details! If you have any questions, please add [Ningxia Medical Examination WeChat] For more information, please pay attention to Ningxia health talent recruitment WeChat official account (nxyshd), Ningxia medical examination consultation telephone: 0951-6028571/6027571, WeChat: HT15202602573 Address: https://nx.huatu.com/2024/0613/1723621.html

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According to the Announcement of Shizuishan First People's Hospital on Public Recruitment of Filing System Staff in 2024, the matters related to the written examination of public recruitment of filing system staff in the hospital are announced as follows:

Click to view: Qualified List of Public Recruitment Filing System Staff of Shizuishan First People's Hospital in 2024

1、 Time and place of written examination

Time: 9:30-10:30, June 18, 2024

Location: Shizuishan No. 1 Middle School (No. 386, Shida Road, Huinong District, Shizuishan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region).

2、 Participants in the written examination

Participants in the written examination are those who have passed the preliminary qualification examination (see Annex 1 for details)

3、 Notes for candidates

1. Candidates should carefully read the exam notice before taking the exam, promise to know the notice and voluntarily assume relevant responsibilities.

2. Candidates should reasonably arrange their travel according to the examination time and get familiar with the venue in advance so as not to affect their participation in the examination.

3. Candidates taking the exam shall carry their original resident identity cards (or temporary identity cards) and exam admission cards within the validity period (check and print in their mailbox within one week before the exam). Candidates are allowed to enter the exam room 30 minutes before the start of the exam and take their seats according to the number. If they are late for more than 15 minutes after the start, they will be deemed to give up voluntarily. During the exam, candidates are not allowed to hand in their papers in advance or leave the exam room.

4. Candidates should bring their own stationery such as black writing pens or pens. No items shall be passed between candidates after the exam.

5. It is strictly prohibited to bring mobile phones or electronic devices such as wristwatches, headphones, calculators with the functions of acquisition, recording, transmission, reception, calculation and storage, as well as examination related materials into the examination room.

6. Candidates must answer in strict accordance with the requirements of the notes on the test paper, and shall not mark their own information or other special marks in places other than those specified.

7. During the examination, please protect your examination papers and answer information to prevent others from copying.

8. It is strictly prohibited to take the test paper, draft paper, etc. out of the examination room.

9. Candidates are not allowed to answer questions before the test start signal is sent, or continue to answer questions after the test end signal is sent, otherwise, they will be punished as disciplinary violations.

10. Candidates must abide by the rules of the examination room and relevant regulations. Those who violate disciplines and regulations will be severely punished according to the seriousness of the case and the Regulations on the Handling of Disciplinary Violations in Public Recruitment of Public Institutions (Decree No. 35 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security).

11. No fees will be charged for the exam, no tutoring books will be designated, and no tutoring class will be held or entrusted to any organization. Please be vigilant to avoid being cheated in this exam. The transportation, board and lodging of the examinees are arranged by themselves, and the expenses are borne by themselves. Please make travel arrangements in advance.

12. Candidates should pay close attention to the public account of Shizuishan First People's Hospital and other relevant notices to keep communication unblocked. All consequences caused by poor communication should be borne by themselves.

Wish all the examinees a smooth exam!

Tel: 0952-3317650

Shizuishan Municipal Health Commission

June 12, 2024

Original title: Written Examination Announcement of Public Recruitment Filing System Staff of Shizuishan First People's Hospital in 2024

Source: http://www.shizuishan.gov.cn/xwzx/zwxx/tzgg/202406/t20240612_4566085.html

(Editor: Ningxia Huatu)
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