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The first cross provincial remote bid evaluation for government procurement in the north and south regions of Chifeng City was successfully completed


Recently, the Municipal Public Resources Trading Center and Huizhou Public Resources Trading Center of Guangdong Province actively responded to the national call to promote the reform and innovation of government procurement, and successfully completed the first cross provincial remote bid evaluation of government procurement in the north and south regions.

In this cross provincial remote remote bid evaluation, the municipal public resources trading center randomly selected evaluation experts through the "government procurement cloud platform expert database". Our experts used the "Guangdong government procurement smart cloud platform" bid evaluation system, and the Internet to achieve remote evaluation of physical areas, real-time interaction of video and voice, and electronic signature of evaluation experts, Breaking the physical time-space barrier and the regional restrictions on review experts not only realizes the cross regional sharing of high-quality expert resources, but also effectively disperses the problems such as the concentration of review experts and the lack of specific professional expert resources, further maintaining the fairness of transactions. At the same time, it effectively reduces the institutional costs of all parties involved in government procurement activities, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation between the two places, and also providing useful reference for government procurement work in other regions.

The first cross provincial remote bid evaluation activity for government procurement in the north and south regions successfully completed by the Municipal Public Resources Trading Center and Huizhou Public Resources Trading Center in Guangdong Province is an important innovation in the government procurement work in the two regions, which helps to enhance the credibility and execution of the government. The two trading centers will continue to deepen cooperation and promote government procurement to a higher level. Reporter Wang Lichao

Source: Chifeng Daily

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