Follow the General Secretary to see China | Let cultural relics live

Source: People's Daily Online   Author:   Published on: 12:36, May 23, 2024
People's Network    Author:    2024-05-23

"We should earnestly implement the work requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on adhering to the principle of protection first, strengthening management, exploring value, effective utilization, and making cultural relics live, and comprehensively improve the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage." On the afternoon of May 16, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed when visiting Yuncheng Museum on his way to Shaanxi.

"The General Secretary talked with us while watching. He looked at the stone silkworm chrysalis, painted pottery basin in Dongzhuang, and the barren curtain of the national tomb in Shicun, Xiaxian County." This emphasis made Wei Long, then the director of the Yuncheng Cultural Relics Protection Center, feel a great responsibility.

Yuncheng, Shanxi, is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization, which has bred the earliest farming civilization in China. It is said that Emperor Shun once stroked the banjo on the bank of Yuncheng Salt Lake and sang the oldest song in Chinese history, "Song of the South Wind".

"With the coming of the south wind, we can solve our people's anger. With the coming of the south wind, we can enrich our people's wealth." After the 2024 Spring Festival, amid the sound of books, Yuncheng Renmin Road School's distinctive "first lesson of school" went into the museum to let cultural relics speak, history speak and culture speak.

There are more than 35000 pieces in Yuncheng Museum, including 675 pieces (sets) of precious cultural relics - the "century dawning ape" fossil about 45 million years ago, advancing the origin of higher primates by 10 million years, shaking the assertion that "human beings originated in Africa"; The stone carved silkworm chrysalis unearthed at Xiyin Site is 6000 years old, which is the earliest silkworm chrysalis image found in China; The Dongzhuang painted pottery basin, about 6000 years ago, is still bright in color, reflecting superb pottery making technology; The excavation of Jianning Monument in the Eastern Han Dynasty filled the gap of no Han Monument in Shanxi

"We should prove to the world that the Chinese civilization is the only civilization in the world that has been passed down to this day without interruption." Facing the students' eyes, Wei Long's words were forceful and forceful, "Museums are important places for collection, research, interpretation, display and education, supported by cultural relics. We must protect and utilize cultural relics and protect and inherit cultural heritage as we care for our own lives." (Dong Tong)

Edited by: Wu Jiahong
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