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Youth Advancing Brilliantly - Youth League organizations at all levels widely carry out educational practice activities themed "Welcome the 20th National Congress, Always Follow the Party, and forge ahead on a new journey"

Time of publication: 2022-05-05 00:46:00 Source: Xinhua

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 4 Title: Youth Advancing and Brilliant -- Youth League organizations at all levels widely carry out educational practice activities themed "Welcome the Twentieth National Congress, Follow the Party Forever, and forge ahead on a new journey"

Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Yue

When spring is warm and flowers are blooming, youth is just right. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League deployed and carried out educational practice activities with the theme of "welcoming the 20th National Congress, always following the Party, and forging ahead on a new journey" throughout the Communist Youth League.

Youth League organizations at all levels have carefully designed and carefully organized a series of activities that are rich in content, diverse in form and close to the youth. The majority of young people collide with ideas, gain and grow in the activities, and practice "youth oriented to the Party, making contributions to the new era" with practical actions.

   Upgrade the form and promote the Party's innovative theory to reach the youth and the people

Never stop learning when you are young. In order to make the Party's voice reach the youth as widely as possible, the Youth League organizations at all levels transform the "big principles" into "small stories" to improve the effect of learning and education in the form that young people like to see.

The Youth League Central Committee produced and launched the online theme group lesson of "Youth Great Learning" and the online theme group lesson of "Red Scarf Love Learning". With the form of "organized learning+new media carrier", the group has covered more than 500 million league members and 230 million young pioneers, promoting the integration of youth learning into daily life and focusing on regular activities.

Relying on Wangdao Youth College, Zhejiang Yiwu has established more than 40 propaganda groups, such as "Wangdao Youth (Youth) League", and carried out more than 1000 thematic propaganda activities at the grass-roots level; The members of the Red Scarf Tour Group in Xining, Qinghai, made online presentations around the theme of "knowing the 'five only ways'"; Tianjin organized young Marxists to train engineering students to clock in at the Memorial Hall of the Consciousness Society to immerse themselves in learning the history of China's youth movement.

History is the best textbook. Taking the former site of the First Youth League as the carrier, Guangdong launched such high-quality lines of youth movement history education as "exploring the origin of the Communist Youth League and inheriting the spirit of the First Youth League", so that young people can understand their original intention in pursuing the heroic struggle of revolutionary ancestors; Shanxi compiled the Annals of Shanxi Province · Communist Youth League Annals, drew the Historical Map of Shanxi Youth Movement and Communist Youth League, and showed the historical track and struggle footprints of the Communist Youth League of Shanxi through one file, one old photo, etc; Inner Mongolia inspires young people's learning enthusiasm of "learning by answering" and "learning by answering" through points ranking and prize incentives, so as to make theoretical learning practical and detailed.

Various measures have been taken to promote the normalization and long-term effect of Party history learning and education, guide the majority of young people to unswervingly inherit the red gene, and keep walking on the new road to the exam.

   Strive to be a pioneer and lead the youth to make contributions to the grassroots and the people

Youth, striving to achieve the most beautiful scenery. Youth League organizations at all levels, in combination with thematic educational practice activities, mobilize young people to work hard and make new contributions in the "main battlefields" of rural revitalization, epidemic prevention and control, and ecological civilization construction.

Young League members are everywhere on the front line of epidemic resistance. Youth League organizations at all levels in Shanghai lead youth League members to "sink" the front line, "rush" the front line, "fight" the front line, and "defend" the front line; The Beijing Communist Youth League organized and mobilized more than 10000 young people to participate in the frontline of community epidemic prevention and control, nucleic acid detection, community duty, material distribution and other work; The Jilin Communist Youth League produced interactive products such as "epidemic line youth video chronicles", "youth war epidemic" and "diffuse" stories "to guide young people to strengthen their confidence in victory and help prevent and control the epidemic.

Volunteering, young people compete. Shenyang, Liaoning Province launched the "Youth Neighborhood Gang Group" care action. The first group of more than 100 "gang leaders" provided purchase, purchase and delivery services for the elderly, the disabled, left behind children, etc. in a combination of online and offline ways, and provided care services such as "cloud based" companionship for medical staff families. Tibetan Youth League organizations at all levels mobilized more than 1300 young volunteers to plant more than 7000 trees, to support green development and participate in the practice of ecological environment protection.

Young builders stick to their posts and burn their youth. In the South 4 Offshore Wind Power Project of Shandong Peninsula, the young team of "Striving for the Sea" is home to everyone. In the offshore booster station without water, electricity and beds, they have stayed for more than 30 days, working hard day and night to ensure that the project is put into production on schedule.

   Focusing on needs to solve the problem of teenagers' "anxiety"

Since the implementation of the theme education practice activities, youth league organizations at all levels have deeply promoted practical activities such as "I do practical things for young people", focusing on employment, housing, marriage, education and other fields to help young people solve difficulties and worries.

The Anhui Communist Youth League launched a series of public service job fairs to serve youth employment, built a "cloud recruitment" employment platform, so that the majority of young people can "face to face" with enterprises at home. More than 10000 enterprises provide more than 20000 jobs for young people, and effectively solve the youth employment problem.

In order to popularize the knowledge of drug control and prevent drug crimes among young people, Dingxi, Gansu Province, has carried out in-depth drug control publicity and education activities for young people, and further improved their awareness of drug awareness, drug prevention and drug rejection through online law popularization, offline lectures and other forms.

Hubei Yichang created conditions for young people to make friends, carried out fellowship activities, attracted more than 2500 young talents from all walks of life to participate in the activities, added emotion classes, and guided the majority of young people to establish a correct concept of marriage and love.

Sichuan focuses on the actual needs and safety problems of left behind children, gives full play to the role of the "Children's Companion Plan" project and the "Children's Companion Mother", develops safety plans and preventive measures around the prevention of abduction and infringement, carries out safety self-care education, etc., and improves the safety self-care awareness and ability of left behind children.

Editor in charge: Gao Xiumu