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Announcement on Recruitment of 39 Persons by Ningxia Guyuan Yuanzhou District People's Hospital in 2022

2022-01-26 09:03:25 Ningxia Medical Examination Network https://nx.huatu.com/yiliao/ Source: Guyuan Yuanzhou District People's Hospital

[Introduction] Huatu Ningxia Medical Examination Network Synchronously released by Guyuan Yuanzhou District People's Hospital: Announcement on Recruitment of 39 Persons by Ningxia Guyuan Yuanzhou District People's Hospital in 2022 , please read below for details! If you have any questions, please add [Ningxia Medical Examination WeChat] For more information, please pay attention to Ningxia health talent recruitment WeChat official account (nxyshd), Ningxia medical examination consultation telephone: 0951-6028571/6027571, WeChat: HT15202602573 Address: https://nx.huatu.com/2022/0126/1660773.html

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In accordance with the Measures for the Implementation of the Open Recruitment of Public Institutions in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Ning Dang Ban [2006] No. 35), the Notice on Further Improving the Independent Public Recruitment of Public Institutions in the Region (Ning Ren She Han [2020] No. 65) and other relevant provisions, and in combination with the needs of discipline construction and development, the needs of talent team construction and the actual situation of the posts, Now we entrust Guyuan Branch of Ningxia Radio and Television Human Resources Co., Ltd. to recruit 39 staff members from the public. Relevant matters are announced as follows:

1、 Recruitment principles

Adhere to the principle of facing the society, openness, fairness, impartiality and merit, adhere to the concept of having both political integrity and talent, putting morality first, matching, and matching people and posts, and adopt the method of individual registration.

2、 Recruitment objects and conditions

(1) Persons who meet the following conditions can apply for the examination

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the Constitution and laws of the People's Republic of China;

2. Abide by professional ethics, be upright, love the job, obey the leadership, unite with comrades, and be honest.

(2) The following persons shall not apply for the examination

1. Those who have received criminal punishment for crimes;

2. Those who have been dismissed from public service;

3. Listed as the object of joint punishment for dishonesty according to law;

4. Those who are found to have violated disciplines and regulations in the recruitment of civil servants and public institutions and are recorded in the integrity archives are still in the disciplinary period.

3、 Recruitment plan and post conditions

A total of 12 posts and 39 people were recruited this time. See Annex 1 for details of posts, qualifications and related matters.

(Annex 1)

4、 Recruitment procedures

(1) Publish recruitment announcement

The announcement was published on the WeChat official account of "Guyuan Yuanzhou District People's Hospital".

(2) Registration and qualification review

1. Registration time

January 25-27, 2022

8:00-12:00 am, 2:30-5:30 pm

2. Registration method

This recruitment is conducted by on-site registration, which must be completed within a limited time. The originals and copies of ID card, graduation certificate, degree certificate, student status certification report, practice certificate, qualification certificate, etc., as well as two 1-inch paper photos on the same back, shall be provided for on-site registration, and the Registration Form for Staff Publicly Recruited by Yuanzhou District People's Hospital in 2022 (Annex 2) and the Qualification Review Form for Staff Publicly Recruited by Yuanzhou District Hospital in 2022 (Annex 3) shall be filled in. Applicants must fill in the corresponding registration information as required to ensure that the information is true, and each applicant can only apply for one position.

3. Registration fee

Since this recruitment is a paid service provided by a commercial social organization, and the recruitment work will incur costs such as material fees, staff working hours, recruitment publicity fees, site fees, facilities fees, etc., 10% of the registration fee per person will be charged and will not be refunded after payment.

4. Preliminary qualification

When registering, applicants must submit the following materials when participating in the preliminary qualification review: the qualification review form is in duplicate, and the original and copy of the registration form, ID card, graduation certificate, degree certificate, practice certificate or practice assistant certificate, qualification certificate and other relevant certification materials required by the post. Qualification review runs through the whole process of recruitment.

5. Registration place

The third floor office of Ningxia Guyuan Radio and Television Network Company

Contact: Hu Jing 13895043658

(3) Examination

1. It is organized and implemented in two parts: written examination and interview. The main content of the written examination is the public knowledge and knowledge of the position, which accounts for 20% and 80% respectively; The interview shall be conducted in a semi-structured way according to the needs of the position to test the public comprehensive quality, knowledge and other aspects of the candidates that are suitable for the position.

2. The exam is scheduled to take place on the morning of January 29, 2022. Please refer to the staff who will get the exam pass on the third floor of Guyuan Radio and Television Network Company on January 28 (failure to get the exam pass on time will be deemed as automatic waiver).

The total score of written examination and interview is 100 points respectively, accounting for 50% of the total score.

3. The interviewees shall be determined according to the 1:3 ratio between the number of recruited positions and the interviewees from the written examination results to the low scores. If the number of interviewees is less than 3, the interview shall be conducted according to the actual number.

4. Bonus points (plus points in the written examination scores): 15 points for postgraduates, trained clinicians with a bachelor's degree and a license; 15 points will be added for "three supports and one support", "public welfare post", "college student internship post" and volunteer service personnel who work in the People's Hospital of Yuanzhou District, Guyuan City during the epidemic period and have work experience in a general hospital of level II or above (relevant valid certification materials will be provided).

5. Total score=written examination score × 50%+interview score × 50%; Those whose later total score is less than 60 points or above cannot be employed.

(4) Inspection

All qualified candidates will be investigated for their political qualifications and crimes, and those who meet the requirements will enter the physical examination.

(5) Physical examination

Those who meet the requirements of written examination, interview and investigation enter the physical examination, which shall be organized by the hospital (at their own expense). The physical examination standards shall refer to the General Standards for Civil Servant Recruitment Physical Examination (Trial).

(6) Publicity

The staff who have passed the written examination, interview and physical examination and are to be employed will be publicized on the WeChat public account of Guyuan Yuanzhou District People's Hospital for 5 working days.

(7) Employment

The probationary period of the personnel who have no objection to the publicity is 3 months, and the salary is subject to the relevant provisions of the hospital's performance salary assessment and distribution method.

5、 Supervision

The public recruitment was organized by the Health Bureau of Yuanzhou District, Guyuan City and the People's Hospital of Yuanzhou District, Guyuan City. The relevant arrangements for recruitment shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Hospital of Yuanzhou District, and the Fifth Discipline Inspection Team of the Supervision Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Yuanzhou District shall be assigned to supervise the recruitment. The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of Guyuan Yuanzhou District People's Hospital supervised the recruitment.

6、 Other requirements

1. Provide the material information truthfully, and once the false material is verified, the recruitment qualification will be canceled;

2. During the period from the registration to the publicity of the personnel to be employed, the examinee shall ensure that the contact information filled in at the time of registration is unblocked for communication; The examinee shall be responsible for the consequences caused by the poor contact information;

3. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account of "Guyuan Yuanzhou District People's Hospital" and notify the written examination, interview, physical examination, employment and other related matters. Failure to participate in the written examination and interview on time will be deemed as automatic abandonment;

4. Please abide by the epidemic prevention and control policy of Yuanzhou District when signing up, taking the written examination, and conducting the interview, and provide the nucleic acid negative certificate within 48 hours, the health code and travel code (all green codes) for nearly 14 consecutive days, and the body temperature is less than 37.3 ℃, without fatigue, dry cough, chest tightness, diarrhea and other symptoms. Those who cannot provide the green code or have abnormal body temperature cannot participate in the written examination and interview;

5. Ningxia Radio and Television Human Resources Guyuan Branch and Guyuan Yuanzhou District People's Hospital are responsible for explaining other matters not covered.

Guyuan Yuanzhou District People's Hospital

January 25, 2022

Source: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Sh60EPF3MBqM6A4e6iAnJw

(Editor: changyan)
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