
    Released for more than half a year, this Huawei flagship is still in the limelight

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     Released for more than half a year, this Huawei flagship is still in the limelight

    In the past two years, Huawei mobile phone Its popularity and hedging ratio have attracted much attention. Among the Mate60 series launched at the end of August 2023, it may be the most eye-catching domestic product mobile phone It is also one of the models with the highest hedging ratio.

    Although the latest flagship of the Pura 70 series is available, Huawei Mate 60 series still frequently appears in the top ten of the list of competitive products.

    On the Pinduoduo platform, the original price of Huawei Mate60 Pro+16GB+512GB is 8999 yuan, while the current price is 7878 yuan, with a decrease of about 1000 yuan; The original price of 16GB+1TB is 9999 yuan, while the current price is 8941 yuan, down about 100 yuan. Similarly, on the JD platform, Huawei Mate60 and Pro+are out of stock, and the price in its own stores remains at the original level.

    The rare price firmness in the smartphone market shows the consumer's preference for this super high-end flagship product with a price of nearly 10000 yuan.

    For those consumers who are often "backstabbed" by manufacturers, Huawei Mate 60 series undoubtedly provides a great sense of security.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Released for more than half a year, this Huawei flagship is still in the limelight true report eight hundred and fifty-five In the past two years, the popularity and hedge ratio of Huawei mobile phones have attracted much attention. In the Mate60 series launched at the end of August 2023, it may be one of the most eye-catching domestic mobile phones, and also one of the models with the highest hedging rate. Although the latest flagship of the Pura 70 series is available, Huawei Mate 60 series still frequently appears in the top ten of the list of competitive products. In terms of price, Pinduo has many platforms
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