International critical comments: Lai Qingde will be nailed to the stigma column of history

Source: CCTV News Client   Author:   Published on: 11:55, May 23, 2024
CCTV News Client    Author:    2024-05-23

△ The eastern theater released the map of the "United Sword - 2024A" exercise area

From May 23 to 24, the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army organized forces such as the theater army, navy, air force, and rocket corps to carry out the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise around Taiwan Island, focusing on exercises such as joint air and sea combat readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive control of the battlefield, joint precision targeting of key targets and other subjects, warships and aircraft coming close to the battle patrol around Taiwan Island, and integrated linkage inside and outside the island chain, Test the actual combat capability of joint operations of theater forces. This is a just move by China to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, a strong punishment for the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces seeking "independence", and a serious warning of interference and provocation by external forces.

As a "pragmatic worker for Taiwan independence", Lai Qingde, the leader of Taiwan, made a speech on "May 20" that was a thorough "confession of Taiwan independence", seriously provocating the one China principle and seriously undermining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. It can be said that the "independence" is extremely strong and does great harm. From any point of view, the mainland's countermeasures are legitimate and necessary.

In terms of wording, Lai Qingde used the word "China" to refer to the mainland and the word "country" to refer to Taiwan throughout his speech. He publicized the so-called "sovereign independence", "non subordination between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits", "self-determination of Taiwan residents" and other separatist fallacies, and tried to make a big fuss on the so-called "state" identity, replacing cross-strait relations with bilateral relations. If Li Denghui, Chen Shui bian and Tsai Ing wen had tried to play a side game in their inaugural speeches before, Lai Qingde's speech was tantamount to a direct showdown, eager to reveal the true face of "Taiwan independence", extremely aggressive and more radical.

In terms of content, Lai Qingde's speech is full of lies and deception. He swore in the "Constitution of the Republic of China", which reflects that both sides belong to the same China, but preached the "two countries theory" in his mouth. This is sheer deception! Under the guise of "peaceful and common prosperity", Lai Qingde claimed that cross-strait tourism exchanges could be restarted and degree students could come to Taiwan to study. But the fact is that the inability of mainland residents and students to travel and study in Taiwan is entirely caused by the DPP authorities. More importantly, Taiwan is a part of China. How can we say "bilateral reciprocity" cooperation? This shows that Lai Qingde has no sincerity to promote cross-strait exchanges at all, and he delusions to position Taiwan and the mainland as "two countries" and "Taiwan independence".

No matter how Lai Qingde whitewashed it, he could not cover up the fact that he sold the "two countries theory"; No matter what guise is used, it cannot hide the enormous harm it has caused to peace in the Taiwan Strait; No matter how you play word games, you can't hide the essence of being a traitor to the mainstream public opinion in the island and a destroyer of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the region. We hope that the people in Taiwan will keep their eyes open.

Taiwan's public opinion points out that Lai Qingde is the "golden sun of Taiwan independence", which is the biggest hidden danger of cross-strait conflict. Zhao Chunshan, an emeritus professor at the China Mainland Research Institute of Tamkang University in Taiwan, said that he had never been so frightened when he studied cross-strait relations, which was close to a dozen. The latest TVBS poll shows that 53% of the island's people are not confident that the newly appointed DPP authorities can handle cross-strait relations.

Taiwan is China's Taiwan, and compatriots on both sides of the Straits belong to the Chinese nation. For the DPP authorities to collude with external forces to provoke "independence", the mainland has long said that they must counter and punish. Otherwise, once Lai Qingde, who has forgotten his ancestors, implements all kinds of fallacies in policy actions, the Taiwan Straits will inevitably fall into a dangerous situation. This joint exercise and training around Taiwan Island in the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is a firm punishment for Lai Qingde's provocative acts, and also a firm guardian of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the well-being of Taiwan compatriots.

Taiwan is the core of China's core interests. Peace, development, exchanges and cooperation are the common aspiration of compatriots on both sides of the Straits. "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits. It runs counter to the interests and well-being of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. Advise the DPP authorities and external forces: immediately stop the dangerous act of seeking "independence"; Otherwise, every provocation will be countered; The more provocative, the more counter productive. No one should underestimate the strong determination, determination and ability of compatriots on both sides of the Straits to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity!

(International Sharp Review Commentator)

Edited by: Wu Jiahong
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