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2024 Ningxia Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Self employment in the first half of the year

2024-05-27 09:47:56 Ningxia Medical Examination Network https://nx.huatu.com/yiliao/ Source: Ningxia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine

[Introduction] Huatu Ningxia Medical Examination Network Synchronize the release of Ningxia Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine: 2024 Ningxia Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Self employment in the first half of the year , please read below for details! If you have any questions, please add [Ningxia Medical Examination WeChat] For more information, please pay attention to Ningxia health talent recruitment WeChat official account (nxyshd), Ningxia medical examination consultation telephone: 0951-6028571/6027571, WeChat: HT15202602573 Address: https://nx.huatu.com/2024/0527/1722919.html

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In the first half of 2024, the online registration of urgently needed staff positions in the hospital's independent and open recruitment has been conducted from 8:00 on May 20, 2024 to 18:00 on May 24, 2024. According to the registration situation, in order to meet the development of health care and employment needs, the leadership group of the hospital's independent and open recruitment decided to change the application conditions for 16 positions after discussion at the meeting (see annex) The online registration time of the 16 positions will be extended, and other positions will not accept registration.

1、 Registration time

8:00 on May 29, 2024 (Wednesday) to 18:00 on May 31, 2024 (Friday).

2、 Registration method and requirements

See the Announcement of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Self employment and Open Recruitment of Urgent Staff in the First Half of 2024 (released on the official website on May 10, 2024).

Special reminder: For 2023 graduates who apply for the posts of therapists, radiologists, laboratory technologists, pathological technologists, pharmaceutical pharmacists and pharmacists in the preparation room of the rehabilitation center, and who have participated in the 2024 health professional technical qualification examination, they need to upload the examination permit and provide the certificate of qualified examination results before entry, otherwise they will not be employed.

3、 Contact information

Policy consultation hotline: 0951-2036067

Complaint hotline: 0951-5023756, 0951-2028877

Contact address: Organization and Personnel Department of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (No. 114, Beijing West Road, Xixia District, Yinchuan, Ningxia)

enclosure: Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine List of Changes in Post Qualifications of Urgently Needed Staff in Independent Public Recruitment in the First Half of 2024.doc

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine

May 24, 2024

Original title: Supplementary Announcement of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Self employment and Open Recruitment of Urgent Staff in the First Half of 2024

Article source address: http://rs.nxtcm.com/web/show?id=96

(Editor: Ningxia Huatu)
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