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China Youth Daily launched a series of activities of "Winter Olympics Happy Season"

Time of publication: 2022-02-04 10:09:00 Author: He Xin Source: China Youth Daily client

The client of China Youth Daily (He Xin, reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network) is going to the Olympic Games in the first month, and the ice and snow make the New Year come. At the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the China Youth Daily launched a series of activities called "Winter Olympics Happy Season". The purpose of the activity is to attract young people to go out of doors during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, so that they can echo on and off the court, interact online and offline, and cheer for Olympic athletes with practical actions.

This Beijing Winter Olympics is the first global comprehensive sports event held as scheduled since the outbreak of the epidemic, and it is also the Winter Olympics with the most events and gold medals. The Winter Olympics has driven the realization of the vision of "300 million people on ice and snow", which is our best gift for the Year of the Tiger. This "Winter Olympics Happy Season" activity is to take advantage of the hosting of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics to stimulate the nationwide fitness craze, especially the majority of young people actively participate in ice and snow sports, carry forward the traditional Chinese culture and ice and snow culture, and advocate the awareness of a global community with a shared future.

The activities are guided by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Press and Publicity Department of the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, and are supported by Anta Group strategically. Users participating in the activity have the opportunity to receive the "Winter Olympics Red Packet" issued by the Youth Daily, with a single value of 35~2799 yuan.

Activities closely follow the pulse of the Winter Olympics. From February 2 to 4, the torch of the Winter Olympic Games was delivered on the spot. The "1.4 billion steps to the future" national run-up activity in the Happy Season series of activities invites all runners to run up independently to support the Winter Olympics and deliver hope.

From February 4, China Youth Daily and Tencent jointly launched a series of activities of "Ice and Snow Happy Season". Users only need to enter the WeChat applet "Ice and Snow Happy Season" to participate in four categories of activities: "Winter Olympics Hot News Reward", "Walking Steps to Cheer the Winter Olympics", "Winter Olympics Lantern Mystery Knowledge Contest", "Winter Olympics Hero List Like". Each activity can be exchanged for the corresponding calorie value. Each participant can receive a souvenir, and the users with the highest calorie value will receive a prize worth 2799 yuan.

During this period, the China Youth Daily will also cooperate with several sports platforms to carry out online and offline interactive experience activities, aiming to stimulate the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the masses, especially the youth group, to participate in ice and snow sports, to inherit and carry forward Chinese traditional culture and ice and snow culture, and to create a trend ID of "love the outdoors and more sports".

The opening day of the Winter Olympic Games coincides with the beginning of spring, so we should aspire to sports. China Youth Daily will launch the "Spring Festival Red Packet" inspirational interaction activity on the client, Weibo, WeChat public account and video account, and open the topic # see the ice and snow festival and the Spring Festival flag #. Please go to China Youth Daily to share the New Year's aspirations, draw sports red packets, and start a healthy start of the new year.

During the Lantern Festival, the China Youth Daily will also launch the H5 creation platform of "All the Lantern Festival in the World" with Baidu to launch public welfare communication activities. This H5 platform uses the cutting-edge AI technology of Baidu Wenxin Model to input text content, create images automatically, realize the creation of moon paintings by human and computer, transmit the philanthropic concept of "living together on the earth, sharing a bright moon", and show the world Chinese traditional culture and transmit scientific and technological power.

   Please log on the "China Youth Daily" APP or click the link to enter the activity:  

Editor in charge: hz