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Zhang Xiaomei: Why am I optimistic about the role of the BRICS mechanism in promoting China Africa relations?

Time of publication: 14:42:00, August 21, 2023 Source: China News Network

China news agency, Johannesburg, August 20: Why am I optimistic about the role of the BRICS mechanism in promoting China Africa relations?

——Interview with Zhang Xiaomei, a well-known politician and social activist in South Africa

China News Agency reporter Wang Xi

At the time of the BRICS Summit in 2023, the BRICS mechanism in the post epidemic era will play a more and more important role in the development and promotion of Central South Africa and China Africa relations, and will be increasingly concerned by the people of China, South Africa and other countries.

Zhang Xiaomei, a well-known politician, social activist and member of Parliament of South Africa, recently received an exclusive interview with China News Agency on "East West", and talked about the significance and good prospects of China South Africa and even China Africa exchanges and cooperation under the BRICS mechanism.

   The interview is summarized as follows:

China News Service Reporter: Please sort out the development of the BRICS mechanism.

   Zhang Xiaomei: BRICS cooperation began with the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting held during the United Nations General Assembly in 2006, and was upgraded to a leaders' meeting mechanism in 2009, which is held once a year. In 2011, South Africa officially joined, and the BRICS countries expanded to five countries, with the English name of BRICS. Since 2009, BRICS leaders have held 14 meetings and 9 informal meetings. The 15th BRICS Leaders' Meeting will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Since the establishment of the BRICS mechanism 16 years ago, the foundation of cooperation has been increasingly consolidated and the fields of cooperation have been gradually expanded. Led by the leaders' meeting, supported by the meeting of foreign ministers and the meeting of senior representatives on security affairs, the BRICS mechanism has carried out all-round practical cooperation in dozens of fields, including economy and trade, finance, science and technology, industry, agriculture, culture, education, health, think tanks, and sister cities Multilevel architecture. With the growing national strength of the five countries, the BRICS cooperation has gone deeper and deeper, and its influence has gone beyond the scope of the five countries. It has become a constructive force to promote world economic growth, improve global governance, and promote the democratization of international relations.

China News Service Reporter: What are the characteristics of the development of China South Africa relations under the BRICS mechanism?

   Zhang Xiaomei: The People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa established diplomatic relations in 1998. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, bilateral relations have developed comprehensively and rapidly. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between South China and China. It can be said that the establishment of diplomatic relations between South China and China is a major political decision made by the late former President Mandela on the basis of adhering to the one China policy. Over the past 25 years, no matter how the international situation changes, the South African government and people have always adhered to the political commitment of the one China policy, laying a solid political foundation for the comprehensive and rapid development of bilateral relations.

In particular, under the active drive of the BRICS mechanism and other platforms, as well as the joint efforts of both sides, South China relations have achieved a leap forward development from partnership, strategic partnership to comprehensive strategic partnership, showing three major characteristics of strategic, all-round and multi-level cooperation, with four major advantages of political mutual trust, economic and trade mutual benefit, people friendly and international cooperation, Supported by four cooperation mechanisms and platforms, namely, the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, BRICS Cooperation, the Belt and Road Initiative and South South Cooperation, it has brought tangible benefits to the two peoples.

On October 13, 2022, the international train "Tianshui, China Cape Town, South Africa" was successfully shipped. This is the first special train for agricultural products from China to Africa shipped from Gansu. Photographed by Li Zhijie

China News Service Reporter: Under the influence of the BRICS mechanism, what is the effect and influence of the development of China South Africa relations?

   Zhang Xiaomei: After 25 years of continuous development, and driven by the BRICS mechanism and other platforms, South China China relations have always maintained a good momentum of development: first, political and strategic mutual trust has been significantly enhanced; Second, China has become South Africa's largest trading partner, major source of investment and tourists, and the most reliable partner for South Africa to achieve socio-economic transformation and development; Third, people to people and cultural exchanges take the lead; Fourth, we should work closely in international and regional affairs and firmly safeguard the common interests of the two countries and developing countries.

On July 23, 2023, the South African Elvis Dance Art Troupe, who participated in the 6th China Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival, arrived in Urumqi by plane. The organizers welcomed guests from afar with Xinjiang songs and dances. Photographed by Liu Xin

South China and China have always adhered to the strategic and long-term perspective of looking at and developing bilateral relations, and have always understood and supported each other in the process of exploring a development path consistent with their national conditions.

China News Service Reporter: What is the biggest significance of China South Africa exchanges and cooperation under the BRICS mechanism?

   Zhang Xiaomei: The rapid development of South China China relations has accumulated many valuable experiences. First, adhere to equality and mutual trust as the guide, respect each other's core interests and major concerns, conduct friendly consultations in case of problems, and never impose their own will on each other or interfere in each other's internal affairs; Second, always adhere to the principle of mutual benefit and win-win results, and commit to promoting inclusive, win-win and sustainable development between the two countries; Third, always adhere to the people as the center. Everything is for the benefit of both peoples, and never at the expense of each other's interests; Fourth, we should always adhere to the principle of fairness and justice, work together to maintain world peace and promote common development, never arbitrarily break the rules, and sacrifice the common interests of the world's people for our own interests.

South China and China are both important developing countries and emerging market countries. They are important members of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, the BRICS, the G20 and the United Nations. They have become important political forces to promote democratization of international relations, economic globalization and trade liberalization, It has a special mission to safeguard the common interests of developing countries and emerging economies.

Mandela Square, Johannesburg, South Africa. Photographed by Wang Xi

More importantly, the two peoples have deepened their understanding of each other and forged profound friendship. For example, many South Africans are now working in Chinese funded enterprises in South Africa and are proud of this. They believe that the Chinese people are more friendly and sincere, and more compatible with African culture. In particular, many South African students who have returned from studying in China will choose to enter Chinese enterprises on their own initiative, because they can speak Chinese and understand China, virtually acting as an important bridge between South China enterprises and the private exchanges between the two countries.

China News Service Reporter: Under the influence of the BRICS mechanism, what is the future trend of China South Africa relations?

   Zhang Xiaomei: After the end of the COVID-19 epidemic, South China relations entered a new stage of rapid development. The South is willing to work closely with China to fully implement the important consensus and achievements reached by the two heads of state.

Specifically, first, the two countries should continue to maintain high-level exchanges of visits and mutual understanding and support on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns, so as to lay a solid political foundation for the development of bilateral relations; Second, give full play to the exemplary role of the "Belt and Road" initiative, and focus on strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation in key areas such as infrastructure construction, human resources development, and production capacity industries; Third, continue to promote exchanges and cooperation between research institutions, scholar think tanks, news media, etc. of both sides, and provide intellectual support and friendly environment for the development of bilateral relations; Fourth, we should work together to meet global challenges, firmly uphold multilateralism and the free trade system, resolutely oppose unilateralism and trade protectionism in any form, and safeguard the common interests of the two countries and developing countries.

China News Service Reporter: How do you respond to the argument about "China's neo colonialism in Africa"?

   Zhang Xiaomei: There is an old saying that "adversity shows true love". In the last century, China supported African countries such as South Africa, Zambia and Tanzania to end the apartheid system and achieve national independence. South Africa and African people are grateful. Among them, the most well-known is the Tanzania Zambia Railway, which was built with China's assistance. This project is not only remembered by the Tanzanian and Zambian people, but also enjoys high visibility throughout Africa. Therefore, China has also proved to Africa that both sides are 100% brothers and comrades in arms.

Qiu Ma, a 67 year old Tanzanian employee of the Tazara Railway, showed his calligraphy work "Long live Tanzanian China friendship". Jiangshan Photography

As South African President Ramaphosa and other African leaders said, China did not colonize Africa. Africa China relations are equal, friendly, mutually beneficial and win-win relations between brothers. Africa China practical cooperation has improved the infrastructure and people's lives in African countries. African countries have their own judgment on who their true friends are. (End)

   Interviewee Profile:

Zhang Xiaomei. Photographed by Wang Xi

Zhang Xiaomei is a well-known politician, social activist and member of Parliament in South Africa. In recent years, it has been committed to building a friendship platform and bridge between China and Africa.

Editor in charge: Ji Jiaqi