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How can online dating be more reliable

Time of publication: 05:47:00, 2024-05-14 Source: China Youth News China Youth Network

The Statistical Yearbook of China's Population and Employment 2023 shows that in 2022, the unmarried rate of the 25-29 age group in China's cities will be about 56.9%, and that of the 30-34 age group will be 20%. Young people face the pressure of marriage and love, which can not be ignored. How can online dating be more reliable?

In the face of the huge marriage and love market, some dating platforms are too chasing commercial interests, knowing that they cannot provide the promised services, but they set a "psychological trap" to induce young people to consume.

Mu Wei, a full-time consultant at the Psychological Consultation Center of Yunnan University, cracked the common routines of the marriage platform: first, the platform created an ideal partner image, amplified the emotional needs of consumers, and made them believe that paid services can better find ideal partners; Then, the platform makes use of urgency and scarcity, such as telling someone who meets your requirements that they are interested in you, which is a rare opportunity to increase consumption impulse; In addition, the social circle of consumers will become closed, and consumers will rely more on paid services when they feel isolated; Finally, matchmaker will gradually reduce consumers' expectations, making consumers feel that even if the real person they meet does not match the "design", it is worth it.

"The marriage platform uses consumers' emotional needs and psychology to induce them to spend high amounts. Understanding these means can help us choose and use relevant services more carefully," said Mu Wei.

Mu Wei suggested that young people should have rational and realistic expectations when choosing a spouse, and the perfect settings on the screen are often fictional; Keep calm and think twice before urging marriage; Increase social activities and build interpersonal relationships without relying on the platform; Carefully evaluate whether the charging service and price provided by the platform match the value; Keep alert and learn more about and judge relevant service platforms.

Shi Chengsun, director of the Psychological Consultation Center of Jinhua People's Hospital and one of the first batch of registered psychological supervisors of the Chinese Psychological Society, reminded that young people should establish a correct concept of marriage and love. "Some young people have very high standards of spouse selection, and the platform is to create anxiety and achieve their goals. In fact, love is not a simple attraction of gender or appearance, not to mention the attachment of money, family status and power. Love is to find the ultimate partner who shares the same ideals, supports and helps each other. Marriage is a kind of responsibility, which requires mutual dedication, understanding and care. It requires two people to constantly learn and grow, and work hard to operate, so that marriage can be happy and lasting. " Shi Chengsun said.

China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter Xie Yang intern Jiang Chang Source: China Youth Daily

Original title: How can online dating be more reliable
Editor in charge: Yang Yifan
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