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2024 Ningxia Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital will independently and openly recruit career staff and record system interview company

2024-06-05 11:01:50 Ningxia Medical Examination Network https://nx.huatu.com/yiliao/ Source: Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Hospital of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine

[Introduction] Huatu Ningxia Medical Examination Network Synchronized with the release of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Hospital: 2024 Ningxia Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital will independently and openly recruit career staff and record system interview company , please read below for details! If you have any questions, please add [Ningxia Medical Examination WeChat] For more information, please pay attention to Ningxia health talent recruitment WeChat official account (nxyshd), Ningxia medical examination consultation telephone: 0951-6028571/6027571, WeChat: HT15202602573 Address: https://nx.huatu.com/2024/0605/1723446.html

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According to the "Notice of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Integrated Hospital of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine on Independent Public Recruitment of Staff in 2024", "Notice of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Integrated Hospital of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine on Independent Public Recruitment of Filing System Staff in 2024", and "Supplementary Notice of Ningxia Integrated Hospital of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine on Independent Public Recruitment of Staff and Filing System Staff in 2024", The hospital will hold interviews on June 12 and 13. Please participate in the independent public recruitment examination for career establishment and filing system. The specific matters are notified as follows:

1、 Interview time, place, interview method, position and score calculation (see appendix for details)

(1) Time, place, method, position and score calculation of interview for staff of hospital independent open recruitment

1. Interview time

(1) PPT defense

7:30-12:00, June 12, 2024

(2) Professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation

Nursing post: 7:30-12:00, June 12, 2024

Other positions: 7:30-18:00, June 12, 2024

(3) Practical skill evaluation

14:00-18:00, June 12, 2024

2. Interview place

(1) Place of PPT defense

6th floor of Yinchuan Tiefa Group (No.1, South Lane, West Garden, Xixia District, Yinchuan City, Nanjing

Building on the south side of the road of the Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine in Summer)

(2) Location of professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment

6th floor of Yinchuan Tiefa Group (No.1, South Lane, West Garden, Xixia District, Yinchuan City, Nanjing

Building on the south side of the road of the Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine in Summer)

(3) Place of practical skill evaluation

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Hospital (Huaiyuan, Xixia District, Yinchuan City

499 East Road)

3. Interview method and position

(1) PPT defense method

Traditional Chinese medicine doctor, internal medicine traditional Chinese medicine doctor and orthopedic doctor take the form of PPT defense. PPT defense includes personal statement and defense.

Personal statement: The respondent makes a personal statement through PPT, which includes educational experience, work experience, specific work currently undertaken, technical ability, work performance, research paper achievements, etc. The overall time of personal statement is not more than 4 minutes.

Oral defense: the judges put forward 2-3 questions based on the position respondent's statement, and the respondent will answer them orally for no more than 8 minutes. Focus on the evaluation of candidates' professional knowledge, business ability, work skills and comprehensive quality, etc.

The defense PPT should be sent to the personnel department email before 17:00 on June 6( rsk23027@163.com ), failing to send it to the designated email address within the time limit shall be deemed as giving up the interview; The defense interview PPT is named in the format of "position+name+contact information" (such as: physician+Zhang San+138XXXXXXXX). The PPT should be in Microsoft Office PowerPoint2007 format, with the extension of. pptx. No video or audio can be linked or inserted, and the size should not exceed 30MB. My name is not allowed to appear in the PPT.

(2) Professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation method

Financial management department member, nephrologist, physician of critical care medicine 1, physician of critical care medicine 2, orthopedic/pain physician, physician of critical rehabilitation department/neurologist/emergency department 1, physician of critical rehabilitation department/neurologist/emergency department 2, radiologist, general surgeon, physician of acupuncture and massage department 1, physician of acupuncture and massage department 2, rehabilitation technician There are 13 job interviews for functional physicians: professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment. According to the actual situation of the hospital and the needs of the post, the evaluation of professional knowledge and comprehensive quality adopts the semi-structured interview method, focusing on the evaluation of the examinee's professional knowledge, professional ability and comprehensive quality that are suitable for the post.

(3) Professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment+practical skills assessment

Professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment+practical skills assessment were adopted for nursing posts. At 7:30-12:00 on June 12, professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation was carried out. Semi structured interview was adopted to focus on the evaluation of candidates' professional knowledge, business ability, comprehensive quality and other aspects corresponding to their posts; At 14:00-18:00 on June 12, the practical skills assessment was carried out, and the main content of the practical skills assessment was the practical skills operation related to the post of application.

4. Calculation of interview results

(1) The full score of PPT defense is 100. The score of PPT defense is the interview score. Those who fail to reach 60 points will be disqualified.

(2) The full score of professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation is 100. Financial management department member, nephrologist, physician of critical care medicine 1, physician of critical care medicine 2, orthopedic/pain physician, physician of critical rehabilitation department/neurologist/emergency department 1, physician of critical rehabilitation department/neurologist/emergency department 2, radiologist, general surgeon, physician of acupuncture and massage department 1, physician of acupuncture and massage department 2, rehabilitation technician The interview scores of functional physicians for 13 positions=professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation scores. If the score of professional and comprehensive quality assessment is less than 60 points, the applicant will be disqualified.

(3) The full score of professional knowledge, comprehensive quality assessment and practical skills assessment is 100. Nursing job interview score=professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation score × 50%+practical skill evaluation score × 50%. If the score of professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment is less than 60 points, the applicant will be disqualified; If the score of practical skill assessment is less than 80 points, the applicant will be disqualified.

5. Calculation method of total test scores

(1) Total score of examination for three positions of TCM doctor, internal medicine TCM doctor and orthopedic doctor=PPT defense score.

(2) Financial management staff, nephrologists, physicians of critical care medicine 1, physicians of critical care medicine 2, orthopedics or pain doctors, physicians of critical rehabilitation or neurology and emergency department 1, physicians of critical rehabilitation or neurology and emergency department 2, radiologists, general surgeons, acupuncture and massage physicians 1, acupuncture and massage physicians 2, rehabilitation technicians The total score of functional physicians in 13 positions=written examination score × 40%+interview score × 60%. When the examination results are parallel, the hospital will organize additional examinations in a certain way.

(3) Total score of nursing post examination=written examination score × 40%+interview score (professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation × 50%+practical skill evaluation × 50%) × 60%. When the examination results are parallel, the hospital will organize additional examinations in a certain way.

(2) Interview time, interview place, interview method, position and score calculation of hospital independent open recruitment record system staff

1. Interview time

(1) Practical skill evaluation

14:00-18:00, June 12, 2024

(2) Professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation

7:30-17:00, June 13, 2024

2. Interview place

(1) Place of practical skill evaluation

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Hospital (Huaiyuan, Xixia District, Yinchuan City

499 East Road)

(2) Location of professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment

6th floor of Yinchuan Tiefa Group (No.1, South Lane, West Garden, Xixia District, Yinchuan City, Nanjing

Building on the south side of the road of the Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine in Summer)

3. Interview method and position

(1) Professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation method

The interview method for 7 positions including safety management engineer of General Affairs Department, engineer of Medical Equipment Department, technician of Radiology Department, rehabilitation technician 1, rehabilitation technician 2, public health physician of Mengyuan Community and general practitioner of Mengyuan Community is: professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment. According to the actual situation of the hospital and the needs of the post, the evaluation of professional knowledge and comprehensive quality adopts the semi-structured interview method, focusing on the evaluation of the examinee's professional knowledge, professional ability and comprehensive quality that are suitable for the post.

(2) Practical skill evaluation method+professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation

The two posts of Nursing 1 and Nursing 2 adopt the way of practical skill assessment+professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment. At 14:00-18:00 on June 12, the practical skills assessment was carried out, and the main content of the practical skills assessment was the practical skills operation related to the post of application for examination; At 7:30-17:00 on June 13, professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation was carried out. Semi structured interview was adopted to focus on the evaluation of candidates' professional knowledge, business ability, comprehensive quality and other aspects in line with their positions.

4. Calculation of interview results

(1) The full score of professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation is 100. Interview results of 7 positions including safety management engineer of General Affairs Department, engineer of Medical Equipment Department, technician of Radiology Department, rehabilitation technician 1, rehabilitation technician 2, public health physician of Mengyuan Community and general practitioner of Mengyuan Community=professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment results. If the interview score is less than 60 points, the applicant will be disqualified.

(2) The full score of practical skill assessment and professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment is 100. Interview results of nursing 1 and nursing 2 for two positions in total=practical skill evaluation results × 50%+professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation results × 50%. If the score of practical skill assessment is less than 80 points, the applicant will be disqualified; If the score of professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment is less than 60, the applicant will be disqualified.

5. Calculation method of total test scores

(1) There are 7 positions in total: safety management engineer of General Affairs Department, engineer of Medical Equipment Department, radiology technician, rehabilitation technician 1, rehabilitation technician 2, public health physician of Mengyuan Community, general practitioner of Mengyuan Community: total exam score=written exam score × 40%+interview score 60%. When the examination results are parallel, the hospital will organize additional examinations in a certain way.

(2) There are two positions in nursing 1 and nursing 2: total exam score=written exam score × 40%+interview score (professional knowledge and comprehensive quality evaluation × 50%+practical skills evaluation × 50%) × 60%. When the examination results are parallel, the hospital will organize additional examinations in a certain way.

2、 Specific requirements

(1) Please arrange the schedule reasonably in advance and get familiar with the specific test site in advance (to avoid missing the test site or going to the wrong test site to delay the test); Candidates who participate in the professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment on the interview day should arrive at the designated examination room before 7:30 on the exam day with the original ID card and qualification review form, and those who participate in the practical skills assessment should arrive at the designated examination room before 14:00 on the exam day with the original ID card and qualification review form.

(2) For the professional knowledge and comprehensive quality assessment exam, boys are required to wear formal clothes (light color short sleeves, black or navy trousers, dark leather shoes) for the exam, and girls are required to wear formal clothes (light color short sleeves, black or navy skirt, dark formal dress, dark leather shoes) with light makeup for the exam; Candidates who take part in the practical skills assessment exam should bring their own nurse shoes and pants.

(3) After the interview, the candidates for physical examination will be determined according to the overall recruitment score from high to low and the ratio of 1:1 in the job recruitment plan. In the same position, if the total scores of examinees are the same, the hospital will organize additional examinations in a certain way. The list of persons to be admitted for physical examination will be published on the hospital's official website for 3 working days. Please pay close attention to the relevant notices on the official website of the hospital and keep your mobile phone unblocked.

(4) The examinee who is unable to get in touch because he/she is not able to answer the phone or does not answer the phone will be deemed as an automatic waiver, and the responsibility will be borne by the examinee; Those who are 10 minutes late and fail to arrive at the designated place will be deemed as waiver and will be disqualified for interview.

3、 Consultation telephone and address

Tel.: 0951-3921915 0951-3923027

Complaint hotline: 0951-5023756 0951-3922757 0951-3923027

Address: No. 499, Huaiyuan East Road, Xixia District, Yinchuan, Ningxia

enclosure: Interview arrangement for staff of independent public recruitment system and filing system of integrated traditional and western medicine hospital in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in 2024.xlsx

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Hospital

June 5, 2024

Original title: Announcement of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital on Independent Public Recruitment of Career Staffing Staff and Interview of Filing System Staff in 2024

Source: http://www.nxdsrmyy.com/contents/5/2357.html

(Editor: Ningxia Huatu)
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