
    One of the southernmost active volcanoes on the earth: gold powder ejected every day is estimated to be worth 6000 euros

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     One of the southernmost active volcanoes on the earth: gold powder ejected every day is estimated to be worth 6000 euros

    The Erebus volcano in Antarctica is spewing out gold powder, which has aroused widespread concern of geologists. This volcano located on Ross Island is one of the southernmost active volcanoes on the earth. Its crust is thinner and magma easily flows to the surface through faults, releasing air masses and containing about 80 grams of gold.

    The scientists studying Mount Eribers revealed that the gold powder ejected by the volcano every day is estimated to be worth 6000 euros. Frequent eruptions bring these gold particles to a place within 1000 kilometers of the crater. Lava easily rises from the earth's interior, bringing gold particles to the surface and crystallizing, which helps explain why gold powder can also be found outside the crater.

    Since 1972, Erebus Volcano has been active, but considering the extremely harsh climate conditions in Antarctica and the restrictions on mining activities, the study of volcanoes is unrealistic. However, this phenomenon provides geologists with a valuable opportunity to understand the eruption of the volcano and the reasons for its continued activity.

    Recent research shows that one of the reasons may be the low water content of magma, which makes magma less volatile near the surface. Erebus Volcano was once active in 1841, before the appearance of this lava lake.

    Erebus volcano is an active volcano in Antarctica, located on Ross Island. It forms an active area together with three other active volcanoes. Although this volcano has attracted the attention of global geologists, due to the extreme weather conditions and mining difficulties in Antarctica, exploration or mining activities on this volcano cannot be realized at present.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: One of the southernmost active volcanoes on the earth: gold powder ejected every day is estimated to be worth 6000 euros true report nine hundred and forty-five The Erebus volcano in Antarctica is spewing out gold powder, which has aroused widespread concern of geologists. This volcano located on Ross Island is one of the southernmost active volcanoes on the earth. Its crust is thinner and magma easily flows to the surface through faults, releasing air masses and containing about 80 grams of gold. The scientists studying Mount Eribers revealed that the gold powder ejected by the volcano every day is estimated to be worth 6000 euros. Frequent outbreaks
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