Youdaoyun Notes Personal Information Protection Rules for Minors and Instructions for Guardians

Updated on: April 19, 2021

Youdaoyun Notes (or "us" for short) is well aware of the importance of personal information and privacy security of minors (under 18 years old, the same below). We hope that through《 Youdaoyun Notes Personal Information Protection Rules for Minors and Instructions for Guardians 》(hereinafter referred to as "this policy") describes the corresponding handling rules and other related matters when we collect and use personal information of minors. Before using our Youdao Cloud Notes service, please ensure that minors and their guardians carefully read and thoroughly understand this policy, especially the terms marked in bold, and start using after confirming that they fully understand and agree to all the terms.

Special instructions of guardian:

If we learn that your child is under the age of 18, we will take special measures to protect the personal information of your child we have obtained according to this policy. Please help us protect your children's personal information and privacy security, require them to jointly read and accept this policy under your supervision, and should use Youdao Cloud note service and submit personal information with your consent and guidance. If you do not agree with the content of this policy, it may cause our products and services to fail to operate normally, or fail to achieve the service effect we intend to achieve, you should ask your child to immediately stop accessing/using Youdao Cloud Notebook Service. If you click to agree to this policy, or your child starts to use/continues to use Youdao Cloud's note service, and submits personal information, you agree that we collect, use, store, share, transfer and disclose your child's personal information in accordance with this policy (including the updated version).

Special instructions for minors:

We suggest that any minors who participate in online activities should obtain the consent of their guardians in advance. If you are a minor, please inform your guardian to read this policy together, and seek the consent and guidance of your guardian before you use Youdao Cloud note service and submit personal information. You click to agree to this policy, or you start/continue to use Youdao Cloud's note service and submit personal information, which means that you have obtained your guardian's permission, and your guardians agree that we collect, use, store, share, transfer and disclose your personal information in accordance with this policy (including the updated version).

This policy is applicable to the collection, use, storage, sharing, transfer and disclosure of minors' personal information through the Internet in the People's Republic of China. When minors use any Youdao Cloud note taking service, the guardian agrees to accept the protection of this policy. In terms of personal information protection rules for minors, such as this policy and《 Youdao Cloud Notes Privacy Policy 》、《 Youdao Cloud Notes Service Terms 》In case of any inconsistency in the provisions of the same kind of clauses, this policy shall prevail. For matters not covered in this policy《 Youdao Cloud Notes Privacy Policy 》Shall prevail.

After reading this policy, if you have any questions about this policy or matters related to this policy, you can contact us through the feedback channels listed in the "How to Contact Us" section of this policy, and we will answer them as soon as possible.


1、 How we collect and use personal information of minors

2、 How do we use COOKIES or similar technology

3、 Personal information of minors that we may share, transfer and disclose

4、 How we retain, store and protect personal information of minors

5、 How to manage personal information of minors

6、 Third party services

7、 Notices and amendments

8、 How to contact us

1、 How we collect and use personal information of minors

(1) We will strictly perform the obligation and responsibility of protecting minors' personal information as stipulated by laws and regulations, follow the principles of legitimate necessity, informed consent, clear purpose, security and legal use, and collect and use minors' personal information after obtaining the consent of the guardian:

1、 In Youdao Cloud's note taking service, we may ask users to fill in their personal birthday information or according to their identity information , identify whether the user is a minor, and allow minors to continue to use Youdao Cloud Note Service after obtaining the consent of their guardians according to laws and regulations.

2. When we identify the user as a minor, we may collect the contact information of the guardian (including Mobile phone number and e-mail )And contact the guardian to verify the guardianship relationship with the minor. In order to better protect the rights and interests of minors, we may also collect more information from guardians (including Name, ID card, household register or other guardianship certificate )In order to further verify the guardianship relationship between guardians and minors.

3. In the process of minors using Youdao Cloud's note taking service, we may also collect and use other minors' personal information. Please refer to Youdao Cloud Notes Privacy Policy 》"How we collect and use your personal information" chapter Learn more. If we need to collect and use personal information of minors beyond the above scope, we will obtain the consent of the guardian again.

4. Exceptions to obtaining authorization According to relevant laws and regulations, it is not necessary to obtain the authorization and consent of minors and/or guardians to collect information of minors under the following circumstances:

(1) Directly related to national security, national defense security, public security, public health and major public interests;

(2) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

(3) It is difficult to obtain the consent of the guardian himself for the purpose of protecting the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of the information subject or other individuals;

(4) The information collected is disclosed to the public by minors or guardians themselves;

(5) Collect information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

(6) Necessary for signing the contract according to the guardian's requirements;

(7) It is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of Youdao Cloud Notes Service, such as finding and handling product or service failures;

(8) Automatically retaining and processing information through the computer information system and failing to recognize that the retained and processed information belongs to minors' personal information;

(9) The information contained in the results is de identified when it is necessary to carry out statistics or academic research for the public interest and the results of academic research or description are provided externally;

(10) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

(2) Tips on sensitive personal information of minors

The minors' personal sensitive information provided by minors or guardians or collected by us may include minors' personal sensitive information, including names, ID numbers, consumption records, transaction information, system accounts, e-mail addresses and their related passwords, mobile phone numbers, web browsing records and location information. The guardians and minors are requested to be cautious and pay attention to the sensitive personal information of minors. The guardians agree that we can handle the sensitive personal information of minors according to the purposes and methods described in this policy.

2、 How do we use COOKIES or similar technology

There may be COOKIES or similar technologies placed by advertisers and other partners on Youdao Cloud's note service. These COOKIES and or similar technologies may collect non personally identifiable information related to minors to analyze how users use such services, send advertisements to minors that may be of interest to them or in line with their age, or evaluate the effect of advertising services. The collection and use of such information by these third-party COOKIES or similar technologies are not subject to this policy, but are subject to their own information protection statements. We are not responsible for the third-party COOKIES or similar technologies.

Guardians and minors can reject or manage COOKIES or similar technologies through browser or user selection mechanism. However, if COOKIES or similar technologies are disabled, we may not be able to provide minors with the best service experience that meets their needs or age, and some services may not be used normally. At the same time, minors will still receive advertisements, but the relevance between these advertisements and minors will be reduced.

3、 Personal information of minors that we may share, transfer or disclose

(1) Share

Except for the following circumstances, without the consent of the guardian, we will not share the personal information of minors with any third party other than NetEase:

1. Provide our services to minors. We may share the information of minors with partners and other third parties to realize the function of our products and/or services, so that minors can normally use the services they need, including payment agencies providing payment services, partners providing data services (including online advertising monitoring, data statistics, data analysis) Third party logistics companies and other service providers;

2. Necessary sharing with related parties. In order to facilitate us to provide consistent services to minors based on a unified account system and facilitate their unified management, personalized recommendation, guarantee system and account security, minors' personal information may be necessary shared between us and our affiliates;

3. To achieve the purpose described in Article 1 "How do we collect and use personal information of minors" of this policy;

4. Fulfill our obligations and exercise our rights in this policy or other agreements with minors and guardians;

5. The purpose of sharing with third parties such as partners who entrust us with promotion is to make these clients understand the coverage and effectiveness of promotion. For example, we can tell the entrusting party how many people have seen their promotional information or bought the goods of the entrusting party after seeing the information, or provide them with statistical information that can not identify the personal identity of minors to help them understand their audience or customers;

6. To the extent permitted by laws and regulations, we may exchange information with other companies and organizations in order to comply with laws, protect us and our affiliates or partners, minors, guardians or other users of Daoyun Notes or protect the interests, property or security of the public, such as to prevent illegal activities such as fraud and reduce credit risk. However, this does not include information sold, leased, shared or otherwise disclosed for profit in violation of the commitments made in this policy;

7. Should be legally required by minors or authorized by guardians;

8. At the legal request of the guardian;

9. Provided according to the single service agreement (including the electronic agreement signed online and the corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents;

10. It is provided based on the social public interest in line with laws and regulations.

We will only share personal information of minors for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes. For companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, we will conduct security assessments and sign strict confidentiality agreements with them, requiring them to handle information in accordance with our instructions, this policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

(2) Assignment

1. With the continuous development of our business, we may carry out mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and the information of minors may be transferred as part of such transactions We will conduct security assessment and require new companies and organizations that hold minors' personal information to continue to be bound by this policy. Otherwise, we will require the company and organization to seek authorization from the guardian again.

2. With the consent of the guardian, we will transfer the personal information of minors to other parties.

(3) Disclosure

We will only disclose the personal information of minors under the following circumstances and on the premise of taking safety protection measures in line with industry standards:

1. According to the needs of minors or guardians, disclose the information designated by them in the way of disclosure agreed by guardians;

2. If the information of minors must be provided according to the requirements of laws and regulations, mandatory administrative law enforcement or judicial requirements, we may disclose the information of minors according to the required information type and disclosure method. On the premise of compliance with laws and regulations, when we receive the above request for information disclosure, we will require the receiver to issue corresponding legal documents, such as subpoenas or letters of investigation. We firmly believe that the information we are required to provide should be as transparent as possible to the extent permitted by law. We have carefully reviewed all requests to ensure that they have legal basis and are only limited to the data that law enforcement authorities have the legal right to obtain for specific investigation purposes.

(4) Exceptions to obtaining prior authorization for sharing, transferring and disclosing information

In the following cases, the sharing, transfer and disclosure of minors' information does not require the prior authorization and consent of the guardian:

1. Directly related to national security and national defense security;

2. Directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

3. Directly related to judicial or administrative law enforcement such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment enforcement;

4. It is difficult to obtain the consent of the guardian in order to protect the vital legal rights and interests of minors or other individuals, such as life and property;

5. Information disclosed to the public by minors or guardians;

6. Collect information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

According to the law, sharing, transferring and disclosing personal information that has been de identified, and ensuring that the data receiver cannot recover and re identify the information subject, does not belong to the external sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information, and the storage and processing of such data will not need to be notified to the guardian and obtain the consent of the guardian.

4、 How we retain, store and protect personal information of minors

(1) Unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations or regulatory authorities, we will only retain personal information of minors during the period necessary for the purposes described in this policy and the shortest period required by laws and regulations. If we terminate our service or operation, we will stop collecting personal information of minors in a timely manner. At the same time, we will comply with relevant laws and regulations to notify the guardian in advance, and delete or anonymize the personal information of minors after the termination of service or operation, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations or regulatory authorities.

(2) The personal information of minors collected and generated by our operations in the People's Republic of China is stored in China, except for the following circumstances:

1. Laws and regulations have clear provisions;

2. Obtain the authorization and consent of the guardian;

3. The products and services used by minors involve cross-border, and we need to provide minors' personal information overseas. In view of the above situations, we will conduct a security assessment and ensure adequate protection of minors' personal information in accordance with this policy and national laws and regulations.

We attach great importance to the privacy security of minors, set up a special security team, and take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect the personal information of minors:

(3) Technical measures for data security

We will take security measures that comply with industry standards, including establishing reasonable system specifications and security technologies to prevent unauthorized access, use and modification of minors' personal information and avoid data damage or loss.

We will use encryption technology (such as SSL) to encrypt and save the personal information of minors, and isolate it through isolation technology.

In the use of minors' personal information, such as information display and information association calculation, we will use a variety of data desensitization technologies to enhance the security of information in use.

We will also adopt strict data access control and multiple identity authentication technology to protect the personal information of minors and avoid the illegal use of data. All personnel accessing minors' personal information will be approved by the person in charge of minors' personal information protection or its authorized management personnel, record the access, and take technical measures to avoid illegal copying and downloading of minors' personal information.

(4) Other security measures we take to protect minors' personal information

We manage and standardize the storage and use of minors' personal information by establishing a data classification and grading system, data security management specifications, and data security development specifications.

We conduct comprehensive security control over data through confidentiality agreement of information contacts, monitoring and audit mechanism, strictly set information access rights, and control the scope of minors' personal information.

We will also hold security and privacy protection training courses to strengthen employees' security awareness and awareness of the importance of protecting information.

(5) Based on the principle of minimum authorization, we only allow NetEase employees and partners who need to know these information to access minors' personal information, and have set up a strict access control and monitoring mechanism for this purpose. At the same time, we require all personnel who may have access to minors' personal information to perform corresponding confidentiality obligations. If they fail to fulfill these obligations, they may be investigated for legal responsibility or terminated the cooperation relationship with NetEase.

(6) We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that irrelevant personal information of minors is not collected.

(7) The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and the way of communication with other users such as e-mail, instant messaging, social software or other service software cannot be determined whether it is fully encrypted. We recommend guardians and minors to use complex passwords when using such tools, and pay attention to protecting information security.

(8) The Internet environment is not 100% secure. We will try our best to ensure or guarantee the security of the personal information sent to us by guardians and minors. If our physical, technical, or management protection facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of minors' personal information, resulting in damage to minors' legitimate rights and interests, we will bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

(9) Security incident handling

When communicating with a third party or purchasing goods and services through Youdao Cloud's note taking service, minors inevitably have to disclose their information, such as contact information or postal address, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. Please guardians and minors properly protect their own information and only provide it to others when necessary.

In order to deal with the possible risks of personal information leakage, damage and loss, we have developed a number of systems to clarify the classification and grading standards of security incidents and security vulnerabilities and the corresponding processing procedures. We also set up a special emergency response team for security incidents. According to the requirements of security incident handling specifications, we launched security plans for different security incidents to stop losses, analyze, locate, develop remedial measures, and work with relevant departments to trace and strike.

In case of an unfortunate information security incident, we will timely inform guardians and minors of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions and remedial measures that guardians and minors can independently prevent and reduce risks, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. At the same time, we will timely inform the guardians and minors of the relevant situation of the event by mail, letter, telephone, push notice, announcement, etc. When it is difficult to inform the information subject one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to publish the announcement. At the same time, we will actively report the disposal of information security incidents according to the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

Due to the limitations of technology and risk prevention, even if we have tried to strengthen security measures, we cannot always ensure 100% security of information. Guardians need to understand that minors may have problems accessing the system and communication network used by Youdao Cloud Notebook Service due to circumstances beyond our control.

Please ensure that guardians and minors properly keep the service account, password and other identity elements of Youdaoyun Notes. When minors use Youdao Cloud's note taking service, we will identify them through their accounts, passwords and other identity elements. Once guardians and minors disclose the above information, they may suffer losses and may have adverse effects on themselves. If guardians and minors find that the account number, password and/or other identity elements may or have been disclosed, please contact us immediately so that we can take appropriate measures in time to avoid or reduce related losses.

5、 How to manage personal information of minors

(1) Control and selection of guardians

We encourage guardians to update and modify minors' personal information to make it more accurate and effective. Guardians and minors can view and access the personal information about minors collected by us through the Youdao Cloud note service they use, and request to modify, delete or refuse to allow further collection or use of such information. Remember that requests to delete this information may restrict minors from accessing all or part of the service. We will take appropriate technical means or provide a contact channel for submitting applications to ensure that guardians and minors can access, update and correct minors' personal information or other information provided when using Youdao Cloud Notes Service as far as possible.

If the guardian believes that his or her children under the age of 18 may have provided us with personal information, or wants to view, request deletion or prohibit further collection of information about his or her children, he or she can follow the specific guidelines in Youdao Cloud's notes or contact us through the feedback channels listed in the "How to Contact Us" section of this policy. We strongly recommend that guardians supervise minors' use of all digital media.

When accessing, updating, correcting, deleting the above information or applying for account cancellation, we may require guardians and/or minors to conduct identity verification to ensure information security. For the information of minors collected through COOKIES or similar technologies, we also explained the selection mechanism provided in Article 2 "How we use COOKIES or similar technologies" of this policy.

Unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations, when guardians and minors correct or delete minors' personal information or apply for cancellation of minors' accounts, we may not immediately correct or delete the corresponding information from the backup system, but will correct or delete these information when the backup is updated.

(2) Publicity and sharing

Some of our services allow minors to publicly share their relevant information not only with their social networks, but also with all users using the service, including information uploaded or published by minors in Youdao Cloud Note Service, and responses made by minors to information uploaded or published by others, Upload or publish minors' information, including location data and log information related to these information through email or in the public area visible to unspecified users in Youdao Cloud Note Service. As long as guardians and minors do not delete the information they have disclosed or shared, relevant information may remain in the public domain all the time; Even if guardians and minors delete shared information, relevant information may still be independently cached, copied or stored by other users or a third party not under our control, or saved in the public domain by other users or such third party. If guardians and minors disclose or share information through the above channels, we will not be responsible for the information leakage caused thereby. Therefore, we remind and invite guardians and minors to carefully consider whether to disclose or share information through the above channels.

(3) Log off

If minors no longer use Youdaoyun's note service, we also provide cancellation of Youdaoyun's note account, and minors and/or guardians can use Youdaoyun's note mobile terminal (IOS terminal and Android terminal) The following path is used to query the operation guide of account logout: Settings - Privacy and Security - Account logout. When minors' Youdaoyun note accounts are cancelled, we will stop providing them with Youdaoyun note services, delete minors' personal information and data, or anonymize them, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations.

(4) Change the scope of authorization and consent

Guardians and minors can always choose whether to disclose information. Some information is necessary to use Youdao Cloud Notes Service, but most other information is provided at your discretion. Guardians and minors can change the scope of their authorization to continue collecting information or withdraw their authorization by deleting information, turning off device functions, etc.

When guardians and minors withdraw their authorization, we cannot continue to provide the services corresponding to the withdrawal of authorization, and we will no longer process the corresponding information. However, the decision to withdraw the authorization will not affect the information processing based on the authorization of guardians and minors.

6、 Third party services

Youdao Cloud's note taking service may be social media or other services (including websites or other service forms) provided by minors to third parties. Please refer to Youdao Cloud Notes Privacy Policy 》Chapter "Third Party Services" , learn more about the types of third-party services we access or link.

Such third-party social media or other services are operated by relevant third parties. Minors' use of such third party's social media services or other services (including any information provided by minors to such third parties) must be subject to the third party's own terms of service and information protection statement (rather than this policy). Guardians and minors need to read their terms carefully. This policy is only applicable to the personal information collected by us, and does not apply to the services provided by any third party or the information use rules of the third party. If guardians and minors find that these third-party social media or other services are at risk, it is recommended to terminate relevant operations to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors and contact us in a timely manner.

7、 Notices and amendments

In order to provide better services, we may modify the terms of this policy in due time according to the update of products or services and the relevant requirements of laws and regulations, and such modifications constitute a part of this policy. If such updates result in substantial reduction or significant changes in the rights of guardians and minors under this policy, we will notify them through website announcement, push notification, pop-up prompt or other means before this policy takes effect. If guardians do not agree with such changes, they can choose to ask minors to stop using Youdao Cloud Notebook Service; If minors continue to use Youdaoyun's note taking service, it means that the guardian has fully read, understood and agreed to be bound by the revised policy.

Any modification we make will put user satisfaction first. We encourage guardians and minors to check our《 Youdaoyun Notes Personal Information Protection Rules for Minors and Instructions for Guardians 》。

We may issue service related announcements when necessary (for example, when we suspend a service due to system maintenance). Guardians and minors may not be able to cancel these service related announcements that are not promotional in nature.

8、 How to contact us

Hangzhou NetEase Bamboo Post Technology Co., Ltd. has set up a full-time department for personal information protection and appointed a special person in charge of minors' personal information protection, who will protect minors' personal information in strict accordance with this policy. If guardians and minors have complaints and reports about network information security, or have any questions, opinions or suggestions about this policy, Youdao Cloud's personal information protection rules and measures for minors, please contact us at any time, and send an email to Or write to the following address: Personal Information Protection Commissioner for Minors of Netease Phase II, No. 399, Wangshang Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City (receipt); Zip code: 310052. Generally, we will reply within 15 days after receiving questions, opinions or suggestions and verifying the identity of guardians and/or minors. If we are not satisfied with our reply, and we still refuse to improve after feedback to us, guardians and minors can also complain to the consumer protection department or file a lawsuit to the court with jurisdiction.