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The Communist Youth League's "Green China" live broadcast activity to help farmers was launched

Time of publication: 2022-05-20 06:09:00 Author: Zhang Min Source: China Youth News

Beijing, May 19 (Zhongqing Daily · Zhongqing Network reporter Zhang Min) The first live broadcast of the Communist Youth League's "Youth Work China" in 2022, sponsored by the Youth Development Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and organized by the China Youth Daily, started today.

This activity is an important carrier of rural rejuvenation youth and meritorious action, focusing on green development, old area construction, national unity, rural culture and tourism, farmers' harvest festival, targeted assistance and other aspects, taking the four seasons solar terms as a node, respectively, "Green China, Spring Ploughing Hope", "Green China, Summer Ploughing Dream", "Green China, Autumn Harvest Fruits" and "Green China, Winter Tibet Future" For the theme.

During the period from May 19 to 31, the event was broadcast live on platforms such as Fasthand, Tiaoyin and Taobao to help rural agricultural products go up. Zhang Wenliang and Qiu Ruilin, the winners of the "China Youth May 4th Medal", Li Yasen, the representative of the collective honor winners of the "China Youth May 4th Medal", Wan Yawen and Fan Jiang, the "National Pioneers of Rural Revitalization", as well as literary and artistic workers Gao Yalin, Xu Wenguang, Yan Xujia, Jiang Chao, Miao Jie, and the anchors Xue Peixiang (Er Liang), Zhang Jing, Ren Yannan recorded videos, Endorse the agricultural products of their hometown. In addition, Lu Zhankai, Wu Huanjiang, Ren Qiangqiang, Ge Rongzhuom, Jin Guowei, Gong Hongyu, Wang Jianhua and other public welfare anchors will participate in the live broadcast of agricultural assistance activities at the same time. Quickly provide traffic promotion, public welfare anchor with goods and other support for the event.

The agricultural products promoted in this activity include red dates and walnuts in Xinjiang, donkey hide gelatin and black sesame balls in Shandong, soybean oil, Wuchang rice, peanut oil and corn in Heilongjiang, secret sauce of braised prawns in Hubei, secret old brine, oil spiced peppers, kiwi puree in Liaoning, Chongming rice in Shanghai, hawthorn strips in Shandong, black rice medlar vinegar, etc.

It is reported that since its launch in October 2021, the Communist Youth League's "Green China" live broadcast agricultural assistance activities have continuously improved the working mechanism, established the "Green China" live broadcast agricultural assistance alliance, established the "Green China Preferred" product library, and held e-commerce training demonstration classes, e-commerce exchanges and other activities, which have had a good social impact and achieved positive work results.

Source: China Youth Daily

Editor in charge: Gao Xiumu